I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 517

Ogasawara Runko's rosy red eyes looked at Yumi Iguchi quietly, and smiled and said, "It's just going to play, don't worry."


Iguchi Yuwei finally didn't dare to interfere anymore, nodded, and said helplessly.

Ogasawara Runko walked out of the door, her eyes were as quiet as the clear pool water under the moon, calm, but not silent...


The roof of the Musashada Animation Company.

[Boom, cut, boom...Boom, cut, boom...]

Accompanied by an inexplicable BGM, a young girl stood on the roof and started to shake her body with her hands on her hips.

"1, 2, 3, 4..."

Ema Yashara began to swing her beautiful waist and hips, reciting the beat.

"5, 6, 7, 8."

Twist the waist left and right, then spread both hands, and then move forward and progress like a penguin.

"Eins, zwei, drei, vier..."

Then I started the extension exercise with the German steps, but it seems that this kind of gymnastics is more like a kindergarten type of cute gymnastics.

While doing arm stretching exercises, Anwara Ema naturally turned towards the door, only to see Li Yan looking at her gymnastics with a complicated expression.


Ema Yashara's cheeks flushed suddenly, and she let out a scream, then locked her body and fled back.

"Lee... Lee?" Ema Anhara asked in surprise.

"Senior Anyuan, are you doing gymnastics? What kind of gymnastics is this?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"Angel gymnastics..."

"What, angel?!"

Ema's answer left Li Yan confused.

"It is said that after doing this kind of gymnastics, there will be a feeling of becoming an angel." Anhara-e mahjong held her hands together, she explained with a hint of blush in her fair and delicate face.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, he thought about his memory bank carefully, and a little thought of the image of the gods like angel.

Lazy wearing revealing clothes, Gabriel, who is still lying on the tatami and scratching her butt, and La Feier, who always stretches out her feet in black stockings with a trembling face...

"...No, no, angel never does gymnastics, I can guarantee that."

Li Yan said to Ema Yasahara with an embarrassed expression.


Anyuan Ema was taken aback, always feeling that Li Yan had said something strange.

"By the way, that... some time ago, I was really grateful for that invitation from the University of Tokyo." Ema Yashara remembered something, then cheered up and said to Li Yan bowed.

"...Did you successfully solve the problem of painting?" Li Yan asked with some care when he heard it.

"Yes, I drew it quite successfully after I went back, and finished it smoothly...Dad, no, I plan to go to Dad at Christmas and night, and Mom will go there together..."

Ema Yashara lowered her head slightly and smiled shyly and said, "So thank you very much, I finally saw what my father really looked like..."

The cold wind was blowing on the roof, and Li Yan's heart finally calmed down a bit. Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Professor Ogura suddenly appeared in the courtyard at that time. As a result, he brought the cat privately and did not take responsibility for placing The kitten was really reprimanded by the professor in the snow.

"That's good, a little bit of help is enough." Li Yan said, standing in the cold wind, smiling.


Anhara Ema looked at Li Yan and smiled slightly like an angel.

"Ah, Ema."

At this time, Gong Senkui walked to the top of the building, and after seeing Anyuan Ema and Li Yan, he was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Li, were you here before?"

"Miss Gong Mori."

"Xiaokui, what's the matter?"

"No... Well, there is indeed one thing."

Gong Senkui showed a bright smile. She showed Li Yan and Ema Anhara the text messages from her mobile phone, and said, "It's Christmas on the 25th, how about it? Would you like to have a good time with Xiaoxiang and others?"

Anhara Ema was taken aback, somewhat surprised, and said, "But, I made an appointment to be with my family at night..."

"Then gather in the afternoon, and there will be a company Christmas party in the morning. There will be no conflicts with each other."

Gong Senkui arranged it and said.

"...Well, that's the decision." Ema Yashara said with a smile.

"By the way, Li, would you like to participate in the gathering of our classmates? Although it was a gathering of my seniors and elders in the club at Ema High School, I think you can join us."

Gong Senkui said with a smile.


Li Yan fell silent.

During this period of time, he almost heard the term Christmas as a holiday in his ears. Although Japan is indeed quite westernized, he is still surprised that Japan is so keen on Christmas as a foreign holiday.

The Eagle Jump company asked Aoba to officially invite him to the company’s Christmas party. Sanhe Library has already planned Christmas for a long time, and the neighbourhoods (True White, Nanami, Kobayashi, Thor, Gabriel) in the Yiyuan Apartment are also ready. Celebration of the apartment building...

Either way, he found it hard to refuse.

Socializing is a bit too much...

"excuse me."

Suddenly, a deserted and flexible voice came from behind the three of them.


Miyamori and Ema Yasahara were amazed, looking at the figure that suddenly arrived, Ronko Ogasawara.

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