I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 604

It seems that even the girl named Chisaki Tapliss Shogbel was among the rebels, and took a photo of the envoy, and used the reputation of naive Gael White to contact hell to appease the devil Emotions.

I heard that the genius angel who led the rebellion was Gabriel’s sister.

In the afternoon, the demon and angel rebels seemed to have finally reached some agreement and planned to start operations together.

It seems that the situation on the heaven side is in line with this famous saying.

Of course, Li Yan also understands that these thoughts are just self-comfort to improve morale.

In any case, they are still the weaker side.

The Demon Realm suddenly fell into the clouded weather.

Thor leaves the devil to go to Niederhogg’s castle. The time in the other world will pass much faster than here, maybe only fifteen minutes have passed there, but a full day has passed in this world Up.

At this moment, all the basic preparations are in place. In the town square, all the demons who can participate in this action are gathered here, waiting for Thor's return.


Li Yan didn't know whether this dragon, who had a grudge with him and had a deep bond with each other, was willing to help.

In the past few months, decades in the other world seems to have passed. Has the little girl who ran out of the eggshell fully understood the grievances between them...

Therefore, when Li Yan was waiting, his mood was extremely complicated.

However, when Li Yan was thinking, the dark clouds in the sky finally changed. The ground began to blow strong winds, and the trees swayed endlessly. Eventually, the dark clouds in the sky formed a huge vortex, and a black dragon exuding dark flames came from The center of the vortex swooped down and flew toward the central square.

There was a strong aura invisibly, which instantly suppressed all the new demons present. In the end, the dragon landed on the sculpture of the Seven Deadly Sins. After a strong shock, the old demons spent several years building the sculpture. Just a few seconds ago, he was trampled into ruins by an evil dragon gnawing on the World Tree.


Not only Li Yan, but also Satania, Vinete, and Conna, everyone was stunned by this dragon that seemed to have become stronger.

Heilong's eyes glanced at the people off the court, and finally, she saw Li Yan standing on the left, and then she settled down.

[Li Yan, you are finally willing to find me.

The black dragon Nidhog made a deep dragon roar and said to him.But this sound alone makes people feel thunderous, and the dragon that destroys the power of the kingdom, entrenched on the devil sculpture, seems a bit more hideous than the devil.

"Yeah...but you don't want to destroy the public property here anymore, you should come down quickly and speak well." Li Yan always felt that this was not good, and reminded.

[Such things from the old era have no artistic value from the beginning. It is better to remove them for free and let the residents here build a few more meaningful sculptures.

Niederhogg didn't care, as if he had been to this place a long time ago.

However, in front of everyone, the black dragon swooped down, but it dissipated into a black mist in an instant. The huge dragon shrank in an instant. When it came down from the black mist, it was not a giant. Dragon, but a girl in a dress.

In terms of height, she was almost the same as Winnett, and she looked smaller than Satania.

"I have already heard that your courage is getting bigger and bigger. As a human being, it is a fantasy to go to heaven and meet the new god directly."

Niederhogger walked up to Li Yan and said.

When this somewhat arrogant and deserted gentleman girl held the scepter, and stared at Li Yan with a pair of eyes, Satania and Winnett also saw the characteristics of this girl clearly.

No matter how you look at it now, you can't see what this girl has to do with the black dragon, but the only characteristic is that Niederhogg's maroon eyes are not human eyes, but dragon eyes.

"...Yes." Li Yan was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "This action will be very dangerous for everyone, including you, Niederhogg...will you help me?"

Nidhogg listened quietly, looking at him blankly.

However, in the end, she smiled and said, "Otherwise, what I will do. Although it is really reckless, I personally find it very funny to make such a arrogant decision. It seems that this time you provoke an enemy more dangerous than me. I will personally send you to the new goddess and appreciate how you brought Gabriel back."

It seems that after having not seen it for a while, Niederhogger has sorted out the final thoughts, and she chose to keep everything she hoped to keep.

"Thank you, Niederhogg. And... you've grown up."

The last suspense in Li Yan's heart finally resolved. He looked at Niederhogg and said with a smile.

"Um..." Nidhogg was slightly surprised, but gradually, she lowered her head slightly, smiled, and said, "Yes."

At this moment, there was another roar from the sky. Li Yan and Niederhogg looked up and saw that they passed through three huge dragons, Thor, and the old acquaintance Red Dragon and The ice dragon Orasia has come here one after another.

At this moment, the power to impact the heavens is basically available.

"Gabriel..." In the end, Li Yan bet all his hopes on this charge.

In the crowded Hell Square, demons, dragons, and angels all set out to rescue Gabriel and restore the peace and order arranged by the god Jehovah.

Fly away from the devil world, and in the middle of the road, began to converge with the angels who defended the Father God from the heavens. In the end, Li Yan crouched on Nidhogg's back and flew towards the heavens.

In the sky, a large figure marched toward the heavenly realm. After passing through the clouds, facing the dazzling sunlight, it approached the edge of the old heavenly realm more and more.

I don't know why, the closer you get, the more you can hear the melodious and tactful tune of the holy songs of men, women and children...

The legendary paradise is in front of him, Li Yan saw in his eyes, but he also understood that if he really had a good death, whether it was once or now, he probably wouldn't be able to come to this place after death...

Wars and conflicts are getting closer and closer here.

Li Yan couldn't help staying in the air and looked at the strange angel flying around him with bruises after the battle, while on the other side was an ordinary demon in a plumber uniform...

"Although the scale of victory has begun to lean towards our side, the chance of success... is only possible at most 40%, but I didn't come to win the war, I just brought them back." Li Yan Lie on the dragon's back, thinking silently.

Today, they are all crusaders who set out together to save the beauty of the past.

In the praise of the hymn, the sky is so wide, and the original comfortable tune, but everyone's mood becomes more and more tense.

In the rainforest, Satania is always crying; Vinette, who is polite and smiles, has a serious and upright character; La Feier who always shows a happy smile and is actually the most eager to protect the unity of the four people; and there is The back of that lazy girl, the lazy angel sitting in the house playing games...

It turns out that there are no scenes that you cherish and pay attention to in daily life, but it turns out to be happiness in life...

In the melodious tune, in the end, the crusade team passed through the clouds and over the golden clouds, ushered in an army of angels dripping quickly like rain.

The demons and the remaining angels also speeded up and rushed towards the angel guards of the heavenly kingdom. Suddenly, fierce competition and battle began in the sky.

This melee was almost like a mythological record in the text of the Bible, fierce and anxious.

After a while, under the concerted efforts of demons and angels, the defensive net blocked by the front-line angel army was finally rushed out by this concerted crusade team, opening a way to the heavens for Niederhogg and Li Yan. The doorway.

Niederhogg naturally saw the timing. With the red dragon on the left, the ice dragon on the right, Thor in front, and Conna's escort behind, he quickly broke through the angel's first line of defense.

In the consciousness of everyone, Li Yan, who can't fly and is the most critical, is undoubtedly the only candidate for all members to hope that he will be lucky enough to reach the temple. The focus of almost all wars is around Li Yan on the back of the dragon. And unfold.

No matter where it flies, the sky is full of demons and angels, rebelling against the struggle between angels and angels. When angels try to prevent Li Yan from entering, there will be demons or other angels desperately blocking it.

Finally, Niederhogger carried Li Yan into the residential area of ​​heaven, but the residential area at this moment was empty and silent.

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