I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 489

[Okay, everyone should have been waiting for a long time. Today Miyano-san is thinking about his favorite anime again. During the break, I will play the theme song of "Super Academy War" The fire. Please enjoy it. .


Miyamori quietly listened to the sound of the other party’s throttle. Normally, she would only do so in provocative road races. She has always competed with various "racers" that the company knows, and even occasionally encounters professional road racers. , Won all the games without exception.

After being silent for a while, she finally started blasting the throttle, raising the tachometer, ready to soak in boredom, and ready to start.

As a result, the two cars trembled slightly, ready to make a start at all times.

At 11:22, the street light finally turned to green.

[Boom boom boom!!!

Two different cars started at the same time in the zebra crossing, and the road race outside Tokyo officially began.

The speedometer turned directly to 80 hours, almost running at the highest speed on this section of the road. The two vehicles seemed to vent their anger in the road race, making a rustling sound. The road was covered with snow and ice, and the wheels were extremely slippery. It's serious, but it's such a dangerous road, but it's hard for office workers who have been driving on this suburban highway for several years.

Suddenly, two cars of the same displacement competed against each other, because the speed of the car cannot be overspeeded, and for a time there is no difference between the winner and the loser.

The key to victory is still the continuous curve road in the second half.



As a result, Mr. Iwasa’s Nissan still made a mistake when cornering at high speed, and the rear of the car floated up, allowing the opponent to adjust its direction in an instant, and the car barely stopped in the snow.

The frightened Iwazu looked at Miyamori Aoi, who was running farther and farther. He was overwhelmed with anger, and a mournful voice resounded across the night sky.

"Miyamori, it was won by you again!!!"

"Hee hee, let's take it, Mr. Iwasa."

Gong Senkui said with a hearty smile.

However, just as Miyamori was about to slow down, in the rearview mirror, in the snow, a black Toyota Supra began to quietly catch up from another lane, shaking constantly in her rear view. In the mirror.

"Well, did another one come as a result?" Gong Senkui thought curiously.

When racing, she always meets wild street racers, and she is not surprised.

This sleek modified car with the nickname "Cow Devil" was so weird in the dark that Gong Senkui was a little concerned. However, there was still a way away from home. She continued to step on the accelerator and began to accelerate. Drive this Toyota Supra.

Under the night sky, after a few consecutive turns, Gong Senkui finally started to use the handbrake and began to float, beautiful and perfect, and a piece of snow and fog was splashed. However, such a few perfect and elegant turns would throw away the rich second generation dedicated Modified car.However, just after leaving the corner, the black Supra appeared like a ghost in her rearview mirror again.


At this moment, Miyamori's pupils suddenly contracted, and the hands holding the steering wheel became tighter.

"...Is it professional?"

The girl's palms were sweating, and she thought suddenly.

However, even if she is a professional, she will not have the slightest sense of frustration. After all, no professional racer in the 23rd district of Tokyo can surpass her business car on suburban roads.

As a result, in the snow, the clacking sound of the wheels of the two vehicles rolling over the snow continued to resound on the open road. The brakes and the roar of acceleration, all kept tightly at the speed of 80, and the competition was fierce.

Although the opponent is a racing car and her is a commercial car, the straight sprint does not make much sense. The most direct test is the continuous curve in the mountain road, and the opponent can bite.

[Yes, I've been waiting, everyone.How about the theme song of "Super Academy" after listening to it? Is it passionate?


Gong Senkui's heart is more than surging with passion, he has almost felt as if he was burned.

"What's the matter, what's the matter with this guy?"

Miyamori thought in astonishment.

However, after entering the one-way street, in the seventh sharp turn, Miyamori, who was tense, proficiently continued an elegant time. As a result, in the second lane, the black sports car directly followed her car. Floating in parallel...

For a moment, Gong Senkui felt that he was defeated.


Gong Senkui looked at each other, but the sky was too dark, and the car owner sitting in the window was not clear.

The two cars drifted past together, but the Toyota Supra directly passed Miyamori's car and continued to the dark corner. The white car that was left behind gradually stopped on the side of the road...

[The next topic, I still like the animation of the bloody plot.That kind of never-say-fail mood is definitely something that everyone cherishes and admires?



The car lights flashed with hazard warning lights, and Gong Senkui looked at Supra, who was no longer visible, and understood the feeling of losing...

The next day, in the afternoon, after school.


Li Yan yawned, a pair of dizzy dark circles under his eyes looked at the time, ready to go back to sleep first, and then start reviewing.

He put the bicycle back to the place below the apartment, and then walked upstairs with his schoolbag.

[Boom boom boom!

On the first floor, Li Yan's cell phone rang.


After seeing the call notification, Li Yan answered the call immediately.

[Hello, is Uesugi Senpai?

"It's me, Aoba." Li Yan said.

[Ah, senior, good afternoon, sorry, that, senior knows a lot about universities, I want to consult seniors...]

As a result, Liang Feng Qingye told Li Yan about his regular holiday and went all out to go to the University of Fine Arts, and asked some things and precautions about the university entrance examination. After all, even the Academy of Fine Arts, the cultural department must I asked about the precautions for the exam and the interview.

After chatting for a few minutes, Aoba finally decided to go to Musashino Art University based on various considerations.

"I heard that this is one of the best art universities in Japan. Are you well prepared?"

Li Yan was a little surprised and asked.

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