I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 478

At this time, suddenly, Li Yan's cell phone rang.

[Boom boom boom!!


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the caller ID. It turned out that it was a call from [Taki Today Fumi].

"It's so late, what's the hurry to call me?" Li Yan thought for a while and answered the call.

"Hello, Senior Takimoto, what can I do?" Li Yan asked with his cell phone.

Soon, what Nifumi told him on the mobile phone made him startled a bit, always feeling that things were a little too strange.

"Okay, let me go over." Li Yan said to Fumi Takimoto.

After finishing the call, Li Yan went to the room on the other side of the Human Settlement Group.

It was almost one o’clock at the moment. However, it was finally time for travel and vacation. Iori Mitsu, Toyama Run, and Apokankaizi went to the town’s restaurant to enjoy food and wine. It happened that these three were the most courageous female employees. Three.

Outdoors, there is heavy snow.

Cold, the road by the river has to be said to be colder.

Wearing warm clothes, Li Yan walked out of the house to see the situation.

In the old lodging houses of the group of Aoba and Nisfumi, I heard Aoba's claim that he saw Yukihime. Out of curiosity and out of curiosity, but also out of a group of female employees to sleep peacefully, Li Yan endured this. Come out and take a look.

With the help of moonlight, Li Yan quickly saw a figure squatting on the snow with long black hair on the crooked riverside road a hundred meters away from the door.


Hearing the sound of stepping on snow, soon, the black-haired girl in thick white clothes turned her head and looked over.


Li Yan was dumbfounded.

It was indeed a "Snow Girl", and the breath that repelled strangers just now was exactly like killing a few people, making people feel bitterly cold.

However, under the shining of the flashlight, it was not a monster at all, but a high school girl who wandered out without going to bed late at night.

Yukino under Xuexia still didn't sleep.

"Senior?!" Xuexia Xuena was taken aback and asked in surprise.

"Second Miss... Wait a minute, why are you here alone without sleeping?"

Li Yan was a little surprised, looked at Xuexia Xuenai, and asked.

However, the mystery was also solved at once, no wonder Aoba mistakenly regarded Xue Na as the Snow Girl. After all, from all aspects of the characteristics, it was indeed possible to reach the point of being fake.

"...I should ask this sentence, why did you suddenly run out in the middle of the night, are you nocturnal? It's quite scary to think about it."

Xuexiaxue asked with a trace of indifference.

As soon as I heard it, Yukino Yukino was in a bad mood, and it seemed that it was not a good time to talk to her.

"Are you running away from home?"

Li Yan thought for a while and asked.


Xuexia Xuenai looked at him quietly, then ignored him, stood up and said.

When Li Yan stood up, he quickly saw something familiar.

The snow rabbit made by Li Yan himself seems to have been destroyed by the snowman Aoba "on duty". At this moment, Xuexia Xuena seems to be silently repairing.

"Ahem, um, it's okay now, are you still outside?" Xuexia Xuena realized that her goal was exposed, she looked at Li Yan and asked immediately.

"...I'll do it."

Li Yan squatted down and repaired the destroyed snow rabbit again. This kind of craftsmanship that requires ingenuity in building a snowman actually cannot last long in the snow and wind. Although it is not clear why Xuexiaxue tried to repair it, but A little help is not impossible.

Xuexiaxuenai was surprised, looking at this snow hare, it was restored once again, in the abandoned snowdrift.


She was silent, and finally, her eyes gradually warmed in the chill of the ice and snow.

"It turns out that this snowman was made by seniors."

Xuexia Xuena said with a smile.

In the gray night, under the snow, Xuexue's long hair, dark as ink, drifted slightly in the snowy fog. The forest was quiet, as if in the snow forest, only two people were left here.

An unknown emotion seemed to flash through the girl's eyes, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Why are you here too, senior, come to travel?" Yukoshita Yukino asked.

"Eh, didn't the eldest tell you?" Li Yan asked.

"...I don't speak much to her." Xuexia Xuena was silent for a while, and said frankly.


Li Yan didn't know exactly what Xuexia Xuenai's concept of family affection looked like.

He can understand that Yang Nai is almost a perverted sister control, because the deeper he likes it, the more indifferent he is to his sister. Yang Nai and Xue Nai, the two names, are as incompatible as the sun and the snow... But Yang It is the expectation of Xue Na, perhaps more rational.

Li Yan told her about joining Eagle Jump.

"Feiying jumps on the company. That's how it turns out. The seniors have suspended publications for a while, and once again are out of business."

Xuexiaxuna nodded.

"No, writing scripts is actually a novelist's main job..."

Li Yan corrected Xue Nai's comment a little bit.

"So, are those petite girls with double ponytails a colleague with the senior?" Yukino Yukino was silent for a while, and then suddenly asked.


Li Yan didn't know why, Xuexia Xuenai looked at his eyes and recovered a little bit of chill. She stood in front of him, waiting for Li Yan's reply.

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