I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 482

In the gusts of cold wind, gradually, the gray sky began to fall into the snow.

The lively streets were full of people, and a series of vermilion Japanese lanterns swayed slightly above the street...


Two young girls stood in the vast crowd, and the cool breeze Aoba and Xuexiaxue carrying shopping bags were a little at a loss.

It took about 20 minutes to shop and try on clothes. When I came out of the store, I was completely lost in the street by such a crowd, and separated from Li Yan and others.

Aoba and Yukino suddenly realized each other's existence, and immediately looked at each other.

Although they have been shopping together for a long time, their connection is only to act together with Li Yan as the middleman, but they never thought that the perineum would become a group of two by mistake.

As a result, after the two had bought the present, they went to the bus stop and waited for the others to come back here to gather.

"...Bad, bad!"

Aoba suddenly felt nervous in her heart. She hadn't thought about how to communicate with Li Yan's younger generation. She always felt that this girl had a sense of difficulty in communicating.

"But, sure enough... it's really beautiful, especially when you get closer. Senior, you are really sinful..."

Aoba raised her hands in front of her chest, a bit unwilling to admit this.

"Um, my name is Liangfeng Qingye, please advise..."

After a moment of silence, Aoba finally mustered up the courage, and immediately bowed to Yukino Yukoshita and introduced herself.

"Yes... My name is Xuexia Xueno, please give me your advice."

Xuexiaxue Nai was taken aback for a moment, and then responded.

"Xuexia...Xuno, it's such a nice name." After Aoba heard it, he was taken aback, and then said with a bright smile.

"...Thank you." Xuexia Xuenai paused, and thanked him slightly.

In front of me, the falling snow is so beautiful.

In the small town bus, after a moment of silence, Xuexiaxuena asked curiously: "Just take the liberty to ask, Miss Liangfeng, how old are you?"

"Now 18 years old."


"what happened?"

"...Nothing, sorry."

"So, Yukoshita, how old are you this year?"

"17 years old."

"Haha, then Xuexia is one year younger than me, and he is now in the second year of high school."

Aoba said with a smile on the baby face.

Xuexia Xuena felt a little surprised. At the beginning, she couldn't guess that this little girl who was acting with Li Yan was at most a junior high school student, but in fact, the other party could still be her senior.

"Cool breeze... Senpai, that, you and Uesugi-senpai... have always been acting together in the game company?"

Standing in the blizzard, Xuexia Xuena looked at Aoba and asked.

Cool breeze Aoba froze for a moment, then became a little nervous, and said with a polite smile: "Yes, yeah, a few months ago, my senior and I started to know each other, and I made games together after entering the company."

"Is it hard to make games?" Yukoshita asked.

"No, making games was originally my volition, especially when I had seniors in the company. They gave me a lot of encouragement. I have always been very happy and I am very fortunate to be able to spend this time."

Liangfeng Qingye said with a sunny smile.

"...I can understand."

Yukino Yukino listened quietly, and she said, "Following the senior, you will definitely encounter many meaningful things..."


Aoba was taken aback for a moment.

I don't know why, this sentence was not only said by Yukino Yukoshita, but also when she spoke to Shiina Shiba.

"That one……"

Suddenly, Aoba seemed to want to catch something, and asked, "Yukishita-student, if you can, tell me a little bit about seniors, can you?"


Yukino Yukino looked at her in surprise.

Liang Feng Qingye's expression was quite urgent, as if he had expected something, and he looked worried and troubled.

White snowflakes fly and fall on the bus station.

Chapter 256 New Game!!!(Volume ending)

In the evening, the time is 17:30.

After a whole day of shopping, skiing, and sightseeing, the journey of this day is basically over.

The wind and snow outside the hotel were rustling, and it was still a cold day.


The girl is in trouble.

At this moment, it is night, and the snowy mountains in the night are particularly cold, but in the hotel, there is a sauna room for girls who like beauty to enjoy.

Sauna room temperature: 45-50 degrees.

Cool breeze Aoba and Taki Fumi stayed in the sauna room together, quietly enduring the hotter temperature than summer.

The cool breeze Aoba whose hair style has become the head of a bun is cold. Compared to Aoba, who is biased towards children, Ni Fumi has an excellent figure, exuding a charming ambiguity in the sultry air. sense.


Liangfeng Qingye made a troubled sound, seeming to have been worried.

"what happened?"

Taki Fumi became slightly curious today and asked.

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