I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 612

It didn't have to be so hard.

This sentence, both parents and teachers reminded her.

Eri Sawamura, who even noticed her actions, sometimes deliberately walked by the classroom to see her situation. This learning genius who always sleeps in class, unexpectedly began to work hard for months, in order to be like other geniuses. Compete for Dongda seats.She was even called "Uesugiko" by readers for announcing the closure of the novel, which made her laugh.

The hardships and pains of this journey may only be understood by the candidates who have faced it.

However, only she knows the meaning of everything.

University is not the only way out. Even if she does not go to college, she is confident to use her abilities to create more opportunities, but she once fell into an incredible thing, everything has changed her life.

A more fantastic experience than a novel.

She saw someone’s previous life, that one who was optimistic about life, strong, and striving to find a bright soul.

The only failure was when he was in college, he encountered someone who had failed his trust and worked hard to save.

She wants to make up for this defect, that her college time can stay aside, nothing more, and even thinking about it, she thinks college time is very interesting and will not feel boring...

Today, the figure who secretly wrote a novel as a confession gift, the young man with a gentle and hearty smile, and... the tragic man fallen in a pool of blood, still deeply in her mind.

Li Yan, she was the only person who didn't dare to use her arrogant attitude and poisonous tongue...

"God, please..."

"God, please..."

The girl with her head down tightly closed her eyes, her long and slightly curved eyelashes faced the snow, and she prayed silently and sincerely.

In the sky, January’s falling snow continued to fly, and the girl with her head down finally decided to muster up the courage to fight for the chance of hopelessness and not let herself regret...

In Tokyo in mid-to-late January, traffic in the city was strictly controlled. Shrines, temples, and Confucian Temples gathered a large number of parents of candidates and began to worship and burn incense.

Although the exams in East Asia are different, they are basically the same. Whether it is January, June or November, you can see such a spectacular scene.

The entrance of Japan Women's Art University.

"Senior Nissumi, Yui-seniors, juniors, and Toyama-seniors, thank you for coming to encourage me."

This one was wearing a school uniform, a petite but mature baby-faced girl carrying a bag, bowed slightly, and said with a bright smile.

"Come on, Aoba-chan, you must be fine!" Shinoda Chu said excitedly.

"You big idiot, it's okay not to say anything now. It's definitely OK. It won't help at all. Aoba, we all trust your talent. Come on, I know you have this strength."

Yui Iijima glared disgustingly at the gorilla-minded IT ape Shinoda Hatsuka, then showed a cute and cheerful smile and said to Aoba.

"Anyway... Come on, Aoba-chan."

Seeing this crowded scene, Taki was extremely nervous, and today's Fumei cheeks were a little blushing. She seemed to be a little nervous, clenching two fists, and said in a daze.

"I'll take care of your work for the time being, and I have to work hard, Senior Aoba." Mochizuki Hongye's heart was beating. In order to let Liangfeng Aoba have no worries, Hongye specifically talked about the company's situation.

"Yes." Liangfeng Qingye nodded and said with a smile.

"Aoba always gives people a very reliable feeling. She has also sent a text message to encourage you. When you return to China, you will buy gifts to reward you. Come on, our company has already appointed outstanding talents."

Yuan Shanlun smiled and said encouragingly.

"Leave it to me... By the way, Senior Li went to the parking lot, why haven't he returned?" Liang Feng Qingye blinked, looked around, and asked.


Today, Fumi and others fell silent, not knowing what to say for a while.

As a result, Liangfeng Qingye noticed something was wrong, followed their gazes and saw that under a tree not far away, Li Yan adjusted his mood there, as if he was too much. I was nervous and didn't dare to show it in front of cool breeze Aoba, so I took a look at Aoba's situation while hiding under the tree to adjust his emotions.Strangely, he had never been so embarrassed when he took the exam.

So Taki Fumi and others know the reason for Li Yan's stagnation, but they also feel that Li Yan's nervousness and helplessness are a bit too stupid as a father.

Liangfeng Qingye looked at Li Yan curiously and asked, "Senior Li..."


Li Yan was stunned for a moment. After realizing that he had been discovered, he coughed a few times and finally walked forward.

"Um... Aoba, no matter what situation you encounter, you must remain absolutely calm and objective. This is the inevitable requirement of victory. I think you must have no problems with cultural subjects, so... So just play normally. Do not give yourself too much pressure……"

Li Yan kept smiling, but he began to hesitate, his face was very bad, he could see that he was suppressing his gaffe, but he didn't seem to be very successful.

Liang Feng Qingye blinked with some doubts, but seemed to understand Li Yan's feelings and high hopes, and smiled decisively, saying: "Yes, Senior Li, don't worry, I will try my best. I went."


Looking at the shining younger generation, Li Yan felt a little embarrassed, and the older generation who was going to see off in the end had to take the exam to appease...

Yui Iijima sighed secretly and thought: "Huh, it's another flag maker, but it's okay, if two people say Flag, they will probably cancel each other out."

Soon, after one minute and one second passed, it was getting closer and closer to the test time.

Liang Feng Qingye clenched two small fists, made a look of excitement, smiled and said, "Okay, it's almost time to take an exam. Seniors have to work, and Senior Li has to go to class. It's okay, I'm the one It’s okay for people here, so let’s leave first."

Shinoda and others hesitated and asked, "Ah, is this really okay?"

"Well, new game development is also very important. What's more, it will be the release date of the "Witch" developed by Senior Li and us in the next few days. There must be a lot of repair and inspection work in the last few days, so I will be here alone. Alright!"

Liangfeng Aoba patted her chest a little bit, and said confidently.

I have to say that such Aoba is so sensible and cute to the predecessors of game companies such as Toyama Run.

Li Yan, Yuan Shanlun and the others looked at each other. After all, many parents have also started to leave the venue, leaving them to candidates who need to pass quickly. Under Liangfeng Aoba’s insistence, everyone nodded and said goodbye to Liangfeng Aoba. One after another left.


Li Yan turned his head and looked at Aoba, and saw Aoba's cute and calm smile that day. After being silent for a while, he continued to leave the school gate.

After they disappeared in the crowd, Liang Feng Qingye breathed a sigh of relief. She checked the time and there were almost a few minutes left to enter.

I don’t know why, her heartbeat started to speed up, and her self-confidence became more and more tense as the time passed...

In fact, she is just a little better than ordinary people. Faced with such an occasion, it is impossible not to be nervous.

"I have tried very hard to review, believe in yourself."

"I have tried very hard to review, believe in yourself..."

Cool breeze Aoba in school uniform lowered his head and muttered silently.

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