I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 516

Professor Ogura's face cooled down, and the murderous sense of sight made Ema Yashara look a little scared.

When she was young, her father had never beaten her, but what she feared most was his stern face and short and indifferent words.

The economic environment of the Ogura family has always been prosperous. After all, his father is an internationally renowned physicist and has won the most important international physics award. However, his father who is too obsessed with scientific research has never managed the family well in the end, leading to his mother Break with him completely.

When she was still in junior high school, the shadow of her parents' quarrel still seemed so dark in her young memory...

In the end, she knew that her father cherished her very much, but in his strict and authoritative atmosphere, she finally chose to keep the distance from her father as much as possible. Before realizing her dream, she was afraid that she would be denied by her father. .

However, Professor Ogura finally walked in front of the cat, was silent for a while, but swept away the snow a little, and sat beside the two cats.

"There is a cat circle, it does not seem to be a wild cat..."

Professor Ogura quietly looked at the two fat cats motionless, and said analytically.

However, this unsmiling old man suddenly stretched out his hand and stroked Teacher Cat and Shuiyun.


Ema Yasara opened her eyes wide, and looked at the scene in front of her with some disbelief.

Ever since she was a child, she has never seen her father get close to a kitten... let alone look at anything with pity.

"Your master is too shameless."

Professor Ogura whispered.

"It's too irresponsible to leave the animal I love in the snowy place like this. When I find out which student left you, I will take care of him."

Professor Ogura's voice is so majestic, full of authority and determination like a tyrant, but his expression has never been more gentle.

I don’t know why, sitting in this vicissitudes of ancient architectural courtyard in the vast white snow, Ema Yashara realized whether her father was older...

Sitting there, with gray hair, stroking the kitten so lonely, gradually, her eyes saw her father gently touching the top of her head when she was a child...

Suddenly, she understood.

I have always been loved by my father, but I have never realized this important point.


Ema Anhara lowered her head and said in a low voice.

In the end, she showed a sad and happy smile, and with tears, she backed away.

She understands what she is going to do, and with this feeling, she can draw the most warm and lovely kitten interacting with the protagonist. She needs to go back to work now and use her own efforts to repay her relatives.


Anhara Ema, who was running in the snow holding the drawing, was happy and sad, and ran towards the school gate. It seemed that, vaguely, she and her dream took another step.


Without knowing anything, Li Yan returned to the courtyard and ran into Professor Ogura who was waiting for him.


Li Yan didn't understand why Anbara Ema Club suddenly became Professor Ogura, and even more did not understand why Professor Ogura's eyes looked strange at him.

"Lee, you fellow..."

Professor Ogura stood up, his anger seemed to have reached its peak.

"Hey, Professor, wait a minute, you must have misunderstood something, listen to me to explain!!"

In the boundless white snow, Li Yan's astonishment as usual...

Chapter 268 Illegal World

Noon, lunch break.

"Time is up."

Ogasawara Runko checked the time. She gently put the feather pen back into the pen holder, stood up, and was about to leave the painter area.

As the painting director of the company, for a period of time, the girl who usually only quietly tasted black tea during lunch break, has been out at the moment, never revealing her whereabouts.

However, this time, a short-haired woman with glasses sitting on the side asked: "Today, are you going to play baseball again?"


Ogasawara Runko stopped, she looked at her with a calm face and a calm expression.

Iguchi Yumi, a talented painter who also studied under her, has become the chief painting assistant in a few years and has a promising future for the company.

Iguchi Yumi stopped writing, then raised his head to look at Ogasawara Runko, and said, "Recently, I always feel that you have been playing baseball with the little brother of Sanwa Bunku. Am I so worried?"

"...That's right, you are the one who cares."

Ogasawara Runko said with a smile.

"Really, but I still intend to remind Ogasawara-senpai..."

Iguchi Yumi's eyes became more and more serious, and said, "Seniors have always been the core of the company and they are brilliant. Now our juniors depend on you, but as expected, the seniors are a little confused this time."

"That person... Senior shouldn't be too close." Iguchi Yumi lowered his head slightly and said.

Ogasawara Runko listened, was silent for a while, and asked, "What is the basis?"

"...I don't know. Because of Senior Ogasawara, I studied for a while. This person is indeed a good person, but... this person is still a bit too dangerous for Senior. His eyes are full of light when he sees his friend. But, how should I put it... It's like a death that has wiped out some emotions. Senior should reconsider... I also thought about it for a long time before telling you."

Iguchi Yumi hesitated to say, after all, her judgment was full of all kinds of ambiguities, and she didn't even know what she was talking about.

However, Ogasawara Ronko was somewhat clear.

Yumi Iguchi is a graduate of the University of Fine Arts. He has a serious and tough personality and has an immeasurable future. His strength has gradually joined her. However, before entering the company, Iguchi specialized in body painting. She explained that the most difficult aspect of painting is to draw eyes.

Eyes are the windows that reflect the depths of a person's soul. Whether it is Da Vinci or David, the first problem to be solved is to start with the eyes.

After Ogasawara Ronko, Miyamori, and Yasahara Ema came into contact with the mysterious young man, Iguchi Yumi deliberately went to get to know this young man who always wore a white coat. As a result, his eyes Understand a few points.

An enthusiastic, intelligent, kind-hearted and gentle youth is missing a part of his emotions.

Only in this part, he can bring warmth to others, but it is difficult to bring the future to others...

Especially for Ogasawara Runko, she didn't want her respected senior to be poisoned again, so this time she finally reminded her.

"You think too much, Yumi."

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