I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 496

"...According to what I know about my own students, that guy Li can learn everything very well, but he has flaws in painting, and his hand-drawn analysis drawings are always messy. No matter how much he practices, his painting is not beautiful. It should be impossible for the guy to be a cartoonist."

Professor Ogura felt that in his daughter's words, he always felt that there was some logic incompatibility, one of which was here, said.

"……Is that so?"

Listening to his father's analysis, Anbara Ema also understood that his father's analytical ability was quite accurate, she was taken aback and asked.

"Dad...Do you seem to value that student very much? What kind of person is that international student?"

Anhara Ema rarely saw that her father would be so proactive and profound to understand her students, and asked curiously.

Professor Ogura was silent for a while, and said, "That guy is completely different from you. I cherish the hard-won opportunity and study hard, even if I like some boring hobbies, secretly writing novels in class, and studying video games. , But he never dared to neglect his studies."


Anhara Ema listened, and gradually lowered her head, her expression ashamed.

After all, for her own dream, she completely ignored the words her father had been nagging, and how much... also lived up to his expectations.

"However, he and you are sometimes very similar..."

However, as soon as the conversation changed, Professor Ogura said very contradictory words.

"Huh?" Ema Anyuan was taken aback for a moment, looking at this strict father.

"He entered the interview stage with the second score in the written test. I and other examiners plan to see if he has enough patience to embark on the road of research..."

"As a result, the stinky boy at that time was young and frivolous. He was arrogant and dared to refute openly after a little stimulation. Those eyes fighting for his dignity and path... are exactly the same as when you told me to choose an animation career. ..."

"..." Ema Anhara was dumbfounded, looking at her father.

Professor Ogura calmly continued: "Now he is more stable than he was when he started. It seems that he has encountered many things. His tone is getting more and more stable, and his work is becoming more and more thoughtful. I understand a little bit from his progress. Because of your persistence, poor communication with other students, and silently doing strange things, it is generally a reassuring student, but..."

Sometimes, when Professor Kenichi Ogura went to the university library, he would occasionally see Li Yan reading in the literature library.

But only once, he saw this student standing in front of a bunch of ancient and modern love novels from all over the world. He seemed to be puzzled. The feeling of decline and hesitation shouldn't be his age. Owned... but never saw that he would borrow that kind of reading material.

This proud disciple seems to be hiding something and can't let go of...

Does anyone, regardless of age, occasionally get confused like this?

After talking about this, Kenichi Ogura looked at Ema Yasahara and said meaningfully: "At that time, I suddenly thought, Ema, you are so young, would you show this expression...Because of my father, I still trust some future. Pressing on you makes you have a bad life...I have reflected on it carefully..."

Under the sun, this teacher who has been aging and always protecting his daughter looked at Ema Yashara next to him, and said: "From now on, you can move forward according to your dreams and draw beautifully. The animation comes out... Father will always support you, Ema."

Anhara Ema opened her mouth slightly, she was extremely surprised when she heard it. I don't know why, but after a minute and a second, she actually wanted to say thank you to her father whose attitude changed sharply, but she couldn't say a word.

Instead, her eyes gradually moistened. Finally, she pursed her mouth slightly and lowered her head, her eyes covered with delicate bangs, tears streaming down.


The tram quietly shuttles through the steel forest of Tokyo, and the warm sun shines on the family at noon. The dream may have been realized on the road, going further and further, but when the dream is understood by those who wish to understand At the time, it seemed that the dream was only one step away...

"Li, you guy...do you really draw any GL books? And you are still a famous painter?"

The following day on Monday, in the bright morning, at the Academic Affairs Office of Dongda University, Professor Kenichi Ogura was finally uneasy and asked in front of Li Yan.


Li Yan was dumbfounded on the spot, looking at his teacher in disbelief.

What this unsmiling teacher is talking about, I don’t understand at all. What GL book, Geochron Laboratories (company) or the physical term Greatest Length (the maximum length), doesn’t it refer to some kind of diary of Good Lucky?!

It should have nothing to do with Baihe, 18X or other small books...

"No, I mean those comic books with unhealthy content." Professor Kenichi Ogura corrected Li Yan's speculation without changing his face.

Li Yan suddenly remembered that he had participated in the inspection activity of that animation company as teacher Kashiwagi. Now Ying Lili will be hurt!

"Wait a minute, teacher, these are all misunderstandings, I don't know how to draw that kind of thing!"

Li Yan panicked and hurriedly explained.

Professor Ogura said, "Really? But don't you have a precedent. When you study games in class, I always think you might study more weird things later."

"No, no matter how curiosity is, I won't study the ethical story between two women..." Li Yan said with a complicated mood.

However, Li Yan’s explanation is still full of too many facts that need to be concealed, including his identity, and the matter of Ying Lili, although in the end he persuaded his teacher to confirm that he did not follow the "wrong way" by means of assurance. Study hard.

However, the so-called rumors, that is, ignoring the truth or not, the more they spread out, the more outrageous things are spread. I don’t know why, maybe a student of the Student Union heard some rumors. As a result, an international student in the Physics Department hides his identity and sells doujinshi The rumors of the famous teacher of GL in the meeting spread like wildfire... A few days later, it has spread to Li Yan's own class...


Hagi Village Bell kept a sufficient distance with a complicated expression and looked at Li Yan.

"You guy, really a dangerous person." Hagiura Bell said with a disappointed expression.

"That's all rumors!"

Li Yan explained helplessly.

"...Well, Amakusa-senpai and Sky-senpai asked me to ask you, do you often molest the three of us?" Hagi-mura Ling asked with a black face.

"Reply to Amakusa-senpai, let them not think too much..."

Li Yan's heart was somewhat fragmented, and said weakly.

In such a sudden disturbance, Li Yan, who had no relationship at the University of Tokyo, and no female relationship, seemed to realize that the girl who knew him kept a greater distance from him...

Friday afternoon, Yiyuan Apartment.

Ying Lili was eating pineapple shredded pork fried rice with relish. After listening to Li Yan talking about the rumor that he was a GL book master at the University of Tokyo, he said, "It's totally nothing to do with me."

That kind of natural expression of the beautiful girl really shakes the pot faster than anyone else.

"The direct reason is that you are good at making opinions. Let me investigate the misunderstanding caused by the animation company on your behalf?!"

Li Yan held the bowl and said angrily.

"Idiot, otaku Li, you don't need to worry about such rumors at all, as long as the things you draw are actually seen by them, the rumors will naturally be shattered."

Ying Riri explained: "That's why I tried so hard to hide my identity. You probably understand my difficulties?"

"This is the end of the matter for the time being. I personally went to investigate that company. The strength is pretty good. What do you think, do you want to see it yourself, and let you go with Kagurazaka-san? Is the signing done?"

Li Yan sighed slightly, looking exhausted physically and mentally, and asked.

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