I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 512

"By the way, Li, forgot to remind you..."

Suddenly, when Miyamori was about to leave, she recalled the important thing, her expression became serious, and she reminded: "The current Ema is a little depressed due to work problems, so please be careful to contact her temporarily."


Li Yan hadn't understood what Gong Senkui meant, showing a puzzled look. He just wanted to inquire about it, but Gong Senkui hurried back to the company building, too late to ask...

So, what happened during this period of time?

In the work area of ​​the original artist.

During the lunch break, painting reference books about various animals piled up on the desk. When everyone else was taking a good rest, Ema Yashara lowered her head and was still drawing the cat scene she received a few days ago. jobs.


Anbara Ema's emotions seemed to be a bit nervous and uneasy. The naughty cat in her painting almost always felt that something was wrong, which made her extremely painful.

——Eh, didn't it mean that there is only one card error that needs to be repaired?

——[Ms. Segawa seems to say that all modifications must be made, otherwise they cannot be handed over to the animation...]

All... have been denied!

The animator Misato Segawa passed this sentence directly to her through Aoi Miyamori.

Being so completely denied, this is undoubtedly a painful injury to Ema Yasahara, who has been responsible for the work and worked hard.

This kind of meaning is no less severe than telling her that she is not suitable for being an original painter...

She tried her best to revise the returned paintings, but no matter how many books Du spent little time studying, painting animals, especially cute animals like cats, she still did not grasp the inspiration and tricks...

The drawing paper in front of her was quickly crumpled into a ball by her and thrown into the trash can.

The sluggish creative state is almost the most terrifying nightmare of art workers, and Ema Yasahara seems to be forced into a corner at this moment. I don't know why, and I don't know what to do at this moment.

She felt a little thirsty, so she stood up with a cup and went to the drinking platform to fill up some boiling water.

However, while passing through the corridors of other departments, Ema Yashara heard some gossip words from female employees in the company departments.

"Recently, I always see the young man in white clothes coming to the company."

A female employee said with interest.

"Yeah yeah."

"However, you should save a little effort. This young man from Sanhe will go to Miss Anyuan from the art department every time he comes over. The purpose is obvious, so you should take a good look at the others."

"I've also heard, the rumor is true..."

Hearing this whisper, Ema Anhara was stunned, and then she lowered her head in silence, speeding up her steps towards her desk.

When he returned to the office area, Ema Yasahara's situation was slightly noticed by Runko Ogasawara sitting inside.


Ogasawara Runko was silent, observing a little, but did not make any moves.

In the quiet afternoon in the afternoon, in a conference room, after Li Yan authorized by Sanhe Library and the animation director, human designer and other department directors decided on the animation matters of "Soul Eater", they left the meeting.

"Li, can you give me this document to Ms. Anyuan and tell her that you must give it to me tomorrow afternoon, okay?"

At the moment, Ronko Ogasawara, who was still sitting quietly in his seat, looked faintly, suddenly stopped Li Yan and asked.

"……it is good."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, and he didn't quite understand Ogasawara's intentions, but he just happened to go to take a look at the movement of Ema Yasahara, and soon took over.

The evening sun shines in the entire office area of ​​the original painter, and in the end, there is only the beautiful back of the lonely working overtime...

Li Yan simply saw this atmosphere, and he was aware that something was wrong.

"...Senior Anhara."

Li Yan called to Ema Anwara behind.


Ema Yasahara's back was motionless.

"It's hard work. Miss Ogasawara asked me to give you this document..."



"As an important guest, why did Li Jun suddenly become the company's production..."

Suddenly, the uniform chill from the windows hit Li Yan in the house. The girl stood up and said to Li Yan indifferently.

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, looking at this delicate girl who was extremely depressed and lost.

"Did my dad call you...Is it? I've always been a little curious, even if you are my father's student, why do you care about me so much, come here at noon, secretly driving me back at night? It’s weird at home, isn’t it? Li, my father...now I don’t think I'm worthy of trust, let you come over to confirm and monitor me?

The luster of the evening sprinkled on her and him.

In the cold wind, Ema Anwara’s brown-green eyes flashed with tears. She stood in front of Li Yan, always lowering her head slightly, her voice was urgent and angry, and whispered: "Enough, Li, let me now Just one person!"

As she said, she walked around Li Yan's body and walked out, as if running away.


"..." Li Yan was silent, holding a file bag, and standing in front of this desk with scrapped manuscripts everywhere.

The snow on the eaves fell from the window in front of Li Yan, making a rustling noise...

Li Yan looked at the window and thought to himself, what Gong Senkui reminded him was this...

"Um... I'm sorry, I shouldn't lose my temper like this to the lovely junior."

Suddenly, behind Li Yan, a girl's voice that imitated Anhara Ema came.


Li Yan's expression changed with fright, and he turned around and looked around, but saw the Gothic Lolita, Ronko Ogasawara, who showed a faint smile after the prank.

"...Are you scared, but I don't think this dubbing effect matches Yasahara's personality." Ogasawara Runko said with a light smile.

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