I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 502


Gong Senkui suddenly looked pale at Ema Yasara, who had been behind him all the time, her face turned pale, and asked: "E, Ema sauce, when were you here?"

"Huh? You came in at 8:40, Xiaokui, didn't you hear me?"

At this moment, Ema Yashara was wearing a suit jacket for women, and asked curiously.

"...Did you see all of them?" Gong Senkui asked in a low voice with her eyes jumping, showing an extremely embarrassing and shy expression.

"...Yes, it turns out that this video can't be watched together?" Ema Yasahara asked in surprise, looking at each other's expression.

As a result, Miyamori's slightly flustered voice came from the conference room.

"Ema...this video thing, absolutely, never say anything, please!"

Snowy weather.

At ten o'clock, Ema Anhara got up from her desk, took off the dust-proof hand cover, took the cup to drink some hot water.

In front of the drinking fountain in the original painter’s work area, Ema Yasara had just poured hot water. When she was about to leave, she suddenly noticed that there was a strange figure peeping under the snow-covered trees on the road opposite the company. .


Ema Anhara was a little curious about who the figure was. However, shortly afterwards, a black sports car stopped at the door of the company, and there seemed to be guests arriving.


Ema Anhara was taken aback for a moment, looking at the car.

The model happened to be the Toyota Supra. The photos of this car were printed by Aoi Miyamori. Then she took a look at the license plate. The license plate clearly stated: Shinjuku 78-80, which is exactly the same as Aoi Miyamori. The cars hanging in it are exactly the same.

"Isn't this car the opponent Xiaokui has been looking for..."

Anhara Ema looked at the movement downstairs in surprise, thinking.

However, what is even more frightening is that inadvertently, in the blizzard weather, the person who got out of the driver's seat of the car was a figure she knew completely...

"...It's a lie?" Ema Yasahara whispered with a look of surprise.

The world seems to be big, but sometimes it’s just like "bumping" together...

During the blizzard, Li Yan parked the car in a temporary parking space, and the car got off with Yinglili and Kagurazaka Iris.

"It's so cold, it's true that signing the contract at this time is the worst." Ying Lili trembling with cold, complained.

"Yes, yes, but I'm here, just finish the final work."

Kagurazaka Ayame smiled and said.

"I don't know at this time, did Ms. Miyamori fully understand what happened last night... Don't let me go in and be besieged by dozens of people in Musashida..."

Li Yanxin thought with lingering fear, after all, he is not familiar with Gong Senkui, and it is natural to worry.

Soon, the black Supra was covered by snow in the blizzard, and it was almost impossible to see its original appearance.

However, just as Li Yan was about to go into the company with Kagurazaka Acorus and Yinglili, he saw a familiar figure wearing a coat not far from the shade of the tree.


Li Yan's eyes widened slightly, and he looked at the figure avoiding his sight, but in the end, Li Yan remained silent, pretending not to see, and followed the figure of the Sanhe Bunko team in the vast white snow towards Musashida. Walking to the door of the animation company...

Chapter 263 Gothic Baseball Girl


Inside the company, Li Yan suddenly found a young girl with a different style of painting.

At ten o'clock, after a group of people entered the company, the discussion and signing of the production rights had been completely handed over to the experienced Kagurazaka Ayame. Li Yan did not need to participate in the whole discussion.

So, being curious about the animation company, Li Yan once again walked around the company for a while, and by the way said hello to the professor's daughter Ema Yasahara and Miss Miyamori.

As a result, as soon as I found the work area of ​​the painter in the direction of the guide, I heard a very familiar voice.

"Then, trouble you."

This girl's voice was very similar to that of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, deserted, elegant, and wise, as indifferently and noble as a noble girl in Europe.

Li Yan followed the voice and saw that in the characteristic office area of ​​the original painters, there was a black-and-white gothic suit with a wavy hairstyle on both sides of his smooth brown hair. His eyes were cold and energetic, white and beautiful. His face revealed a sense of paranoia and majesty.

The first impression is probably Cosplay. If this is the case, then this score is probably close to the point of full marks. It is just like walking out of the animation world alive, without any sense of violation at all.

However, this kind of temperament is quite familiar to Li Yan, the standard imperial sister temperament.

The legs in black stockings looming under the table are well-proportioned and aesthetically pleasing to Shiyu Kasumigaoka...

"Co splay...If Takimoto-san was here, she would be quite interested..."

Li Yan stood at the entrance of the office area, silently thinking.

However, at the moment of observation, Li Yan was noticed by this dedicated painter. She was slightly alert and raised her head to look at Li Yan.

"Excuse me, what's the matter, sir?"

The Gothic girl looked a little more indifferent and asked.

"...I'm sorry, it's okay, I'm from outside the company, I'm sorry to disturb you."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, knowing that he had disturbed the other party, and immediately apologized.

The girl was silent for a while, remembering something, and said, "That's it, I know sir, it's a guest who came to visit the company some time ago."

"Yes..." Li Yan replied.

The Gothic girl did not speak for a while, her eyes were calm and serious, and she looked at Li Yan's face, figure, and hands...

"Sorry, I was rude just now. My name is Ogasawara Runko. I'm glad to meet you. Well, Mr. Kashiwagi, can you take some time?"

After the girl named Ogasawara Runko introduced herself, she asked Li Yan a little bit.

Li Yan asked with some doubts: "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I have something I hope you can help."

Ogasawara Ronko stood up straightforwardly and asked: "I am currently working on some things I don't understand in terms of human settings. Compared to thinking about it alone, if there is someone else to help analyze, the work efficiency will be higher. May I ask you Would you like to help?"

Li Yan looked at the piles of scrapped manuscripts in the trash can, and he probably could see that the female painter named Ogasawara Runko was not lying.But he doesn't know anything about painting. Can he really provide some useful setting advice in the past...

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