I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 539

Li Yan doesn't know much about oil painting as a work of art, but at the moment he imagines that maybe in the future there will be a world-famous painting called "The Old Thief" on display in the museum, and he always feels uncomfortable.

Famous paintings are full of life in the history of the world, and even their whereabouts are full of legends. Just like Van Gogh’s several sunflower paintings, one of them was only seen once in 1948, and collectors would never show it again. The treasures of art are only reserved for yourself...

More importantly, these two tickets were paid for by Li Yan. The ticket price was several thousand yen. His mood was more like using an art museum as a cafeteria, holding the blasphemous mood of retrieving the book. Look at oil paintings.


Xuexiaxue Nai was surprised, but Li Yan grabbed her wrist and began to move forward.

As a result, among a group of people, they finally reached the front row.

Only then did Li Yan really see the authentic works of Van Gogh in the textbook, and he was in a good mood.


Xuexia Xuenai looked at Li Yan's profile from the side.

In the clean and calm hall with turbulent crowds, this oriental-Japanese-style girl did not look at Van Gogh's paintings, but was looking at another "sunflower".

The girl who took off her coat because of the heating had calm eyes, and it seemed that she could watch this way for an hour without a problem.

Sunflower, such a strong sunflower.

I really hope to be able to see sunflowers anytime...

Tranquil eyes looked at each other, and finally forgot the time, and the person in the eyes looked back and looked straight.

Li Yan froze for a moment, then became puzzled, and then urged to ask: "Why are you looking at me? You have to take a good look at Van Gogh's authenticity when you come here. After all, this work is an artwork worth 6 billion yen. ."


Xuexia Xuenai was taken aback for a moment, then was silent for a while, but smiled slightly.

What is the value of this laugh?

She looked at "Fourteen Sunflowers in a Vase" and said: "I have seen most of Van Gogh's works, and my mother has always asked me to appreciate art works..."

Wearing a white shirt at the moment, the slim Xuexia Xuena looked at Li Yan and said, ""14 Sunflowers in a Vase". The name of this painting is actually wrong. The painting inside actually contains 15 sunflowers. It is said that there are 12 here. The sunflower represents the twelve disciples of Christ. Van Gogh set the number of members in the Southern Studio as 12, plus two of himself and his younger brother, and possibly his best friend Gauguin, so there are 15 in total, although there are still many disputes. "

"... So there is such an allusion."

Li Yan hesitated, looked at the painting again, and said.

12 disciples...

Li Yan looked at the painting. Jesus had many disciples and followers, among which 12 were the most important. This allusion was widely circulated in the form of "The Last Supper".

However, it is not clear whether it is the brain hole of a novelist, he suddenly curious to calculate his descendants, but not only 12 people.

Sawamura Hideri, Gabriel, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Vinette, Satania, La Fei Er, Natsume Takashi, Yukino Yukino, Izumi Masamune, Higiya Hachiman, Aoyama Seven Seas, Shiina White, Cool breeze Aoba, Fujinomiya Kimi, Kato Megumi, Yuihama Yui...

The scorching emotion burned in Li Yan's heart.

"Thanks, it turns out that there are people around me who I can't give up..."

Li Yan raised his head and looked at the painting, feeling a vaguely worried deep in the darkness of his heart.

When I left the museum, it was already 9:00.

It takes only 35 minutes from Tokyo to Chiba Station by Shinkansen. It should be said that there is more than enough time to go back.


Xuexia Xuena, who Li Yan thought he was going to return, suddenly said.

"I want to buy presents for Higiya and Yubihama." Yukoshita Yukino raised her head and looked at him, said.

Li Yan was silent for a moment. He always felt that although there was plenty of time, he still had time to delay. There was still a train back to Chiba in time, but it was too late to get back there.

In the end, Li Yan made a compromise and asked: "If you want to give Christmas gifts, you should really prepare for these two people...Let’s see, yes, the shops on that street have a good reputation. Let’s buy gifts over there. Right."

Xuexia Xuenai suddenly widened her eyes when she heard Li Yan's words.

"...What a surprise, I originally thought you only knew how to get to hand shops, game stores, and bookstores selling pornographic magazines."

"The last place I really don't know how to go..."

It seems that this kind of serious ridicule and satire with a surprised look is also Yukoshita's masterpiece.

The bustling commercial street is filled with the smell of sake from the pub.

Huge bookstores, electrical appliances stores, clothing stores...Walking in the feasting world, the manifestation of material desires is full of vividness. However, it is a bustling commercial street in Tokyo, Xuexia Xuena still has not bought a suitable gift.

It was exactly the same as the scene when I traveled to the snow-capped mountains last time.

"Can you just buy it the way you did last time?" Li Yan asked, buying some gifts for others.

"The gift from Yubihama was no problem last time, but something went wrong with the gift from Higiya..."

In a small accessories store, Yukino Yukoshita leaned down and looked at all kinds of exquisite accessories, and said.

"Hey, question, what's the problem?" Li Yan was stunned and asked.

"His pair of dead fish eyes that have rotted to the end betrayed him after seeing the gift. It seems that he is satisfied with the gift, but after hearing your analysis, as a perverted sister, he is not willing to pay too much attention to Komachi. Thing."


After Li Yan listened, he could understand the concern of Qigu Hachiman.

Yukoshita Yukino eventually bought jewelry as a gift to Yuihama Yui.


Yukoshita Yukino rubbed his temples, really wondering what kind of gifts Bigiya Hachiman really likes, and it was very troublesome.

"...I heard that Biqigu seems to be very interested in the comics of "True Dragon Legend of the Warring States" recently. If he wants to buy him from the seventh to the latest tenth, he should like it."

Li Yan looked at Xuexiaxuenai's distressed look, but still did not calm down, so he suggested a little.

"What kind of story is this, the title of the book sounds so second... But if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be wrong." Xuexia Xuena said with an indifferent expression.

As a result, the two returned to the bookstore once again and went to the comics section to buy gifts.

Li Yan was already a little exhausted. After a whole day of science majors, he wrote novels. He came and went in the cold streets. After all, he was a little sleepy. He sat on the sofa in the comics area on the second floor with his eyes closed.


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