I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 495

"??" Ema Anhara blinked and looked at the figure in surprise.

"Mr. Kashiwagi... Excuse me... is that Mr. Kashiwagi?"

After hesitating for a while, Ema Yashara asked in a low voice with a surprised and curious look.

The sudden acquaintance caused the professors around Li Yan, Hagi Village Bell, and other students to focus on him...


Li Yan felt that the professor's sharp gaze fell on him. He always felt that he didn't know whether the temperature had dropped or the mentor's eyes were chilling, so he took a guilty conscience and glanced at the next professor.

As a result, the gray-haired professor was looking down at him coldly at the moment, a pair of eagle eyes bursting out a strange breath.This terrifying scene immediately made Li Yan's face pale, knowing that he was in a bad situation.

"Ema, this guy is not surnamed Kashiwagi, did you admit the wrong person?" Professor Ogura asked, turning around.

"Eh...Is that so? But..."

Anhara Ema asked curiously.

"No, we have indeed seen...that, in fact, my name is Li Yan, I am an overseas student from China, and I am currently a student of Teacher Ogura. Please take care of me."

Li Yan felt that the situation became more complicated as he went, and hurriedly introduced himself.

Ema Yasahara was holding the gift package, and she was taken aback. The manga artist who was good at drawing GL comics in front of her was a foreigner and a top student at the University of Tokyo!

"Yes, it is!"

However, she also remembered that she just went to the apartment to apologize, she immediately recovered, bowed quickly, and cautiously said: "Yes... I'm sorry, my name is Anbara Ema, and it's Musashi. Trainee original painter of Tian Animation, please advise!"


I don't know why, Ogura Yan stared at Li Yan again and again, making Li Yan always feel that his teacher must have misunderstood something, fearing that the future will be difficult.

However, what kind of character Ogura Kenichi is. In a simple observation, from the self-introduction of Anwar Ema Association, I know that Anwar Ema and Li Yan should have just met each other not long ago. Although I want to know more, I still hold back Up.

"Okay, Ema, sit down."

Professor Kenichi Ogura said.

"Yes." Ema Anhara responded.

She looked around, and it turned out that the other University of Tokyo students all seemed to have an indescribable sense of oppression, except that her father had a lot of contact with the "Kashiwagi-sensei" whom she had been in contact with before, and there were golden-haired people here. The little girl was here, and based on short-term trade-offs, she directly chose to sit between her father and Li Yan.

Soon, some students asked about the different surnames of Professor Ogura and Ema Yasahara. After Professor Ogura’s announcement, everyone learned about their teacher’s basic situation later. However, Li Yanhe Hagi Suzu is an anecdote that has been known a long time ago.

Ema Anbara is 22 years old this year, more than one year older than Li Yan and others. However, she looks exactly like a high school student. The boys who are already ready to get the phone number or line account of the other party all hope Under Professor Ogura's majesty, he dared not make the slightest move in the end.

As it approached noon, the banquet between the masters and students of Dong had finally ended. After saying goodbye to each other, the students began to go to the tram station and take the tram back to their residences.

On the streets of the residential area heading to the station, Ema Anhara finally found an opportunity. After most of the people had left, she once again focused on Li Yan.

"Kashiwa Wood..."

She whispered lightly.

As a result, soon, she realized something and changed her words and said: "Mr. Li..."


When Li Yan heard this, his entire body straightened up, turning around and said.In any case, at this moment, he already understood that this girl who poured his milk turned out to be the daughter of his teacher, and did not dare to offend or neglect, and stood in front of her properly.

"Um... Yesterday, I was very sorry, but I didn’t say that I’m sorry at the end... Therefore, today I specially asked Xiao Kui to take me to your home, but you were not at home and I never thought that you were my father’s student. Yesterday, I didn't mean it. Please accept these gifts."

In the cold winter streets, this delicate girl was a little shy, with her white cheeks flushed from the cold or caused by her introverted character. She bowed her head, closed her eyes nervously, and put her hands in her hands. Handed his gift bag to Li Yan.

At this moment, behind Li Yan, there was obviously an incredible twisting force monitoring him, making him sweat in fear while he was clearly in the cold wind.

"Miss Anyuan, it's not that I'm impolite, you at least look at your father at this moment about to throw me into a black hole, squeezed by gravity into the shape of Chinese fried noodles for lunch..."

Li Yan was in a dilemma. The Ema Anhara in front of him seemed to really want him to put it away, so she could feel relieved, but the pressure from a daughter behind him also made him breathless. It was a life-and-death decision. ...

"You are polite, if there are some expensive gifts...I will not dare to accept..."

Li Yan said a little more.

"No, it's not an expensive gift... I probably can't afford such things with my salary..."

Ema Yashara listened and then explained, but soon he hesitated, and some deep and nice voice gradually calmed down.

"..." Li Yan realized that Ema Anhara seemed to have noticed her father's side.

"Sorry, I said something strange..."

Ema Yashara reacted quickly, and said with a somewhat complicated expression.

Li Yan was silent for a while, and finally understood what he should do better. He accepted the gift and said, "...No, please don't take it to heart. This is the best way. Thank you for your gift, Miss Anyuan."

However, his mood also sank to the bottom, basically he can't imagine what kind of life he will face in college in the future...

"Well, thank you."

Anhara Ema noticed that the thing in her hand was light, and then raised her head and saw that Li Yan accepted it, her expression relaxed slightly, and she smiled and said.

There are donuts and some snacks in the gift bag. They are not expensive items, but they are quite heavy.

After Ema Anbara returned to her father's side, Hagiura Bell, who had witnessed everything, walked up to Li Yan and said sadly to Li Yan with a complicated face: "That's great, Li, you can eat until the teacher thinks. If you want something that you can’t eat, in the future...Be mentally prepared."

"...Yes." Li Yan answered with a blue face.

[Hibiya, Hibiya Station is here!

In the train, all the University of Tokyo students basically transfer to other modes of transportation. In the row of seats in the car, only Professor Ogura and Ema Yashara are left.

"Now, you can tell me, how did you suddenly meet that guy Li?"

Professor Ogura finally asked.

Ema Anhara knew how her father cared about her network. When she was in the third year of high school, there seemed to be a boy who got closer, but was forced away by her father, although she always felt that her father was too sensitive. Some.


Anwara Mahjong accidentally collided with Li Yan, Li Yan took care of them both, and then learned about Li Yan's important identity from the company from Gong Mori, and so on, all told Professor Ogura.

After listening to Professor Ogura, his face was shocked, but he thought about it and asked: "...You said that guy Li is a cartoonist?"

"Yes, what Xiaokui told me, is there anything weird..." Ema Yasuhara found out that Kenichi Ogura didn't believe it, and asked.

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