I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 503

However, the human setting work of live animation is right in front of him, and Li Yan is interested in learning about it.

In the end, after a while, Li Yan did not dare to be rude, nodded and said, "I understand, I may not be able to help Ms. Ogasawara with much work, and I will try my best to provide assistance."

"It's enough to have this heart, thank you."

Ogasawara Runko showed a faint smile and said gracefully.

A cup of black tea with sugar, a bunch of books about drawing settings, and some figures of the animated figures recently released by Musashida Animation, pens and drawing papers for drawing... The animation company’s painter desk is basically placed These personal and office supplies.

"Have you read these comics?"

Ogasawara Runko put three manga books of the same series on the table, and asked Li Yan with her red eyes.

Li Yan looked at the name of the manga, and he saw the name of "Girl Alchemist". This series of manga is the latest work of the famous manga artist Ichiro Yamaguchi. He has learned more about it in magazines and replied in Jump magazine. Quite good, but still relatively low in the voting, the market is not as popular as Yinglili's "Soul Eater".

"Is "Girl Alchemist" ready to be animated?" Li Yan asked in surprise.

"Sure enough, you know, then, I can ask, what do you think of the protagonist of this manga, Esther Carpenter?"

Ogasawara Runko opened the first few pages of the manga introduction and asked.

"...I watched a little bit."

Li Yan looked at this fantasy series of comics with some cute styles, and after sorting out his remarks in his heart, he said: "I personally still prefer the hero of Ai Seer. This comic is a comic of girls and fantasy fighting. The selling point of the comic is the cute style. Yamaguchi-sensei’s style is very suitable for drawing styles compatible with fighting and cute styles. However, I personally think that Ethel’s appearance as the protagonist sets the main theme of this manga: at ease The daily life of alchemy emphasizes the sense of social reality, almost like a career introduction in the alchemy world..."

Ogasawara Runko listened, read the manga again, nodded, and asked, "...Yes, can you continue to analyze it?"

"...I personally feel that Yamaguchi-Sensei takes Ethel as a center, and directly incorporates some real alchemy and scientific stories in the Middle Ages into Ethel. She is clumsy, and her talent and comprehension ability are not as good as others. But she has the same tenacious and powerful curiosity and willpower as Madame Curie. When reading comics, this scene is quite shocking. Personally, I admire women like Ethel..."

When Li Yan talked about the structure and highlights of the story, he said quite clearly and clearly. Even in the comics, some foreshadowing lines and details that many readers did not notice can further enrich and understand the characters and the characters in this comic. The purpose of the story, Ogasawara Runko listened quietly, and she began to have a clearer understanding of the three-dimensional image of the character in her heart.


Ogasawara Runko listened quietly, and was always touched by the wonderful stories that Li Yan circled. Perhaps Li Yan himself adapted the story to a novel, which was quite incisive and interesting.

In the animation industry, comics are two-dimensional static story presentations, but animation can be rigorously classified as three-dimensional dynamic story presentations. It is definitely a difficult and professional technical work to turn comics into an animation that the audience recognizes and likes.

After a while, she began to pick up her special paintbrush again, like a conjurer, raising and lowering the pen, very cautiously and forcefully, and began to draw an animated version of the human design.

Li Yan quickly stopped his analysis, and it seemed that what he said was enough.

At this time, Li Yan really observed that the process of fictional illustrations and comics characters being adapted into animated characters, I have to say that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Miss Anwara, if you want to see it, get closer."

Ogasawara Runko spoke suddenly.

"?" Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

However, immediately, behind Li Yan came a soft cry of surprise from the girl.

Li Yan couldn't help but abandon his seat, looking at the puffy face of Anwara who was peeking at the painting process behind her, her cheeks were slightly flushed, and she looked at Ogasawara Runko who had not raised her head in surprise and surprise.

"Really...can it?" Ema Yasahara asked shyly, covering her heart.

"Yes, I will explain it a little bit." Ogasawara Runko said with a demure smile.


Ema Yasahara understood immediately. Without paying attention to Li Yan for the time being, she watched Ogasawara Runko painting one by one on the other side. The shy and introverted but serious, delicate girl hardly blinked her eyes, and silently understood it in her heart. success experience.

Soon, the human set was designed.

Compared with the comics, it is more plump and more mature to draw from various angles.


Anhara Ema said in surprise.

"That's it... This time it went so well, thank you very much, unknown teacher."

Ogasawara Runko put the pen back neatly, raised her head, and said to Li Yan.

"No, I didn't do anything, no thanks..."

Li Yan just wanted to follow social habits and be polite, but as a result, his right hand was held by a pair of warm girls' hands.


Li Yan and Ema Yasahara changed their expressions. Without saying a word, Ogasawara Runko suddenly stretched out both hands and held Li Yan's right hand.

"...I just saw that you are holding a comic book with your right hand, indicating that you are a normal right-handed. Judging from the distribution of finger cocoons, you should hold the pen for a very ordinary time, but there are thick cocoons left by computer typing on your wrist. Such people are generally not those who are excessively addicted to the Internet, or type more often. After all, when playing online games, the right hand usually uses a mouse, and typing is more often done with both hands. Painter's fingers, but this is rarely the case."

Ogasawara Runko looked at his palm sharply, and analyzed: "You have exercised well...do you know how to play baseball?"

Therefore, an excellent painter has an extraordinary ability to observe. When they first met, she observed his hands a little and analyzed what industry he might be in.

——The painter's finger, but it is rarely like this.

This sentence undoubtedly fully understands that he is a fake cartoonist, and more likely a novelist who deals with words...

"... In high school, I had some contact."

Li Yan was asked about baseball. After a while, he replied.

After Ogasawara Runko listened, his calm face finally showed a smile.

"If you come to Musashada Animation in the future, if you can take a break at noon, let's play baseball together. As a gift this time, I will treat you for the cost of playing."

After Ogasawara Runko finished speaking, he let go of his hand, and he seemed to understand the ability of the "cartoonist" in front of him.

In the company's lounge, the introverted Ema Yasara took the initiative to receive important guests from the company. It must be said that it was a relatively unique accident in the company.

"...Is Miss Ogasawara the character designer and chief painting supervisor?"

After listening to Ema Anhara's introduction, Li Yan asked in surprise.

"Yes, Ms. Ogasawara is very good. For the company, it is also the top animator, almost like the core of Musashida Animation." Ema Yashara smiled and explained.

At this time, Li Yan participated in the library company and the game company, and now he gradually understands that there are all kinds of strange people in the staff in the animation company...

"By the way, Mr. Li, you... can you drive?"

Anhara Ema was a little nervous, and finally, she asked with a bit of melancholy in a low voice.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, with some doubts in his heart, is it possible that Anyuan Ema hopes to go on Sunday?

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