I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 515

"You'll find out later." Li Yan said.

As a result, I quickly came to that courtyard. In the courtyard seat, there were two fat cats sitting quietly. Nifumi and Aoba hid in the building before Li Yan and others came. inside.


Anhara Ema looked at the two cats in surprise, blinked, and asked, "Miaochan?"

If it weren't for the two pairs of cat ears, it always felt like two alien species were sitting there.

In the falling snow, Li Yan stood beside Ema Anhara and explained: "The basic reason for the so-called lack of inspiration is that our perception of life tends to be indifferent. Humans are not machines, and the mood towards things will eventually be heated and cooled. The process is the same for writing novels, and so is painting. Only when you have a passion for your own work can you write or draw the best work."

In Li Yan's words, he admitted that Teacher Cat and Shui Yun are really cute.

"Um... whose cat is this?"

Anhara Ema asked in a low voice.

"This...this is a wild cat from college, but it's quite docile, you can touch it, don't worry about being caught or bitten..."

Li Yan didn't realize the source of the problem, and immediately described them as wild cats.

"is it……"

Ema Anbara looked at the two cats with their cat loops. She knew that the University of Tokyo did not allow cats to be raised without authorization. Mostly... it was this person who borrowed it from him and artificially created a wonderful campus kitten. Scenes.

She finally came to the University of Tokyo because she felt guilty because of yesterday's gaffe, but Li Yan's efforts this time made her feel even more guilty.


Ema Yasara lowered her head shyly, her cheeks hot, she said softly and softly, wanting to apologize.

"what happened?"

Li Yan looked at Anyuan Ema and asked.


"No, it's okay, if I can, can I paint it well?" Ema Yasara lost her courage and hurriedly changed the subject and said.

"Anytime." Li Yan replied.

Anbara Ema walked to Shuiyun and Teacher Cat, and tried to get closer to see how they look like...


Teacher Cat suddenly started to roll up in the snowdrift on the chair. With that funny look, it seemed that he was fighting for three bowls of ramen with tempura.

It's just that such a flamboyant performance made Li Yan a little unbearable.

"Don't you just be quiet?!" Li Yan thought angrily.

"...It's cute." Ema Yasara watched quietly as Teacher Cat was rolling, but she didn't know why, but she thought it was cute and said with a smile.

This smile is so sweet, as if to sweep away the cold of winter.


Li Yan was silent immediately.

For the time being, Teacher Kitty has a good life, whether it is multitrack, or Yukino under Yukino, and now Ema Yasahara, almost all beauty with similar temperament will favor it, and it is simply a heinous winner in life.


Suddenly Shui Yun made a strange sound, and the lazy voice instantly attracted Ema.

"Damn it, I don't know why, I feel annoying when I see this guy..." Teacher Cat suddenly became unhappy and stared at Shuiyun.

Seeing Anhara Ema relax his vigilance and start petting and teasing the two kittens, Li Yan stepped back a little when the time was right, and returned to Nifumi and Aoba.

"Senior, this is a great beauty." Aoba said with narrowed eyes.

"?" Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, wondering what Qing Ye did with this suddenly.

"Qing, Aoba sauce..." Ri Fumi was a little shy and whispered.

"Understood. But it's really beautiful. The senior professor should love her very much. She seems to have a good personality." Aoba stretched out a finger and smiled, guessing.

"It's true...not so. If Aoba said it, it wouldn't be the situation it is now."

Li Yan explained with shame.


Listening to some circumstantial answers, both Aoba and Ri Fumi were taken aback, not knowing what Li Yan meant.

I don’t know why, it’s exactly the same as Aoba said, but the result is like this. Why did the happy family become like this...

"Then, let Senior Anyuan relax a little bit, I hope my help will have surprising results..."

Li Yan watched that Ema Anhara had taken out the quality and brushes, and began to draw the cat, thinking silently with hope.

Anhara Ema was alone in the courtyard, studying and drawing cats silently.

She did have a sudden inspiration, and she realized a blind spot.

"Why do you have to draw a very ordinary and thin cat? If possible, drawing a fat cat with a more distinctive feature may be more effective. After all, the roundness is also very cute..."

Ema Yashara always feels whether she has caught the point.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the distant corridor. At first, Ema Anhara thought it was Li Yan who was back, but when she looked through the corner curiously, she saw a familiar figure. .


In panic, Ema Yashara hurriedly backed away, hurriedly ran to the pillars of the building and hid.

Professor Ogura finished the course, took the teaching materials and pocket watch, and walked over here.

When he came there, the surrounding college students scattered and fled, almost terrified of this doctor who is always taking questions.

Soon, he came to the courtyard.


Professor Ogura quickly saw that there were two more fat cats on the chair.

"What's the matter, which guy brought the pet to the university without authorization?"

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