I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 550

Li Yan seemed to have surrounded him several times. After thinking of the Christmas present, he smiled and thanked him.

At the gate of the campus, Xuexia Xuenao smiled slightly, and she seemed to be in a better mood.

Only at this time, Yukino noticed the Fushimi Inari torii ornament on Li Yan’s schoolbag. I heard that this ornament was restricted for sale at the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. The fortune is hidden in this red torii ornament, which is used to give the person who wishes to pray for the fortune.

"Miss Sawamura..."

Yukino Yukoshita thought silently, she quickly realized that this torii pendant was a gift from a woman with the surname Sawamura.

"By the way, have you finished your work with Biqigu?" Li Yan asked.

"It's basically done."

Under Xue Xia Xue Nai's beautiful crescent eyebrows, her eyes as soft as Haoyue shifted from that pendant to Li Yan's face. A light blood was swept from her delicate face, and her expression calmly said, "Moreover, I, Higiya and Yuhihama have already begun investigating suspicious people who are most likely to send love letters."

"First of all, I must have been to Tokyo recently, and I know your basic information about the senior, Chiba people, and from the content of the envelope, I have completely fallen in love with this quirky and extreme personality and vicious eyes."

Xuexiaxue talked freely and said.

"..." Li Yan squinted his eyes, these words always sounded like they were scolding him.

"It's just in the process of investigation. Because a certain big-eyed senior favored his younger generation, he took a 10,000 step back. There is such a stupid girl in this school who likes seniors and is afraid to come out and talk to you. Acknowledged. Senior, the Ministry of Service can only help here. I believe that the girl who wrote this letter should like you. The real name cannot be found like a needle in a haystack. Therefore, you should take it and keep it. There is a risk issue."

Xuexia Xuena opened the schoolbag she was carrying and returned the envelope with the heart to him with both hands.

"This is something that can't be helped. It's really difficult to find, but you guys say the same, I can only investigate here."

After listening to the results of the entrustment from the Ministry of Service, Li Yan felt regretful, but felt that Xuexia Xuena was right. He stretched out his hand and accepted the letter.

This is a reincarnation.

Under the vast expanse of the sky, the clouds are like surging waves.

In the bright sun, the snow had not melted at the gate of the campus, and the cold wind was blowing, and the girl gave the love letter directly to Li Yan.

This beautiful and strong girl's eyes quietly looked at the envelope she was holding in her hands, and was picked up by Li Yan, who was not suspicious, and put it into his own pocket.

In this way, everything is done...


Xuexia Xuena closed her eyes.

From the left handwritten secret letter, to the prediction of this one who is good at observation and research, with more than IQ but insufficient EQ, discovers something wrong, and will secretly consult Bigiya Hachiman to collect information on Chiba, and then to Shizuka Hiratsuka. Will intervene in this matter and hand this matter over to the Ministry of Service...

I progressed nervously, and finally succeeded in realizing this wordy but nameless wish...

If this person is good at investigating and observing Holmes, then she will be Irene Adler...

under the sun.


Standing under the snowy snow, Yukino showed a warm smile.

Chapter 280 A Different Christmas Carol

A ball was lightly patted in the air by a pair of white hands.

a bit!

Two clicks!

Three times...

Boom boom boom...

In an old wooden house, the sound of sewing clothes was heard in the next room, and soon, there was the sound of things falling.

After finishing her busy work, the scarlet bathing suit worn by the black-haired girl who lives in the cabin is rare. When she has nothing to do, she relies on these old antique toys that were only available in the Azuchi-Momoyama period to pass the time.

However, after playing for hundreds of years, this delicate girl can still only take three shots in the air.

Such a quiet girl, even though she looks so beautiful and demure, is like this place, without a trace of anger.

Turning into the Tao, Ichimuri and the Bone Girl and other subordinates looked worried, too.

"I always feel that the young lady's athletic ability is very poor..."

Yimulian whispered.

"Cough cough cough, what are you talking about, idiot." The bone girl suddenly reminded in a low voice.

Turning into the path kept a kind smile, and said, "Well~~ After all, the young lady was also the one who unfortunately suffered an accident at a young age. Those of us don’t know how to help the young lady spend the rest time and just guard her like this. It's the limit."

"Speaking of... Now, Miss's latest memory, has it disappeared again..."

Yimulian held his chin, thought for a while, and asked the other two.

Turning into the Dao nodded, and said: "Miss's memory has been tampered with again, and I have almost forgotten most of the things."


Looking at the petite girl quietly, Yan Moai was still playing the ball, and after three more shots, the ball fell into a pile of old items.

This indifferent girl from hell, lying on the tatami, intends to pick it up.

However, as soon as he got the ball, Yan Moai, who was holding the ball in both hands, accidentally saw what was buried in the pile of objects, her eyes changed slightly, and she turned over the useless things with her hands calmly.

"Sure enough, she forgot." He glanced and thought.

In Yan Mo'ai's hands, she got a somewhat old book of novels with cartoon and illustrator characters printed on it, and the cover was printed with "Super Academy War Vol. One" with the author's name Uesugi Yan.

This item that was obviously inconsistent with this world made Yan Moai hesitate. She didn't remember that she had brought such a thing back.

As a result, she knelt down on the tatami, exposing one side of her thigh that was somewhat smooth and round, and opened the first page of the novel without breath...

"As a result, are you going to watch it again..."

The Bone Girl showed a somewhat embarrassed expression and whispered.

"I'm used to it, Miss's new toy." Lun Jindao continued to watch Yan Moai's behavior and said.

The Bone Girl was a little bit incomprehensible, and looked at Yan Mo'ai distressedly, and said, "Hey, I really don’t know why the young lady likes the exaggerated things of humans outside. If I read all the eight books again, I probably won’t be able to kill it. Less time..."

Yan Moai started contacting this set of light novels, and now it has been more than a year. During this period, she has been washed away several times. As a result, she has also inadvertently discovered this set of books in her belongings without any memory. I watched it several times, and every time I didn't even rest, I watched it all at once.

Such a girl will probably not be troubled by a book shortage...

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