I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 490

Musashimori University, even if Eiri takes the exam, it feels a bit tricky for the art university.

[It’s okay, the teacher said that I want to take the five art universities in Japan. After all, my cultural subjects can be admitted to ordinary universities, but... I still don’t know the options for choosing a school. As expected, the nearest Musashi is Sen is the most suitable.

Liang Feng Qingye said with a laugh on the phone.

"Then if you need my help, just ask me directly..."

When Li Yan was speaking, he couldn't help but continued to yawn.

[Hey, the senior is not very energetic.

"...Yes, I ran there yesterday...It's okay, I'm always busy until late. There is an important class today, and the mental drain is too great. Aoba, you are good."


After finishing the call, Li Yan wiped his eyes. On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday morning or evening, he went to the driving school in Chiba to learn the car. The driving schools in Tokyo are overcrowded with the test. I don’t know how long it will take to get a driver’s license. .As a result, under the introduction of Shizuka Hiratsuka, Li Yan went to the driving school in Chiba to practice and test.

"In order to facilitate driving in the future, I can only get the certificate as soon as possible." Li Yan thought.

However, last night, in order to rush back to sleep, a white car always blocked him and prevented him from overtaking. His car skills were quite good. I really felt that there would always be inexplicable car owners on the road at night.

When he walked to the fifth floor with his schoolbag, unexpectedly, a familiar figure in a school uniform had been waiting at his door for a long time.

"Ah, otaku Lee, good afternoon."

Sawamura Ying Riri saw Li Yan at the top of the stairs and said with a gentle smile.

Li Yan looked at Ying Lili with a gentle face, and then at her suitcase for painting. He could tell at a glance that the person was not good, and he turned around and prepared to leave.

"What do you mean by this guy, don't plan to run away, hurry up and help me draw together, and think about how many times your guy has troubled me a year!"

In an instant, Ying Lili clung to Li Yan's arm and yelled angrily.

As a result, Li Yan was in the living room with a tired face, helping Ying Lili start some coloring work.

"As a result, you just can't finish painting at all." Li Yan lowered his head, already a little proficient in manga processing, vomiting.

"Less long-winded, draw more quickly, or we won't be able to meet the deadline!" Ying Lili said in annoyance, wearing thick-rimmed glasses and never stopping the brush.

"By the way, don't you have a high reputation for manga now. Would you like to hire an assistant to help you draw together?" Li Yan looked at Ying Lili and asked.

Ying Lili was silent for a while.

In her mind, she quickly remembered the scene at home. She is different from Sayuri Sawamura. She doesn't like to set up a studio outside and likes to stay at home and work. However, she thinks of her mother who looks like her in her early twenties. , Every word and smile are charming and beautiful, and she often runs to her room to harass her work and study, her childlike innocence... If there are outsiders, she always feels that being seen by others like her mother is particularly embarrassing.

"Forget it, it's better to draw comics by myself. I have no plans to ask an assistant at the moment." Ying Lili replied after a while.

"Obviously I can't finish painting, why do I have to animate it in such a hurry..."

Li Yan asked curiously, however, he suddenly realized something.

Eriri and Shiina Mashiro debuted at the same time in the field of manga. Eriri is temporarily ahead of Shiina Mashiro in performance and reputation. However, it seems that because Shiina draws faster, the animation proposal has been put on the agenda by Sanwa Bunko.

As a result, Ying Lili barely made enough progress to make eight or nine episodes, but suddenly began to announce the animation...

"Is Ying Lili just planning to rush to animate works in front of Zhen Bai?" Li Yan thought to herself with embarrassment.

However, Ying Lili said nothing about Li Yan's questions.

"Right, otaku Li..."

Ying Lili remembered something, she said: "Can you accompany me to an animation company on Sunday?"

"Animation company?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

"Yes, the qualifications of this animation company are pretty good. Don’t my comics sell well? Although not as many as you, they are at least popular works. The animation production rights are vying for the production rights of many companies, but there is one company. I’ve been working hard and attentively. I was a little moved by what they said, so I agreed to go over and take a look on Sunday. Isn’t your work going to be animated for three seasons? Help me see if that company is worth it trust?"

Ying Lili asked the sketch carefully.

Li Yan pondered for a while, and said, "No on Sunday. If you want it, tomorrow. On Sunday, several of my classmates and I were invited by the professor to have dinner. The invitation of the teacher must never be missed..."

After all, Mr. Ogura, an external physics professor at the University of Tokyo, has lived in the United States for more than ten years. For students who are very important, they will be invited to dinner at home to cultivate a relationship between teachers and friends.

This gray-haired old man, although stubborn and withdrawn, is quite American. After his divorce more than ten years ago, there were not many students and close friends who could make friends. He has always lived alone in the category area. One house built.

"...Okay, let me talk to the other party on the phone. It will be fine on Saturday." Ying Lili also understood, pondered for a moment, and then said.

After the time was set, the heating was turned on in the living room in advance, and there was a blizzard outside the balcony.

"I'm hungry, I'm staying for dinner tonight, otaku Li, I want to eat braised pork."

Suddenly, Ying Lili said without raising her head.

"..." Li Yan's expression became complicated. How should I say, Ying Lili used to solve the problem of three meals here, but in the end he did not give him food.

Friday is the easiest time for Li Yan to have four hours of rest.

It wasn't until the night that Ying Lili barely caught up with the progress, and took a ride away contentedly, leaving Li Yan, who was overworked and thin-faced.

Then, he officially entered the rest mode.

After reviewing his homework for an hour, Li Yan began to sit around, go to Zhenbai and Qihai to eat some snacks, then went to Xiaolin's house to eat, and finally borrowed games from Gabriel, and played easily at home. Only after such 3A masterpieces as "God of War" did I fall asleep in peace and rest.

However, in the early morning, at 6:50, there was still light snow outside, and when it was freezing, his doorbell rang.

"Good morning, is Mr. Kashiwagi at home? I'm the production of Musashada Animation, and my name is Aoi Miyamori. Please advise."

Standing in front of Room 505 of the Yiyuan Apartment is a professional girl with a delicate appearance, serious and energetic eyes, and short brown hair, who is about 21-22 years old.


Li Yan, whose hair was dazzled, was suddenly stunned.

what happened?

Why did the animation company look for Mr. Baimu and find him directly in front of his house?!

Soon, Li Yan could guess the reason. Yinglili didn't even plan to understand what this animation company was like. Probably all day Saturday would be her precious time locked in her room to catch up on the draft. Directly hand over the job of finding a production company to him.

"...What's wrong, there is no response at all?"

Gong Senkui, who has always maintained a polite smile, faced a young man who had just woke up and seemed to be quite afraid of the cold. The expression seemed quite unexpected, and then turned into annoyance and distress, making her completely confused. .

To make matters worse, such an awkward meeting, I don't know how long it will last.

However, something strange is that when Gong Senkui looked a little longer, Mo Ming felt that this man grew up quite pleasingly.

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