I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 543

The content of the envelope is not the lyrical pattern of ordinary love letters. Ordinary love letters usually talk about where the girl met Li Yan and what he likes to unfold, but the whole piece of beautiful text with more than a thousand words just introduces One place-Chiba.

To put it simply, one sentence can summarize the content of the letter paper: [Like you, I will be waiting for you tomorrow in the celebration place with many books in Chiba Prefecture.

"...Sure enough, it's still suspicious."

Li Yan read the contents of this letter three times, but realized that his guess might not be inaccurate.

Hagi-mura gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Don't think about it anymore. Write a novel and mess up your mind! The other party is just shy. If you find it interesting, go directly to Chiba to find her. Yet?!"

She showed a helpless look, looked at Li Yan with a headache, shook her head and said, "Why do you doubt a simple thing so much that you can't make a girlfriend at all."

"...Sorry, I will take care of the next thing."

Li Yan apologized and said with a smile.

However, Li Yan still had doubts. It should be said that at first he thought this was an ordinary love letter prank, or that there was a greater chance of making a mistake, but now the situation is a little more complicated.

The other party clearly knows about him, knows his name, preferences, and the habit of coming to the library to review on Friday. He also pointed to the Chiba area that is closely related to him, and a whole article is deliberately persuaded by beautiful female handwriting He believed that this was a love letter from a beautiful woman, but he used a puzzle-like invitation to find a place where there are so many books in Chiba Prefecture to meet him... He had to pay more attention to it.

If the other party is mischievous, it would be fine, but if he really has ulterior motives, he dare not just ignore this invitation letter like this...

Ling Hagi on the side looked at Li Yan with frowning brows hesitantly. She always felt that Li Yan seemed to have some weird obstacles in his heart. She remembered that this guy wrote a love letter to the president of Amakusa when he was a freshman in high school. There is too much history, but it is easy to miss the real beautiful relationship, so the situation is also elusive...


At night, Room 505, an apartment building in Shinjuku.

Regarding the understanding of Chiba Prefecture, in consideration of efficiency, Li Yan had to once again ask someone who knew Chiba to find clues about this matter.

In front of the laptop, in the dialog box of the line software, he sent Higiya Hachiman's opinions.

Hachigaya Hachiman: [According to the predecessor’s words, this incident is indeed like a prank, but no one is too idle to send the envelope to the library cabinet of the University of Tokyo. The female handwriting is still from Chiba. ...Well, there are suspects, but the tone is not like she can write.

After returning to the apartment, Li Yan entrusted the incident to Higiya Hachiman, a young man with a pair of lifeless eyes. After encountering several incidents together, the two began to chat on the line sometimes. At present, this sister-in-law has been trying every possible way to find out whether Li Yan has already got Komachi's line.

Than Keiya Hachiman: [What's even more frightening is that I checked the information on the Internet and on local social networking sites in Chiba. There is no book culture festival, or the opening of a large bookstore tomorrow or a promotional event, which happens to be Yes, I only know that there is indeed a place in Chiba Prefecture that is going to hold a celebration tomorrow.

Li Yan was slightly taken aback.

He quickly asked on the computer keyboard: [Where?

Soon, Higiya Hachiman replied to a location that they were all familiar with, but this location changed Li Yan's face in front of the computer.

——[This...It's Sobu Senior High School in Chiba Prefecture.

The next morning, Saturday in the second half of December, Chiba Sobu High School’s school festival.

Chiba Prefecture Municipal Sobu Senior High School is the top middle school among Chiba Prefecture Municipal Senior High Schools. This key middle school has students admitted to the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University every year, and is admitted to the top 100 public and private universities in Japan. The proportion of students has been among the top in Chiba Prefecture over the years.

Here, it was once the alma mater of Shizuka Shizuka and Yoshino Yukoshita. Now, it was established this year. The main venue of the special society [Ministry of Service] with Yukoshita Yukino at its core is also held in this school.

The high school’s reputation is so great that naturally every school festival is also attracting attention. Students in uniforms from other schools walked into the gate of this school in an endless stream. In the overflowing atmosphere, the audience was not only to watch this important point. In addition to the high school program, there is also a high school student who is famous for a certain beautiful girl. Most of the boys from other schools are basically for this purpose.

Xuexia Xueno naturally doesn't care about such a thing.

In the activity room of the Ministry of Service, although the opening ceremony of the Academy Festival is almost ready to begin, the Ministry of Service is still carrying out this short period of club activities in an orderly manner.

During this period, Yukoshita Yukino and Higiya Hachiman both became the executive committee members of the school festival of their respective classes. One of them was forced and the other was voluntary.

Xuexiaxue is running for the president of the student union, and has also begun to actively participate in the work of the executive committee of this cultural festival. It seems that in the recent period, his attitude has changed from the past, whether it is examinations or school activities, he has tried to make breakthroughs.

As a result, because of her outstanding ability, most of the planning and liaison of the academy festival this time was done by her as the main driving force, with the addition of Hachitani Hachiman, the president of the student council and a somewhat capable officer. These days She was obviously over fatigued and her complexion was a little ugly.

So that even Higiya Hachiman and Yuihama Yui didn't really understand what kind of stimulation Yukoshita Yukino was getting, and that changed.

Da da da……

Yukino Yukino is still facing the laptop, writing a novel that he has failed once.

A strong personality is revealed after every failure. Xuexiaxuena maintained this writing state for several days without any frustration and reassuring thoughts. Perhaps this kind of reaction is more in line with her personality.

Higiya Hachiman looked at her silently. He had already understood the meaning of this novel, but he wanted to see how this girl who once blatantly criticized the novels and compositions written by various high school students would write. Light novel.


Xuexia Xuena wrote for a while, seeming to be in distress.

"Look, writing isn't that easy. At the beginning, when you complained about Cai Muzuo's novels so freely, now you can probably feel that guy's mood."

Higiya Hachiman thought quietly.

"Sure enough, the setting of Biqigu's character is too unsuccessful and trivial. It is better to modify it a little bit more interestingly..."

Xuexia Xuena looked at the computer intently, and suddenly muttered softly.

"...Wait a minute, what are you writing? Did you write me too? What a shame, hello!"

Biqigu Hachiman suddenly felt stunned in his heart, and it always sounded not so good, so he stood up and asked in surprise.

However, Yukino Yukino seemed to completely ignore the protests of the weak. After she clicked save, she turned off the computer, stood up and shook her long hair, and said, "Then, now the time for club activities is almost over, we are going to Passed."

"it is good……"

Yuihama Yui smiled dryly, still hearing Higiya Hachiman's annoyed whispers without a response.

"Wait a minute, the club activities haven't started yet."

Suddenly, Higiya Hachiman kept Yukino Yukoshita who was about to leave and looked at her and said directly.

"Huh? What do you mean, classmate Biqigu?" Xuexia Xuena asked, looking back at him with a cold expression.

"His meaning is very clear, but you are confused."

At this moment, Hiratsuka's opening remarks came from the door.

In this sentence, the two are full of temperament, so that the students present show a somewhat awkward look.


Yukino Yukoshita was taken aback, looking at Shizuka Hiratsuka who opened the door.

"There is a commission today, but it is not from outside the school, but from outsiders. I just sent you a new commission email through me."

Shizuka said with a smile, leaning her back against the wall by the door.

Yukoshita Yukino and Yuihama Yui took out their mobile phones and checked the special mailbox of the Ministry of Service. It turned out that a new email was sent not long ago.

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