I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 603

However, Li Yan had just thought about the issue of insufficient combat power, and before he could think about it, Thor and Conna appeared in front of him, which seemed to be a good solution.

"That...Miss Thor, Conna, I want to ask you one more time. This time things are still very tricky. You have reasons and rights to refuse to help."

Li Yan looked at them, and quickly told Thor and Conna what happened last night and the causes and consequences of bringing Gabriel back.

"What?! Direct... directly into the heavens, go to the temple and summon that angel back?"

Thor and Connor turned pale suddenly and asked.

"Yes...I also had a kind person reminded me in the coffee shop that it is basically impossible to sneak into the heavens. He mentioned this, and the current tips have worked, so it is more likely to see The only way to get to Gabriel is to break through numerous obstacles and go to Gabriel to prevent her from becoming a Gabriel ritual..."

Li Yan also knows the rudeness and danger of this method, but until now, there is only this method to try, and he must take the risk.

"...None of the previous words are wrong. Our dragons often deal with angels, and we also know that there is no way to sneak into the heavens. But, Li, you are a little too overestimating us, even if it is the devil on this side. It’s difficult for us to do this with a few dragons. After all, if the other party comes out with a seraph, we will only be beaten."

Thor showed an embarrassed expression, as if thinking of some dark history, he stretched out his finger and talked freely.

"Unbelievable, unbelievable..." Conna raised her head to look at Thor, and said with her face in her arms.

As soon as Li Yan heard it, his mood became more serious and complicated. He didn't understand the situation in the kingdom of heaven. If Thor, who had always been arrogant, would be jealous, then the chance of success in this action would be almost zero.

Thor saw Li Yan’s anxious expression, and then looked at the appearance of Winnett and Satania. Putting aside Li Yan’s relationship for the time being, no matter how much resentment he had with the angel, at least Gabriel was her neighbor. And because of the mistakes in the last action, this situation led to this situation. She didn't want to mention the best candidate to help Li Yan against Seraphim, but at this point, she can only put aside her personal grievances for the time being. , Speaking of a person to Li Yan.

"It's not incomprehensible. If you say something, that guy will definitely bring his men over to help you."

Thor closed his eyes and said suddenly.


Li Yan was stunned for a moment. He looked at Thor's unhappy expression, and quickly understood who she was referring to.

Thor looked at Li Yan and said, "The black dragon Nidhogg, the guy you raised with your own hands, is absolutely capable of powerful power."

Chapter 298

Desolate land, dilapidated pieces of residential houses, and dust flying all over the sky.This is a remote corner of a wild area in another world. The sky is filled with black clouds. The red moon illuminates this dim and thirsty land. There is no grass and cliffs. It is a place where even carrion will not come.

In a castle, the restaurant decorated with black totem flags has two large windows in Gothic style. The owner of this castle can enjoy the mountain scenery on the edge of the world when eating three meals.

A glass of red wine, a plate of French snails, and a strawberry tart were placed on the white table by an elf.

"Everything is ready, great Lord Niederhogg, today's dish is French cuisine, please taste it."

A little elf dressed in white flies around the dining table, holding the small decorative plate, smiling expectantly, and said.

"Thank you, Lilith."

Wearing a black top hat, a European-style modified black tuxedo, and a short skirt with black markings, beautiful legs with long boots, a double ponytail hairstyle called Roman curls, and a shallow smile at the corners of his mouth. Like a shrewd shrewd noble girl, exuding a mysterious and elegant temperament.

She sat at the dining table, took off her hat, and was sent to a hanger not far away by Lilith.

Niederhogg, the evil dragon in the Nordic God Realm that has been devouring the World Tree, has long ago embarked on the road of no return to plundering world art and gold and silver jewelry. After being completely resurrected, it has been in this castle. I haven't been out for decades, staying in the fort to enjoy the countless artworks plundered.

The gold and silver jewels looted in the castle seemed to be no different from before, even if it took decades.


However, after watching Lilith's eyes leave the dining table, Niederhogg's face gradually became anxious. She looked at the bunch of scented French snails, in fact, she felt a sense of rejection for this slimy thing. , I don’t understand why the Franks like to eat such things.

It seems that she also knows a human being who likes to eat such things.

Just when she was about to throw away the plate of snails unconsciously, Lilith quickly flew back and asked, "Ah, Lord Niederhogg, haven't you started eating?"

"Um... well, Lilith is delicious, I need to watch it more."

Niederhogg was taken aback for a moment, realizing that the time was gone, her expression of hesitation and regret was quickly put away, turned to maintain the elegant look as always, smiled and explained.

"That's great. It seems that Lord Niederhogg likes French cuisine very much. By the way, your subordinates have brought back a lot of snails, enough to eat for a long time. Lilith immediately cooks more with you, at least It may not be finished in months."


When Nidhog heard this, his eyebrows raised, his eyes widened, his mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't help making a surprised voice.

"What's the matter, Lord Niederhogg?" Lilith asked, looking at her suspiciously.

"Nothing, no, you read it wrong, Lilith, I will trouble you with the subsequent cooking." Niederhogg said to her with a gentle smile.

Lilith looked at Niederhogg's beautiful and beautiful smile, and suddenly felt that the whole world was shining.The elven girl who was originally a holy race would not have any connection with the evil dragon, but since being rescued by Nidhogg at the auction in the human city, she has almost been cruel, arrogant, Greedy but hot on the outside and hot on the inside, the calm and wise king was deeply attracted. He didn't want to go back to the forest at all. He had served Niederhogg for hundreds of years.


Lilith responded excitedly.

Nidhogg stretched out his finger and touched the top of Lilith's head.However, in her heart, she also began to plan to beat the stupid subordinate who bought her so many French snails.

At this time, the door of the restaurant was knocked.

"Master Nidhogg."

This is the voice of one of her subordinates.

"What's the matter?" Ned Hogg asked calmly, aiming at the door.

"A Tianlong named Thor suddenly came to visit you and said that he wanted to see you immediately. He mentioned that he came to discuss with you for a certain human matter. Do you need to meet her?"


Nidhog shocked slightly, and those cold eyes seemed to have ripples.

In the old castle that still looked a little dim when the candle was lit, the voice suddenly fell silent.

"Oh... finally, know... know how to call me."

Niederhogger had mixed feelings in his heart, and finally, the time for her to wait finally came, that one person finally knew how to call her name!She turned her back to two large windows that revealed the dim sky and dark mountains, and in the flickering candlelight, she revealed the smile that would only be revealed when she was excited.

In the castle, it was calm for less than five minutes. Suddenly the world changed color, dark clouds rolled, dark red surging, and strong winds suddenly rose. This strange phenomenon swept the land.

In the darkness, a black dragon scale, a huge giant dragon soared from the sky above the castle, with a dark red flame emitting from its body, and when its wings flapped like thunder, it flew towards the boundary of the other world.


Thor's body is already a behemoth, but compared to Niederhogg, she is more than twice as small. She flew behind Niederhogg and looked at each other blankly, thinking: "That guy I seem to be really looking forward to seeing Li Yan."

During the waiting time, the situation on the heaven side finally got first-hand information.

Three-quarters of the angels in the heavens obeyed the new gods and the warlike angel rights center, and one-quarter of the angels launched a resistance movement to defend God the Father during the coup d’état. Some angels were imprisoned, and only a small part of the angels withdrew from the heavens, looking for God the Father on the one hand, and trying to fight back on the other.

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