I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 605

And within a distance of 30 kilometers from the residential area, you can see a floating island filled with golden light, and on that rich island is the holy god...

"The distance is shorter than imagined..."

Li Yan thought, but he didn't know why, there was always a premonition of anxiety in his heart.

That is, the progress at the beginning was too smooth, but it may indicate that there are some problems in the progress of the matter...

The fast-sprinting Nidhog looked down at the residential area of ​​the heavens and said: "It seems that the militant archangels who claim to be holy have imposed a curfew and suppressed this place..."


Li Yan realized that Niederhogg and other dragons seemed to know their details, and finally listened to the background of the archangels who encouraged and tried to restore the old order, and asked: "...So, the group of archangels who puzzled Gabriel What is the origin?"

"Lee, any world and any organization will have the old school. It is not only the human kingdom where there will be differences and rebellions, even the heaven and the devil, and even the dragons that we have long lived together will have various forces. "

Thor, who flew in front, explained.

"The angels of the old school are generally relatively powerful, and they are the core power of the kingdom against the devil. Most of them are four-winged angels and even some seraphs. After the world is re-divided and cleansed, the old school still distrusts demons and In today's human age, faith is becoming more and more forgotten, full of all kinds of evil thoughts and depravity, which naturally makes them think that God has not succeeded in saving this world, so they plan to support such outstanding angels as Michael or Gabriel. The leader will restart the fragile status quo and completely restore the religious age of the medieval era."

Ice Dragon Orasia also continued.

"Therefore, the power that can shake the order arranged by God is only the power of God himself. Therefore, the horn of doom is the most basic key, and the throne is none other than Gabriel."

Finally, Niederhogger told Li Yan of this conclusion.

Li Yan fell silent.

Isn't this the myth version of pride and prejudice?

Suddenly, just as the four-headed dragon was flying quickly to the temple, a pillar of heaven fell from the sky, and suddenly hit the ice dragon Orasia, causing the escorted dragon to roll in the air.

"Be careful, there are seraphs." Nidhogg said calmly while watching the battle.

"Master Niederhogg, I will contain them."

The fire dragon immediately swooped in the direction to the left.

However, Niederhogger always felt that whether it was gathering or separating, it seemed that it was extremely dangerous to enter the core airspace. Except for her, the other dragons were basically not the opponents of Seraphim.

Suddenly, both Li Yan and Niederhogger noticed that a figure that was as fast as thunder and lightning rushed towards Niederhogg. This speed was too late for Niederhogg to react, and the whole body was directly given by this angel. Hit fly.


This impact directly knocked Li Yan into the air.

"Oh, Thor!"

After Nidhog blocked an archangel's divine sword, he stared closely at the falling figure of Li Yan, and immediately shouted when he could not get out.

The whirring wind kept passing by Li Yan's ears, but soon Thor flew towards him, and Li Yan quickly grabbed her feet.

"Li, caught it!"

Thor led Li Yan, surrounded by the chasing angels, and continued to dive into the temple at the fastest speed.

At this moment in the sky, there were obviously five or six seraphs and a sufficient number of four-winged angels guarding this area. When there were only five dragons rushing from the defense line, they carried out a sneak attack.

Thor's speed was not inferior to Niederhogg. She tried hard to make up for her mistake in the last time, and tried her best to take Li Yan towards the temple.

However, it was still a bit worse. In the constant dodge in the air, a golden angel's arrow still hit Thor's wing, and instantly shot the Tianlong's wings out of a big hole.


The pain swept through Thor's body like an electric current.

"...Kona, please finally come to you!!"

When Thor, who was seriously injured, fell down, he shouted to Conna, who was confused in the sky and didn't know where he was.


Li Yan fell into the air again. This time, the heavy feeling of falling was almost tearing Li Yan's body. Just when Li Yan thought he would fall directly to the earth like this, a white light flashed. Grabbing Li Yan's clothes, he continued to rush towards the distance of less than ten miles.

After three consecutive relays, Li Yan looked at the temple in front of him, and the hope and success of everyone was getting closer.

However, just less than ten meters away, the chasing angels once again caught up with Kang Na in a dense group. In the end, the two pairs of petite wings were hugged by more and more angels and lost their flight. Balance, at the last moment, Kang Na hurried Li Yan to the temple's continent.

Li Yan, who ran out, fell like a fast falling star to the temple’s mainland. However, Li Yan himself also found that Conna’s strength was not enough. According to such a parabola, the distance between each other might be short. Two or three meters.

However, a girl from the Angel Guard rushed towards his back during the melee. Li Yan, who was spinning in the air, thought that there was no way back and forth, but the girl dragged him behind his back and sent him directly. On the faint grassy land of the temple.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He turned his head and looked over. The La Fei'er who still kept his wings looked at him with a smile as always.

"La Fei Er..."

Li Yan looked at her with wide eyes and said.

La Feier looked at him deeply and said, "You must... bring Gabriel back, please, our most beloved senior."

The important angel La Fei Er, who had been obedient by her side, suddenly rebelled. The other angels were stunned. The most critical second-generation defense line had been breached, and they almost rushed towards Li Yan in desperation.

La Fei Er turned around and immediately tried her best to block the last batch of angels, shouting: "Senior, I will block for you later, now please hurry to the temple, time is almost up... You must stop Gabriel as soon as possible. She became a real goddess!"

Li Yan stood on the land and looked at the people who were close at hand and fighting tirelessly in the sky. His face and clothes were covered with dust when they rolled down. In the end, he stopped hesitating and walked quickly towards Walked towards the temple gate.

The noise and roars of the surrounding war are getting farther and farther, and Li Yan is getting closer and closer to the temple where God once stood...

He came to the gate of the temple without receiving a trace of harm. Finally, he stretched out his hands and slowly pushed open the huge gate of God's Domain.

The gap in the door became bigger and bigger, and the whole temple seemed to be trembling.

Streaks of sunlight shone on Li Yan's face, and there were patches of golden feathers flying down from the sky...


After pushing the door open, Li Yan saw a vast temple in front of him, with countless white veils dancing in the wind. However, on the height of the throne, with her back facing him, stood a girl...


Li Yan recognized her back and called her name to her.

However, what happened next made Li Yan feel that the situation was at its worst.

Gabriel turned around.

However, her wings are faint, looming, one pair, two pairs, three pairs...four pairs...

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