I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 611

"But you can do it, can't you?"

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at him quietly, smiling, and asked.


Li Yan pondered for a while, but did not answer Kagurazaka Acorus.

"Nowadays, readers don't urge you to finish the last volume soon. Under normal circumstances, readers of other popular novels are eager for a work to end soon..."

Kagurazaka Ayame looked at the few letters compared to before and said.

"Good works, people have always wanted to see it at the beginning, but at the end, they suddenly become lonely and a little bit reluctant. Such works are the masterpieces that touch the readers' hearts... The author who writes beautiful stories does not rely on it. The story of the beautiful girl, the H factor has attracted a group of loyal fans, so why can't it be the title of [Master], even without the trophy and applause, it still has enough glory, right?"

Kagurazaka Ayame said with emotion.

The sales volume is not the first, but one of the four kings who established the Sanhe Library is no problem, but Kagurazaka Ayame also hopes that his hands can support a master who writes more than just interesting light novels.

Li Yan recalled his Mandarin scores in most of his high school, looked at his manuscript, sighed softly, and said, "No, I can't stand it. I have never seen a writer known as a master write all kinds of Wrong sentences and typos."

"By the way, Uesugi-sensei."

Kagurazaka Ayame thought for a while, and suggested: "If you want to reduce the workload, leave the trivial tasks such as calibration and searching for writing materials to your assistant. If you have a smart assistant, analyze the plot all the time. And the writing method is much better than thinking hard by yourself."


Li Yan was taken aback and thought.

As for the assistant, Shiina Shiba once recommended herself, but now she is a more popular cartoonist. Ying Riri's Mandarin score is worse than his, while Kasumigaoka Shiyu is taking an exam. Nanami and Jiabaili don’t have any. Back to Japan...

Although he felt that Kagurazaka Ayame's words awoke him to share the work, but he couldn't think of a suitable candidate.

While discussing the convenient modification part of the plot, Kagurazaka Ayame received a landline call.


After Kagurazaka Ayame heard the call from the other party, his face changed drastically, and he immediately returned to his computer and started to turn on the computer.

"Um, what's the matter?" Li Yan asked in a daze.

Kagurazaka Ayame banged on the computer and said, "This...it's bad, there are really hackers stealing company information."


Hearing this word, Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, then stood up and went to the computer to look at it.

According to MSM’s reverse data, at this moment, a hacker attacked the server, programmed a computer in Sanhe Library with a virus that had never been seen before, and hacked into the company’s server to steal top-secret information about the author.

Seeing that densely packed files are being copied continuously, Sanhe Library cannot immediately disconnect several networks to prevent it. Doing so will also cause the possibility of losing the company files that are being transmitted, but relying on several programmers of the library company at all It is impossible to stop this hacker from unscrupulously launching threat viruses while collecting the intelligence that the other party needs.

"...Why did you suddenly steal the information of the contracted author?"

In his eyes, Li Yan didn't understand the purpose of this hacker. Generally speaking, such things have no monetary value at all. The average hacker prefers to steal information about the company's money account.

In any case, he does not want his identity to be published on the Japanese Internet. After all, his foreign identity and any information about the income agreement between the company and the Ministry of Health and Welfare may be spread out for two years of hard work. The writing achievement was completely shattered.

As a result, Kagurazaka Acorus took Li Yan to the technical department. At this moment, a group of technicians on a row of server computers are still trying to combat hacker technology.

"Let Uesugi-sensei try it." Kagurazaka Ayame said to the head of the technical department.

Li Yan didn't wait for the head of the technical department to answer. He replaced a technician and began to take over the criminal operation.

There are many ways to fight against hackers at the technical level, such as anti-tracking the other party's IP address, resetting a new password, and firstly rescuing and transferring important information.

However, after a little confrontation, Li Yan realized that the other party was a master, and some of his personal information had been stolen.

Obviously, some of Li Yan's methods still prevented hackers from entering the field.

"..." Kagurazaka iris and others were all staring at it.

I don't know why, among the flashing lights of the rows of servers, Li Yan, who wears a mask and hat while operating a computer, looks more like a hacker in his mind.

"It's really a high-achieving student of Dong University, Uesugi is so talented..." Kagurazaka Ayame thought.

However, Li Yan's IT skills were learned in Shanghai universities...

In the end, the hacker seemed to be worried about the IP address being found. After realizing that there was a master on the other side, after several confrontations, he realized that the risk of exposure had increased, and he was ready to accept it.

In order to prevent Li Yan from searching for and releasing viruses in reverse, the other party began to restrict file types, and finally limited to jpg files that can be transferred to each other.

Li Yan hesitated for a while, and finally in a limited short time, he sent a few pictures to the other party.


The girl sitting in front of a large monitor quickly saw these pictures, some of which were European-style double houses, some of them were levers, sweet rolls... Obviously, the interpretation message was [who are you?] ...

This kind of technology, and this kind of thinking...Is it really an ordinary technician from Library Company over there?

The girl living in the dark room hesitated for a while, and finally showed a smile.

In the end, she responded to Li Yan's message in the same way.

Li Yan saw the picture sent back by the other party and interpreted an intriguing answer.

——[I found you finally, Sherlock Holmes] (I found you, Sherlock Holmes.)


Li Yan looked at this message and made him realize something. It seemed that this hacker was directed at him.

Who on earth has he attracted the attention of...

Chapter 301 Black Assistant Rose

The University of Tokyo will start the exam on Wednesday morning next week.

Among the three major subjects, Japanese national language, comprehensive subjects, and liberal arts mathematics, each faculty enrolls 30 people a year. Every year, elite students from all over Japan and foreign countries come to challenge. The test in Japan is more difficult than Other top universities are much harder.


Carrying a bag of reference materials, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu came out of the training class and exhaled. She looked at her results from the last simulation test of Dongda University. She ranked well in the famous training class. If you don’t go to Dongda, at least there is a 70% chance that Kyoto University and Keio Private School will be able to go.

In fact, even a training class of this level can't guarantee that such excellent results can be applied to Dongda University. After all, the level of competition for the legal profession every year is no less than that of other popular majors.

Unprecedented pressure was on Shiyu's shoulders, but in any case, she had no intention of giving up.

Now, she understands that after Li Yan lost three consecutive university opportunities at that time, she was still able to calmly go to Waseda University for the second time and how tough and strong her willpower is. She has been admitted to school and has never encountered such competitive pressure. .

Such a person failed in the literature test, but was admitted to the science test, probably because the Mandarin score involved too much, but in her words, the score of every subject was a little bit worse.

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