I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 544

The signature of the mail made Xuexia Xuena stunned.

"Now, he should be almost at school."

Shizuka said with a smile.


Yukino Yukoshita hurried to the window of the classroom and looked over.

As a result, on the street not far downstairs, among the vast crowd, the figure of the young man who came in from the school gate was so conspicuous that Xuexiaxue Nao could see clearly.

what is the problem……

Yukino Yukino stared blankly at the figure who visited Soubu High School for the second time without saying a word.

Ministry of Service, new commission: [Investigate mischievous love letters from this school].

Sender: [Li Yan].


love letter?!

Xuexia Xuena showed a look of doubt, lowered her head and looked at the street on her flawless cheeks, her eyes were slightly covered with black bangs, her eyes became complicated.

She stood quietly in the window of the activity room, watching as she walked in a crowd of adults and students, the one who was suddenly surprised by a housewife in her twenties behind her was stupidly straight. The figure of Li Yan who got up, his face became more and more mixed...

One of the reasons for surprise is that Yukino under Xuexia had never thought of this association that was established after a certain event and realized the principles of growth, but one day received a unique commission from this enlightened person... …

The Ministry of Service and the latest event of finding the owner of the love letter quietly unfolded on this school day...

Chapter 278

It turned out to be a misunderstanding.


Li Yan breathed a sigh of relief. After clarifying the truth of the matter, he accepted the apology from the young housewife, and finally stood on the tree and the campus roof was covered with white snow, and the corridors and playground were covered. It is a school of students and spectators.

Here, he has been here once.

At that time, to investigate whether Yukoshita Yukino was caught, he rushed into it. As a result, he had a fierce fight with Hiratsuka. At that time, he suffered injuries to his abdomen and cheeks and almost stabbed the opponent with a broken wood. Feel embarrassed...

"What a bad memory..."

However, this experience has almost passed a year.

In the sweeping snow and mist, Li Yan put his hands in his pockets, braving the cold to stand in the center of the playground, caring about him.

Suddenly, the voice of a young girl interrupted his observation.

"It's weird, obviously in Japan, a patriarchal country, the probability of men being harassed is less than 1%, but every time you overthrow Japanese statistics, how come you have your share... It's really bad enough."

Li Yan heard the familiar voice and turned around to look. As a result, he saw the figure of a young girl standing in the chill breeze at the door of the teaching building.

Xuexiaxuena wears a black school uniform, with the long sleeves of a warm sweater slightly exposed in the sleeves, and a warm brown scarf around her neck. Standing in the snowy mist, her long black hair is slightly elegant, and her temperament looks calm and beautiful. Quietly looked at Li Yan.

The appearance of the legendary beautiful girl naturally attracted a commotion around her.

There are groups of boys, almost none of the boys' eyes are looking at this girl, but the pupils are not dilated.

Xuexia Xuena still ignored the small commotion around her. She calmly walked to Li Yan and said, "Good morning, senior."

"...Second Miss."

Li Yan opened his eyes slightly, froze for a moment, and asked.

Although he did follow Hiratsuka's instructions and sent a letter of entrustment to the [Ministry of Service], he did not tell Yukino Yukino when he would arrive, and he felt a little surprised.

"Wait a minute... did you see the scene just now?"

Li Yan was surprised and asked.


Yukoshita Yukino nodded expressionlessly, then showed a slight headache, and said, "If you are touched next time, my suggestion is, even if you think it is useless to call the police, you should make clear your position. Don’t Because it’s as easy as a fool to believe a woman’s explanation, there is no woman in the world who can’t lie.”


Li Yan felt cold in his heart, and suddenly became speechless.

In any case, he did not admit that Eiri Sawamura has always slandered his [compensated dating physique]. Although this happens occasionally on the tram, on the bus, and on the street, it is also possible to encounter some special habit of the opposite sex.

But as the number of times increases, even he always feels that this is a little bit bad...

"That's right, I saw it too, Jun Li, you really want to listen to the advice of this beautiful junior."

At this time, a sharp and loud voice of a woman came from behind Li Yan. After Li Yan heard it, her eyes suddenly became a little troubled and her heart was broken.

Behind Li Yan stood a warm casual clothes, like a girl with long black hair and a beautiful face, but from the perspective of her temperament and dress, she was already a college student.

"Although some have noticed that you are here together, senior, how do you call this one?" Yukino Yukino looked at the young woman behind him and asked questioningly.

"……Let me introduce."

Li Yan turned around and politely introduced the smiling elderly girl to Yukoshita Yukino, and said: "This is my senior high school sister named Amakusa Shino. She is now studying in the Waseda Literature Department and is also incumbent. The president of the Literature Club."

"Hello there……"

Xuexiaxuena is obviously not good at dealing with strangers. After listening to the introduction, he hesitated for a while, and could only say a polite greeting.

"Hello, hello, that...what's your name?" Amakusa Shino got closer and asked with a smile.

"...Xuexia Xuena, second grade, please give me your advice."

Yukino Yukino was stunned for a moment. When she was so close, she seemed a little nervous, but she adjusted quickly and said calmly to Amakusa Shino.

"Yeah, please advise me a lot in the future." Amakusa Shino said with a big smile.

Soon, Amakusa Shino pulled Li Yan aside next to him, leaned to his ear, and said excitedly: "Hey, Li Jun, super beautiful beauty, she is simply shaped from the world in the painting. Japanese-style beautiful girl, analyze it, is it the one who wrote you the love letter?"

"...Second Miss, hoo, it's impossible, it should be said that the most impossible person is her."

When Li Yan heard this, he immediately showed a natural expression and explained.

One thing he also wants to complain about is that, for him, this high-acting elder sister who likes to talk about pornography also came out of the painting.

Amakusa Xiao felt a pity. She also noticed that Xuexiaxuno's attitude towards Li Yan was rather indifferent. Although she was very polite, she could also see that this beautiful girl had an arrogant and lonely personality and was not very contactable.

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