I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 511

Li Yan looked at the red GNR clenched in the rearview mirror. Several actions seemed to crash him into the valley with the Supra. At this time, he was absolutely sure that this red sports car was quite similar to the Supra. The history of the festival.

Inadvertently, this race is like a contest between a street racer and a ground snake, and he is forced to run with a collision.

What is even more frightening is... the driving skills of the owner of this car seem to be vaguely superior to him, and he seems to be testing how fast he can run all the way.


"...Who is the other party, why do such unreasonable things?"

The wind in his ears would be a little too noisy, Li Yan once again looked at the red GNR swaying left and right in his rearview mirror, wonderingly.

However, during this period of fast racing, the most dangerous section of the mountain road has passed, and the four-lane road in the flat area is gradually beginning to usher in the four-lane road in the flat area. After placing the supra that was hit by the back several times, it suddenly floated out of the dark curve. , Accelerating towards the last section of the road down the mountain, while the red GNR is closely attached to the rear of the opponent's car, without falling wind at all.

Li Yan thought that he could attract the opponent to a safe area for a duel, but suddenly, the situation suddenly changed. On the road down the mountain, there was an S-shaped sharp turn. As long as the corner was passed, it was fine. Successfully passed all dangerous mountain roads.

Suddenly, the two cars started drifting in the last segment of continuous corners almost at the same time. The tires and the smooth snow made a [grabbing] tearing noise. Li Yan was able to maintain his advantage on the first corner, but immediately in S In the middle of the curve, the red GNR actually controlled the speed of the corner more perfectly than him. For a moment, in the wide position in the middle, the supra directly drove side by side with the GNR...

A piece of dark car glass could not see the driver’s face, and there was no license plate. Suddenly, the front of this car was directly mounted on the rear of the Supra. The Supra completely lost control, and the other side was directly mounted on the guardrail. on!

Supra braked sharply. Fortunately, the vehicle did not break through the guardrail and ran on the other side of the ramp, but finally stopped firmly in the back of the S curve...


Li Yan took off his seat belt and walked out of the car, looking at the red GNR that had drifted past with a complicated expression...

At that moment, he seemed to have completely lost this dangerous and sudden mountain racing game.Such terrifying driving skills have really tempered the vehicle to be like limbs, almost like the legendary red Shura, specially hunting and eating on the night of blizzard...

8:10pm, Musashida animation.

The scarred Toyota Supra slowly stopped not far from the building of the Musashada Animation Company.

Li Yan, who had just gone through a dangerous situation, was driving the car to the repair shop. Li Yan remembered about Ema Yashara, and took a detour to the side of Musashida Animation to see the situation of his mentor daughter .

As a result, in the bicycle parking lot downstairs of the company, that dilapidated bicycle was still...

"...Are you still working overtime during the Blizzard weather?"

Li Yan was a little surprised, looking at the direction of the original painter's work area on the second floor, thinking.

Today, Li Yan has begun to reduce the number of times he comes during the day. After all, in the daily line news, there will be Ogasawara Runko's time recording notice. In the recent period, Anbara Ema has almost worked overtime...

As a result, Li Yan, who had always been in a hurry to go home to review, and then rested early could only secretly wait in the dark on the side of the road. As a result, 8:30 passed, and 9:00 passed, until 9:25. After I saw the lights on the second floor went out, Ema Yashara came out of the company surrounded by towels and walked to the bicycle.

In the cold blizzard weather, this gentle girl kept breathing in her hands. Under the street lamp, her delicate cheeks were blown like red apples by the cold wind, giving people a hint of love and compassion in their hearts.

With an annual salary of 1.1 million, Professor Ogura's judgment is relatively accurate under the personal confirmation of Ogasawara Runko. Even Li Yan, who has a lot of contact with industries, is the first time he has learned that there is a low-paying occupation in Tokyo.Although Tokyo’s minimum wage is clearly required, the wages of original artists in animation companies seem to be products outside the legal system. In this country of comics, there are countless number of original artists who can become original artists of low-profit animation companies. The position of the teacher has always been wandering in the realm of gray and sacrifice. It is already a semi-open secret...

[Huhu] The wind, the snow is getting stronger and stronger.

In the night of falling snow, Li Yan calmly looked at the back of the girl who was pushing the bicycle hard in the wind and snow. He didn't know why. This should be sympathetic and lost. However, he had a hope for Ema Anhara. The expectation of being able to walk towards the dream...

"Miss Anwara, I have a clear goal that I don't have... I really deserve to be the daughter of Teacher Ogura. I understand a little bit why the teacher has been anxious and lost, but is not willing to intervene..."

Li Yan thought silently in his heart.

I look forward to the day when this girl who pursues her dream will overcome all kinds of difficulties and one day will realize her dream...

The next day, approaching the end of the afternoon.

A figure standing on the second floor passage of Musashida Animation, facing a lonely girl in the sunset seems to be worried.


Winter is the season of melancholy for girls.

A girl with short brown hair and a beautiful and sunny face, now she is supporting her cheeks with her hands, looking at the street scenery.

"...Well, although I don't think I should bother you at this time, but seeing your melancholy expression is a bit like Yan Yi's effect, so I thought it would be better to remind you a little..."

Li Yan saw Gong Senkui's melancholy expression alone at the door. He held Sanhe's file bag and looked up at her and said.

"Don't complain with such a cold attitude when others are in a bad mood, Mr. Li." Gong Senkui said with a straight face.

"Then what are you doing here alone, has something happened?"

On this day, Li Yan, who was planning to see the situation in person again, made some excuses and came to this animation company. At this moment, he was standing outside the door and asked curiously.


When Gong Senkui heard it, she looked a little hesitant at first, and gradually, her expression became a little awkward and disappointed.

"...Well, just ask a question of privacy, Mr. Li...what is your dream?" Gong Senkui asked suddenly.


Li Yan was taken aback, and suddenly felt that this empty and easily changeable concept was quite difficult to answer, but after all, it was Gong Senkui's question, and he also thought about it seriously.

"My dream... is to make steady progress and improve my life on the basis of maintaining the present."

Soon, Li Yan replied.


Gong Senkui was taken aback for a moment and blinked curiously, not understanding the meaning of Li Yan's dream.

"Wait, wait a minute! Strictly speaking, this shouldn't be considered a dream... In a dream, isn't it the expectation of a high-level achievement in the future? It's the first time someone will say that maintaining the status quo is a kind of dream……"

Gong Senkui said to Li Yan with a troubled look.

"If you are satisfied and happy enough now, then maintaining the present is a rare dream." Li Yan said with a smile.

Gong Senkui looked at Li Yan's smile, always feeling a bit foul...

"...That's right." Gong Senkui closed his eyes and reluctantly agreed with Li Yan's words.

Li Yan asked: "So, why did you suddenly become interested in this somewhat difficult topic?"

Gong Senkui was silent for a while, she closed her eyes thoughtfully, and said: "At noon yesterday, I talked to Ema about this topic... So, I am curious whether everyone has a dream. Most of the people have clear goals, but... I haven't thought about my dream until now..."

"Miao Sen, Director Honda is looking for you."

Suddenly, a petite girl with a light brown double ponytail appeared at the door of the company to remind Miya Senkui who had been resting all afternoon.

"Yes, I'm past now..."

Gong Senkui reacted and immediately turned around and said to his colleague.

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