I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 514

"This time you need to be professional, and I not only invited you over, but also called another cat over."

Li Yan said.

"...What does this mean?" Teacher Cat looked at Li Yan suspiciously, and asked suspiciously.

After some explanations, Teacher Cat quickly understood.

"What, just let me be a model?!" Teacher Cat suddenly opened his eyes and asked in surprise.

"It's nothing big this time, but you have to." Li Yan lowered his head and looked at it and said.

Cats are a scarce resource.

Among the people Li Yan knew, the only cat owners were Natsume Takashi, Hazuki Shizuku, and the Higiya family.

Higiya Hachiman is the only junior who has a normal domestic cat, but when the other person lives in Chiba and chats on the line, Hachiman is willing to borrow cats, but ordinary cats are not willing to be touched, and they are brought here and back Some were too troublesome, so Li Yan dispatched Shuiyun and Teacher Cat.

"Don't be kidding, you called me over for this kind of thing. Do you know how much I lost? Don't call me over for such a stupid thing next time!"

Teacher Cat is full of anger, ready to take his short legs and leave.

"If you like, three bowls of ramen with tempura."

Li Yan had already guessed that the other party would come to this set, stretched out three fingers and said.


Teacher Cat covered her mouth and asked in surprise.

"Lee, you see, this rolling posture doesn't look like a cat. Just use this method to let the woman know about creatures like cats..."

Teacher Cat was rolling in the snow and asked very hard.


Li Yan knows that Teacher Cat’s character is roughly like this, but in his eyes, he is really worried about Natsume Takashi's safety.

However, at this moment, the first people waiting arrived.


Suddenly, two young girls holding umbrellas appeared in the wind and snow.

Cool breeze Aoba and Taki Fumi walked to the campus together today, but when Aoba saw Li Yan's figure, he shouted happily.

"It's been a while, Aoba, and Nisumi-senpai."

In the cold wind, Li Yan saw Aoba and Ri Fumi, smiled immediately and said hello.

"Yes, thanks for your care."

Taki Fumi said with a faint smile today.

Fumi, holding a fat cat wearing a red scarf, and Aoba brought Shuiyun over to Tokyo University and loaned it to Li Yan.

"To be honest, Shuiyun is really heavy... I and Nifumi-senpai alternated several times before bringing it out of the company." Liangfeng Aoba showed an exhilarated expression, patted her completely invisible Arm muscles, said.


Shui Yun meowed.

"Thanks for your hard work, Miss Ye Yue."

Li Yan took Shuiyun from Fumi Takimoto and said.As a result, he always felt that Shuiyun was quite warm on his body, and there was a thud in his heart. He didn't know whether it was caused by Shuiyun's own body temperature, or whether the residual temperature of a certain part of Fumei was still in the fur of the cat...

"Dongda... Senior, you are amazing, you can get into such a place..."

Aoba became a little frightened, and whispered.

"...The brain is very clever." Rifumei praised it shyly.

"No, I didn't plan to enter Dongda at the beginning, but Waseda didn't want me, so I came to Dongda somehow."

Li Yan hugged Shuiyun, feeling the cat's snoring heartbeat. Hearing Nifumi and Aoba think so, he explained his dark history a little bit.

"...Is the genius answer the same?"

Aoba felt a little entangled in her heart, narrowed her eyes and asked in a low voice.

"However, I was able to enter the University of Tokyo, mainly thanks to the professor who taught me... So, this time I borrowed the cat to return the professor's kindness. I hope this time I can solve a problem slightly."

Li Yan held Shuiyun, with Teacher Cat standing on his shoulders, and said with emotion to Aoba and Nifumi.


In the end, Ema Anhara, who had been entangled, came to the school gate with the support of Aoi Miyamori and Runko Ogasawara.


Anbara Ema quietly looked at this top university in Japan, his father’s alma mater and workplace, and the university where his father had been expecting her to enter.

Is this place warm or cold...

She had never been here before. This time, it was Li Yan's invitation that she mustered up the courage to step into the forbidden area in her mind.

"Sorry for waiting, get out of class just ended."

At this time, Li Yan came to the school gate with an umbrella in a hurry, panting slightly, and said to the restrained and restless Ema Anhara.

"Yes... I just arrived."

Anhara Ema was a little shy and fearful, bowed slightly, and said politely.

On the campus of the University of Tokyo, just after class, a group of students began to come and go. The campus in winter seems to be a paradise in the city, with snow falling and people rushing.

With snow in the sky, you can see the building of the Yasuda lecture hall from a long distance, and you can see the castle-like building in the gray snow from a distance.

This is where her father lives and works.

"Originally it was ok in the company, but... I still think that individuals have to get rid of the state of work in order to find what they need in an environment outside of work. The idea in this mountain is similar..."

Li Yan took Anhara Ema to the campus and explained.

"...So, Li, you plan to bring me here, what are you going to see?"

Anhara Ema asked curiously.

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