I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 479

"...I am a junior."

Li Yan explained.

"I understand." Yukino Yukoshita said.

In a piece of white snow, Li Yan's flashlight illuminates the front of him.

From beginning to end, Xuexiaxuenai did not explain why she came from the house. She seemed to have been under the pressure of her family in this way. She could see clearly, and she could see in the mist.

Stepping in the snow, Li Yan asked: "This time it's just you and your family... Do you still go out on vacation with Ye Shan's family?"


Yukino's fingertips pinched the corner of the clothes and said.

The cold wind was blowing on the girl’s long hair. Under the dim moonlight, her expression was calm and she seemed unwilling to talk more. She bluntly said: “If you are on vacation, of course, it’s with your family and business alliance families. The other people in, always need to keep their distance."

"...I see, you shouldn't say that in your house so directly."

Li Yan said helplessly.

The meaning is quite clear.

Yuihama Yui and Hachitani Hachiman, as Yukoshita Yukino's best friends, seem to be unimportant in the eyes of the family.

"Senior, I haven't asked you, why are you coming out so late?" Yukino Yukino asked.

Naturally, Li Yan would not reveal the misunderstanding of her as the Snow Girl Monster. He said, "I saw a figure outside, so I came out to remind."

As a result, Li Yan and Xuexia Xuena returned to the hotel soon.

"Thank you for sending me today, so... good night."

Yukoshita Yukino stood under the warm light, with a little warmth on her delicate and elegant face, and after a slight nod, she went to the hotel's rich man's room.

This trip was held to celebrate the successful release of the game, but in the joyful Eagle Jump team atmosphere, the counterpart was the back of Yukino under the snow drowned in the snowstorm.

During this period of time, Xue Nai did not come with anyone, just a lonely figure...

"By the way, the second lady."

Li Yan looked at the background, suddenly decided something, and said.


Xuexia Xuenai was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Li Yan, not sure what Li Yan had to say to her.

Li Yan said: "Tomorrow, follow me... Let's act, just need you to find excuses, can you?"


Xuexia Xuena was slightly stunned, her cheeks flushed suddenly, and she was silent for a moment, and said shyly and embarrassingly: "If... it doesn't affect the mood of you and your younger generation, it's not impossible..."

After a short snowy night gathering, after all, in the cold world, at this moment, there was a bit of warmth.

Late at night, one hour.

Fumi Taki, who was anxiously waiting for news, suddenly received a text message today.

"That's great, Aobachan... All you see is a girl walking."

Taki said with a shy smile on his face today.

"That's it, it scares me..."

Cool breeze Qingye covered her heart, and then said with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, Aoba, you are true, too. Mingming Narumi only told some scary fictional stories. Since it's true, like a child." Iijima Yukino said with a smile.


Aoba lowered her head helplessly, but was eventually exposed.

"...Wait a minute, although Xiaoming's story is indeed scary, but these stories are indeed widely circulated in Rock Valley Town, and it is not Xiaoming's fiction."

Mochizuki Hongye heard it and said immediately.


Suddenly, all the girls in the room who were originally afraid in secret turned pale.

That night, the girls in the human set and voice actors made a unified decision and turned on the lights all night.

Chapter 255 The Anecdote of Uesugi Yan

Seven o'clock in the morning.

[Boom boom boom!

A crisp knock on the door made Li Yan couldn't help but open his eyes.

However, the first sensation immediately disturbed his whole body.

It's cold, it's so cold!

Li Yan suddenly opened his eyes, and then his body retracted back into the warm quilt without being asked. The temperature outside almost dropped to an unacceptable level.

At the moment the temperature outside the house is minus 15 degrees, and the temperature inside the house is 6 degrees.

"...Help, how come it feels colder than yesterday, I can't stand it even when the heater is turned on."

Li Yan shrank his whole body, thinking helplessly.

As the only temporary employee Li Yan who lives in a single room and can finish the game script work at night, the single room with only one room has some problems with the heating system and insufficient heating, so it will be colder to stay here.

For Japanese people who are generally used to wind and snow, this is nothing, but Li Yan may be one of the most cold-stricken humans in Japan.

At this time, a beautiful and lovely girl voice came from outside the door.

"Senior, everyone has gotten up. We are going to the restaurant for breakfast together."

Standing outside the door, wearing an orange Japanese-style warm bath suit and wearing a family's clothes, the cool breeze Aoba, who kept her long hair, smiled, knocked on the door again and said.

"Wait a minute..."


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