I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 483

"This...Family senior..."

Liang Feng Aoba was finally asked this way, and the secret in her heart began to shake. She hesitated for a while, feeling that Nifumi is a person who can be trusted, and finally said: "...that, senior Nifumi, I know someone, However, I heard some of his deeds from the other's friends, and I always feel...something is too exaggerated, and it makes me a little confused about the reality."

"Deeds?" Nifumi blinked slightly and asked.

"Yes, some exaggerated deeds, but the other party doesn't look like a joking person." Aoba sighed and said.

"Is it important?" Nifumi looked at Aoba's tangled appearance, and asked about things like deeds that didn't need to be so serious.

Aoba's blushing face was steamed and nodded silently, and said, "It's important."


Takitoday Fumi quickly guessed that Aoba seemed to be entangled in Uesugiyan's anecdote. The person who can't lie should be mentioned by the beautiful younger Uesugiyan.

"Wait a minute, it's so hot, obviously I'm irritable enough, that...Senior Nissumi, I'll go out for a little bit of cool breeze, because cool breeze is cool breeze!"

Cool breeze Aoba didn't wait for Taki's Fumi's reply today. She really couldn't stand the heat, so she hurriedly said, covering her towel and rushing out.

"... Was it a cold joke just now?"

Rifu is wonderful and curious.

After a while, Aoba ran back, holding two snowmen who didn't know how to pinch it out in his hands.

"Yes, back!"

Liang Feng Qingye hugged her body and said, "But it's still cold outside."

"It's hot and cold like this, it's easy to catch a cold." Taki reminded Fumi today.


Liangfeng Qingye responded with a smile, and then she took out two snowmen and placed them beside her.

"With the company of Snowman, it will be more comfortable." Liangfeng Qingye said with a smile.

Taki Today Fumi always feels that Aoba's approach is turning the cart before the horse.

"Mr. Snowman, how is the environment here? It's very hot, right? There is a job here for you to allocate a little bit, and that is to make the temperature here a little bit lower..."

Aoba showed a cold-blooded expression, playing with the snowman, and said.

"..." Today Fumi always feels that Aoba in a certain secondary second entertainment period is quite scary.

"Yes, yes, Aoba sauce..."

Takimoto Fumi said, "What is the exaggeration of that person's anecdote?"


Cool breeze Aoba came back to his senses, then he thought about it, and said, "Senior Nissumi, do you think that as a home teacher, you will be bullied because of a student, go to drive alone to open the door of the opponent, sneak in and teach the opponent's boss? "


Taki Fumi blinked today.

"When hunting down the gangster boss, I was shot and discharged from the hospital in a week..."

Cool breeze Aoba continued.

"Should... It should be impossible."

Taki today replied with an awkward smile on his face.

"That's right……"

When Cool Breeze Qingye heard it, she smiled and said.

However, no matter how much Taki does not pay attention to Fumei today, I can see that the cool breeze Aoba is quite contradictory at this moment. It is obvious that such rumors are so exaggerated that most people will not believe it, but the more Aoba looks, the more tangled it is. It's a proof of more confidence.


Cool breeze Qingye held the snowman, and fell into a daze.

"Aoba-chan...you should still believe it?" Taki asked Fumi today.

"...Yes, I believe it."

Liang Feng Qingye lowered her head with a bitter smile, and said, "If it were someone else, I would never believe it, but... it's strange. If the senior had such an experience, I would believe it... "

"Obviously it sounds like a fake experience, and I was shot..."

Liangfeng Qingye's voice became smaller and smaller, and she sighed slightly, seeming to be a little immersed in a complicated conflicting mood.

Today Fumi was silent for a while, and gradually revealed a sweet smile, and said, "Ao...Aobachan, is your idol Uesugiyan-sensei?"


Cool breeze Qingye was stunned for a moment, but this sentence suddenly rushed into her heart.

After hesitating for a long time, she smiled, shook her hand, and said: "Where is it, how can it be, Uesugi is a novelist, although I also work on game scripts, but my dream is to design a teacher, of course an idol Or eight..."

The name of [Iori Light], which is always on the side of my mouth, seems to be stuck in my heart at this moment, and I can’t say anything...

That one can always meet a strange young man who hurriedly rides his bicycle to class at the subway entrance...

In the bookstore, after hearing her cry, walked over to see the suspicious senior...

Sharing the fun of making game scripts, talking about losing the game and winning the back of the players...

All the time, not caring about her studies, her choices, a certain light novel writer who taught her a lot of social principles...


Liangfeng Qingye's head gradually dropped.


"Obviously my ambition has always been to design a teacher, but when it comes to idols, I am no longer Guangjie..."

Liangfeng Qingye's eyes moistened, she immediately recovered, wiped her eyes, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Sorry, Fumi-senior..."

"It's okay, Aoba-chan..."

Nifumi looked at Aoba's reaction and said with understanding.

However, this time, it was her turn to hesitate.

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