I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 542


Xuexiaxue Nai gave a melancholy smile and whispered.

Last night, after preparing all the manuscripts of the novel, Xuexia Xuena, who returned home, found that the manuscript he had printed out was turned into a piece of snow-like debris in the shredder.

Everything that happened suddenly made the girl who had just returned home plunged into darkness.

There is no reason, no reason. Among the information she knows, she only knows that her mother has been here...

As a result, she couldn't help feeling angry, and listened sadly to her mother's strong "worry" and persuasion, and threw her hand vigorously to deny her mother's behavior. As a result, her wrist accidentally hit the water chestnut heavily on the bookshelf...

The pain of the cold winter, even after a day, did not subside, whether it was physical or spiritual trauma...

Therefore, the works rewritten with impressions, of course, were not passed.

Of course, in the subconscious, in the extreme cold, she found this person again.

When I received the anti-swelling ointment, my aching wrist was still hidden under the white shirt. I felt a little relief before applying the medicine.

"Thank you."

In the night, Xuexia Xuena turned on the lights in the living room, then went to the balcony and looked down. The black supra downstairs was about to leave.

In the bookstore, the kimono girl who left silently still entrusted her with one thing.

——But, although I think this is not the time to meet, it really has nothing to do with whether to give gifts or not, that...Student Xuexia, if it is possible, can I give him my gift? Don’t tell He is just a gift from me.

The lonely figure, in front of Li Yan's sound asleep, left quietly, as if, at this moment, this woman is like a snow girl who can only appear in Blizzard, so melancholy, so mysterious, sad and hesitant...


Even Yukino under Xuexia couldn't help but look forward to this dreamlike woman.

Chapter 277 The Unbelievable Love Letter Puzzle

Friday, 8:02 in the morning.

University of Tokyo.

"……what is this?!"

At the entrance of the library, among the bustling early students, Li Yan opened the storage cabinet he had rented for a long time to store things, and saw an envelope with a peach heart.


When he saw this scene before him, Li Yan's eyes suddenly widened. This was simply impossible.

The place of appearance and the form of appearance, no matter how you analyze it, it looks like a kind of "treasure" in the legendary school...

For members of the otaku family like him who write novels for a living and like to read comics and play games, this is simply impossible to appear in front of him. This one is called the "school love letter" by the world. .

Regarding the writing material of love letters, it is almost stinking to be used in recent Japanese dramas and animations, but it is such an unrealistic fantasy that is difficult to obtain in real life, and there is still no lack of market. As long as it is a student, I'm all looking forward to the "whispering" from the unexpected beautiful girl in the shoe cabinet...

Anyway, as a writer of light novels, Li Yan would never write such bad plots that might hurt others in his books.

Or perhaps, this kind of situation is often more of a blindfold.

After all, as a person who has been able to live smoothly with his feet on the ground, Li Yan has completely seen the difference between virtual and reality. In his own life, there is no such possibility as a youth novel or a Japanese-style plot on campus.

After thinking it through, Li Yan's fingers just gently pinched the end of the faith, and studied a little bit what was in the faith.

"...Hey, you took it apart. It is too much to treat this love letter like a bomb package."

Hagiura Bell on the side showed a troubled look, staring at him with a frown, and said.

"You got it right. This suspicious envelope might really be something similar to a bomb package..."

The situation that Li Yan suspected in his heart was really 100% guessed by Hagi Suzu. He lowered his head and looked at Hagi Suzu and explained it.

"Huh?!" Hagi-Mura Ling raised her eyebrows and asked suspiciously.

"Aren't you in the same high school as me? Have you forgotten what I did in the first semester of high school?" Li Yan asked.

Hagiura bell was taken aback, fell silent, and thought about it.

"In that case, I remember your grades suddenly topped in your third year of high school, and you jumped directly from your tail under my nose, as if you were a different person."

"...No, it's not this thing."

"Yeah... By the way, you guy was still a bad one in the third year of high school. It seems that you secretly injured a lot of other bad school bastards outside. From then on, no bastards dare to appear under your nose."

Hagiura Bell quickly recalled this legend, and said with a complex expression.

Li Yan looked at the envelope with a vigilant look, nodded, looked at Hagi Suzu from the side, and said: "It's this thing...I did hurt a lot of gangsters who came to me for blackmail. I was wary of those guys looking for a chance to retaliate against me, but I never received a love letter since I was little. In the past, the shoe cabinet in high school was only filled with chili sauce."

"Please don't say such a sad thing with such a serious expression..."

When Hagi-mura Ling heard this sentence, she could always imagine the tragic situation of that period of time, and her heart was inexplicably sad, and she couldn't help but complain.

"Anyway, this morning's review will wait for a while. I will first go to a safe area to study what is inside."

Li Yan stared at this letter cautiously and whispered.

After all, whether it is China or Japan, Li Yan offends many street gangsters.Especially in Japan, a country where the culture of e-mail terrorism prevails, you should be more cautious when dealing with unfamiliar envelopes. The inside may be a blade sent by readers or a threatening broken finger, which may be hidden when you touch it. The needle that hurts your finger is more serious because it contains toxic chemical powder... So even if it is very light, it should not be taken lightly.

"Really..." Hagi-mura Ling was influenced by Li Yan's history and her facial expressions. She felt a little hairy in her heart, wondering if there were really any terrible traps inside.

As a result, in a freely-used science laboratory in the Department of Science at the University of Tokyo, a group of chemistry students who were also present to study and delve into the knowledge of chemistry courses watched as they entered here, wearing various protective equipment. The two of them opened the envelope that was obviously a love letter as if they were bombing bombs...

They quieted down, after all, they had never seen anyone treat a love letter like this.


Seeing Li Yan's pliers, Hagi-Mura Ling saw that it was a piece of plain paper filled with text. There was no powder, smell, or suspicious factors at all. His face suddenly turned dark, and his whole body trembled.

Her IQ180, fluent in five languages, ten-figure mental arithmetic, is just a piece of cake for her genius, and she followed a love fool in the laboratory to do such a stupid move...

"Are you kidding me?!" (Japanese also calls himself old-fashioned)

Hagi Village bell suddenly exploded, and her thin ponytail shook as if it were about to stand upside down, and suddenly roared at Li Yan.

The sound was deafening, as if a biochemical explosion reaction had occurred.

As a result, it turned out to be really just an ordinary envelope...

Li Yan took off his gloves with an unbelievable mood in his heart. Looking at this piece of letter paper, after being strongly complained and roared by Hagi Bell, he began to look at the contents of the envelope.

However, the contents of the envelope somewhat corroborated Li Yan's guess.

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