I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 540

Xuexia Xuena looked at Li Yan's state and sighed. She had never bought a comic book, and she didn't know how to find that comic series in the densely packed comic bookshelf.

However, when Xuexia Xuenai was searching for the title of the book in the Hot Blood Comics section, she suddenly noticed that a distant and faint figure noticed Li Yan resting on the sofa outside, and suddenly stopped moving forward.


Xuexia Xuena was taken aback for a moment, she seemed to have seen this young girl before.

In front of her, there was a woman wearing a red and white kimono, about 1.5 meters tall, with black and beautiful long hair shining in the light, her beautiful face seemed surprised, and a fan was inserted between her slender waist, holding the latest The comic of the work "Soul Eater" quietly looked at Li Yan.

Yukoshita Yukino seemed to remember that this young girl seemed to have visited Li Yan in Chiba, whose name seemed to be Sawamura Hideri...

Chapter 276 Snow Season, Gifts from Girls

In a soft light, the huge book city is quite quiet.This woman with a beautiful kimono and a beautiful face holding a comic book looked at the sleeping Li Yan with a surprised look.

In the surprised expression, it seemed that he had never expected that he would meet each other in this place.


In the silence, there seemed to be a lot of words to say, but his lips were tightly pressed, and no sound came out.

Probably, I haven't seen each other for more than a month.

There was a bit of melancholy in the woman's calm eyes.

It seems that because it is too calm, it makes others seem to have a melancholy sense of sight.

The world outside the book city is covered with snow.

That's how Li Yan closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa quietly, breathing slightly and quietly, looking tired and fell asleep quickly.

Sawamura Sayuri's eyes were so plain, it seemed that because of this plainness, she looked more melancholy.

In the end, as time passed, her gaze gradually converged, and she quickly turned to Xuexia Xueno not far away. Her white and flawless face was as indifferent as a quiet night, revealing an easy-going and warm smile.

This smile seemed as sweet as an apple.

A dream.


It seems that even the sound of leaves heard in the ear is so real.

A place full of flowers swayed slightly with the wind.

There is no sunshine here, but there is an endless ancient forest. The moonlight is so bright and scattered on this deserted and empty hillside.

There is no human population, it seems that this world has been forgotten by the world.

Li Yan wore the clothes he was wearing today, and suddenly came into this strange dream.


"where is this place?"

Li Yan suddenly became a little dumbfounded, looking at this place, curiously looking left and right.

The breeze of the night gently blows this sea of ​​flowers, white flowers sway slightly in the sea of ​​flowers...

Lonely and empty, it seems that there is no concept of time.

The woods are so empty, and there are a few abandoned houses faintly in the dark. The air is as clean as there is no dust. If you stretch out your hand, you can touch this spoonful of moonlight.

However, he raised his head and looked at the Haoyue that was so close at hand, so bright red and strange, it was the first time he saw such a huge moon.


Li Yan looked at everything in front of him curiously, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of sight in his heart.


Suddenly, behind Li Yan heard the sound of stepping on a dead branch. He was taken aback and turned his head to look. As a result, in this moonlit world, he saw a figure, a familiar woman waiting for him for a long time. Figure...


In the memory that Li Yan had long forgotten, he suddenly trembled for a moment and realized a chilling thing.

Here...He has been here once.

Suddenly, his body shook slightly, and soon he woke up from his dream, opened his eyes, and stared blankly at Yukino Yukoshita in front of him.

The girl with a clear face and deserted temperament looked at him curiously, blinked, and asked: "Senior, I didn't expect you to sleep so hard. Is your zodiac pig a pig? You can sleep with a touch of a soft thing. Are you here?"

"...Uh, am I asleep?"

Li Yan looked at Xuexia Xuena sleepily, and asked in astonishment.

"Yes, and I slept very deeply. I shook you for a long time before waking you up. I have already bought a gift and I am leaving." Xuexia Xueno looked at him with black eyes and said. .

"what time is it now?"

Li Yan asked suspiciously.

"It's 9:55 in the evening." Yukino Yukino took out his phone and looked at it, and said.

"It's okay, okay... I thought it was twelve o'clock in bed."

Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief and said quietly.

But that dream is really strange. What is going on, why even the chill feels so real in the dream, but just remember the general impression, and many details are gradually forgotten.

It is possible that the strong brain waves left from writing novels or playing games were fantasised in his dreams. He had already realized that he should take a good rest for a longer period of time. It would be better to let go of such troublesome work as novels. it is good.

After leaving the bookstore, Li Yan and Xuexiaxuena took the tram. Instead of heading to Tokyo Station, they headed directly to their apartment and turned on the Supra, which was still a little worn and had no time to repair.

"...Senior, will this really trouble you?"

Xuexia Xuena looked at him curiously, and asked, "I'm going to bother you to drive me back again."

"At this point, it's too late for you to go back there. Besides, if I really send you to the Shinkansen, your sister will never let me go..."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Yan remembered that Yukoshita Yono who was always smiling. This young lady also acted with a harmless smile when dealing with others. Think about it. My heart is cold enough.

"……is it?"

Xuexiaxuena looked indifferent, but the emotional aura he radiated somewhat cooled down.

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