I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 549


Before reaching the top of the building, only on the second floor, through the windows of the stairs, Yukoshita Yukino saw the entrance of the school. A group of people from the football club and the Yeshan fan club had already gathered, and a young man in a white coat Unceremoniously expelled from the school gate.

"I'm a step late."

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from the upper stairs.


Yukino Yukoshita was taken aback and looked up at this top student from Waseda University.

"Just when he was about to go downstairs, Li Jun was officially invited out of the school. However, this kind of thing was originally the authority of the student union, but I heard that the student council president named Cheng Wei Xun seemed to have rejected this petition. Well, if not Being invited out by the student union means that he was actually accepted by this school, so he didn't plan to have a dispute with this group of people, so he left the venue by himself."

As the former president of the student council, Amakusa Xiao showed a calm and huge aura and explained with a smile.

She calculated that if you look at her from such an angle, you can only see the edges of the inner thighs, but the best golden distance between exposed and non-exposed.

Xuexia Xuena fell silent. She looked at the situation outside the window, closed her eyes, and said calmly, "Sure enough, something like this happened."

"Well, it's really a bad worship phenomenon. Although other schools have such a situation, it is the first time I have seen someone do such an excessive thing."

Amakusa Shino nodded and said in agreement.

However, Sakurasai Academy actually has such a situation, let Tsuda Takari, who is the vice chairman, have tasted this kind of pain, but the object of the Academy's worship is Amakusa Shino who is complaining about it.

"By the way, I have been looking for you all the time, classmate Yukoshita."

Amakusa Shino walked down and said.

"...What's the matter?" Xuexia Xuena was taken aback and asked hesitantly.

"When Li Jun was in his sophomore year in high school, he also gave a love letter, and the person who gave it that time was me."

Amakusa Shino looked at Yukino Yukoshita with a calm expression and said.

In the stairs, it suddenly became quiet.

Such words are undoubtedly provocative when talking among girls. When Amakusa Shino's expressionless face, her delicate looks and extraordinary talents are not inferior to this beautiful girl from Soubu High School. .

Yukino's face was a little complicated and a little awkward, but in his eyes, it was indeed quite concerned.

"At that time, Li Jun was not very eye-catching. On the contrary, he was mostly rumored to be a rich second-generation from a foreign country with a weak personality, poor grades, and worthless boys. I have not seen him in person, but only in photos."

Amakusa Shino looked at Yukino intently at Yukoshita, and began to tell about the past between her and Li Yan.

Xuexiaxue was taken aback.

These descriptions are almost like listening to another person's legend.

"Sorry, senior sister, I am not in the mood to listen to you."

Xuexia Xuenai's face suddenly turned cold, and he said softly, turned around, ready to leave without ignoring her.

"I don’t have a clue about the love letter incident, but when I come here, I also feel that it doesn’t matter who wrote the love letter. Why should I specify this place and time can only explain this person. I should have known Li Jun. Your handwriting and Yubihama’s handwriting are not the same. I will give up on that soon."

Amakusa Shino stretched out a finger and said, "However, today's schoolboys have grown up to make people shine, aren't they? I just have to return the carbine, and the chances of success are very high."

"……what do you want to say?"

Xuexia Xuena turned her head slightly, looked at her, and asked.

"It's just a reminder."

Amakusa Shino said with a meaningful smile.

In this way, Amakusa Shino put her hands behind her back, and slowly left downstairs by herself, looking like she was going to Li Yan's side.

Yukino Yukoshita stood in the middle of the stairs, looking down at Amakusa Shino who was leaving.

Just kidding, or serious...

However, Yukino Yukoshita was also a little embarrassed. She felt that in that passage it was quite difficult to discern how many of Amakusa Shino's words were lie...


At the gate of Chiba City Sōbu Senior High School, the unwelcome Li Yan waited at the gate with a sad face. He has been waiting here for about twenty minutes.

"Ye Shan, this nasty little white face..."

Li Yan thought of Ye Shan's face, and he was immediately annoyed, and said something secretly.

Opening the iron gate of the rooftop, the result was a large group of aggressive girls, fat, thin, good-looking, and some disabled. Hube Xiang and others plus a group of muscular students from the football club all came to block him. The door.

If there is a fight, these people will not blink his eyes, but unfortunately, these are Yeshan's best friends and fans of mixed men and women.

Compared to himself, who is totally unpopular, being kicked out is nothing. After all, Li Yan is also a well-informed, half-social man who is scheming, and what makes him unbalanced is the dozens of girls who have been handsome. The fan group was kicked out. Under such a great contrast, it was a nightmare.

"It's great to have a good-looking face, all-rounder, good grades, and so many cute juniors... This is simply the suppression of social hierarchy. I was so embarrassed to be expelled. In the end, I can only wait outside. The three people in the ministry helped me investigate the situation of the love letter."

Li Yan's face was black, staring fiercely at the situation inside the campus, and nagging.

However, that's what he said. He himself was only refuting Ye Shan's improper remark. The two of them should not be to the point of tearing their faces. Just like Biqigu's evaluation of Ye Shan, Ye Shan is not a bad person. It is enough to prevent him from disgusting someone at will.

In fact, it is somewhat rewarding to be expelled by the people like this. When the more conspicuous "enemy of the people" appears in the crowd, the environment of the excluded person will be improved. If he is expelled, how much will help Biqigu Yawata was in an awkward situation.Unexpectedly, Higiya Hachiman's self-destruction was successfully followed by him.

However, when he reprimanded Ye Shan's people, he also saw Ye Shan's helpless look.When he stayed next to Xuexiayangnai, he vaguely felt that for the same almighty Xuexiayangnai, Ye Shanzhan always lacked some key points, so that to a certain extent, they belonged to losers. ...

Suddenly, the voice of a young girl broke the silence when he was leaning against the school gate and thinking wildly.

"Senior, what are you doing here?"


Li Yan was shocked, stood up immediately, turned around and looked around, only to see Xuexia Xuenai already standing behind him.

This girl exudes a temperament that makes people difficult to approach whether it is joy, anger, sorrow or joy. Standing in the snowy landscape of winter, her black hair is slightly reflective and her eyes are so calm, he doesn't know that this one is like ice and snow. How long has the young girl stood behind him.

"Second Miss..."

After Li Yan recovered, he greeted him.

Xuexia Xuena looked at him. At this moment, the weather and temperature seemed to have dropped a bit. Li Yan, who was not wearing a scarf, could not help taking out the scarf embroidered with snowflakes from his backpack after standing outside for a long time. On the neck.

"...Is it cold?" Xuexia Xuenai asked, staring at Li Yan's scarf.

"Yeah... By the way, this is the gift you gave me, the second lady. Fortunately, I brought it here. Otherwise, I can't stay in the car. I would have been frozen here long ago."

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