I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 624

After Li Yan took over the book, Alice herself continued to work hard to do her assistant's work. I don't know why, something vaguely seemed to be happening under his nose... but he didn't notice it for the time being.

It's 6:15 in the afternoon.

According to the address given to him by Alice, Li Yan drove to an upscale residential area in the Koto area of ​​Tokyo.

I don't understand why, on the road, he really seemed to feel that there was a car behind him. Out of insurance, he managed to get rid of the suspicious vehicle.

Finally, after walking for a few minutes on the streets of this high-class residential area, relying on the dim street lights, Li Yan found the "library" recommended by Alice, 221 Jiangxu Street, a three-story exquisite garden villa .

"...It doesn't look like the city library in any way, did I find the wrong place?"

Under Li Yan's doubts, he raised his head and looked at the window on the second floor.

However, unexpectedly, there seemed to be a person standing in the window on the second floor, who seemed to be looking down at him...

In the dim and exquisite house, a petite figure was revealed in the window, and what was even more conspicuous was the curved pipe held by the figure.

Chapter 306 The Mobile Library of 140,000 Books

The sky was completely dark.

The street lights were all on, and the surrounding houses were brightly lit in the hazy and beautiful night.

There is a golden bell hanging at the door of this unexcellent garden single-family house, and it keeps jingling and jingling in the cold wind.

A cup of hot coffee was placed in front of Li Yan, with a strong aroma, and it seemed to be a high-end product.

"It's really hard for you to come here specially."

An old white-haired woman from Europe smiled, offered Li Yan a cup of coffee, and said.

"Where...thank you."

Li Yan sat in the living room chair on the first floor. After being entertained by this kind and stable 60-year-old grandmother, Li Yan had been sitting in this quaint European-style building for half an hour.

He has been eating dessert and drinking coffee, a little flattered by the grandmother's entertainer, and he is fidgeting.

This building is indeed very special. The outside looks biased towards the Scandinavian style. When you enter the house, it is a unique cave. In addition to a living room and kitchen, there may also be necessary bedrooms, bathrooms and toilets. Other places are full The bookshelf looks like a small library.

Entering here, it seems that he has gone to Europe again.

So, did Alice call it the library?

Li Yan hung his white coat on the hanger at the door, and was arranged to wait here for the master who was still staying upstairs to wake up, and then personally apply to her for a loan.

The huge pendulum clock in the center of the house rattled.

Under the warm light, Li Yan's figure was hidden in the light and darkness. He didn't dare to bother and waited patiently.


Suddenly, the old woman who cleaned the kitchen was quiet for a while, and smiled kindly, and said, "Your eyes are really good."

"...I'm overwhelmed." This is the first time that Li Yan has been praised for his eyes. Others, including Qi Hai, have mentioned that his eyes are sometimes scary. He was taken aback, and then thanked him.

Under the warm light, the old woman said slowly: "When others stare at you, they will probably be scared."

"..." When Li Yan heard this, he suddenly showed an uncomfortable expression, and his original warm heart suddenly shattered.

The old woman sat on the wooden chair opposite, still smiling, and continued: "...very focused and decisive in her heart. When it is cruel, it is as fierce as death, and when it is mild, it is as warm as a flame. Young man, you are very mobile and qualified to do great things... Alice seems to have met a very good friend."


Li Yan didn't know exactly what his eyes were like, but the overall evaluation was still positive, so he thanked him again.

"Thank you, Mrs. Forrest."

This old woman with the surname Forrest checked the time, pondered for a moment, and said, "I think she should be awake. You can go upstairs, Mr. Li."

Li Yan stood up, and after a little inquiring about the rules here, and after making sure that he would not offend the master upstairs, he started to take steps and walked to the second floor.

The lighting of the stairs is still using chandeliers, but the windows on the second floor do not seem to be closed tightly.

Li Yan remembered that when he was on the street, he saw the figure on the second floor...

I also recalled the white pipe sticking out of the black car.

[Beep beep...]

The editing system in Li Yan's consciousness has been ringing, and he is sure that he has met the person in the morning.

The heating in the house and the cold air blowing in from the cracks in the windows merged in the stairs, and the sound of footsteps upstairs gradually approached the second floor.

The figure staying on the second floor quietly looked at the stairway. As a result, a dark-haired young man who was not burly and not too tall, slowly stepped step by step at the stairway that was lit up, and then looked a little dark. Climb up the stairs.

Forrest's evaluation, she heard clearly downstairs, and now she also understands why this lady would evaluate him like that.


The moment the eye contact, staring into his eyes, you will find that there is no resentment, just as scary.


Li Yan suddenly let out a puzzled voice.

Before his eyes, there was a suddenly enlightened view.

On the second floor, as if coming to a greenhouse, a large piece of emerald green potted plants were planted, like a deep forest in spring, with flowers swaying slightly in the cold wind, and in the middle is a row of bookshelves full of various books. The light below is extremely bright, and what is more conspicuous is that a European-style red chair is placed opposite the stairs, and on the chair is placed a simulation doll with long golden hair and emerald green eyes.

This girl looking at the stairs is motionless, her bare feet are on the chair, her hands are around her knees, and the wind is blowing her golden bangs, and she wears something similar to Alice through Her black quaint dress with long golden hair and black hair accessories exudes a gothic atmosphere.

I have to admit that this puppet is really beautiful, almost born out of fantasy.

Li Yan had heard of Europe a long time ago, especially Russia is good at making such extremely artificial dolls, which can be called art works, and the price is naturally quite expensive.

"How much does this doll cost to make it?"

Li Yan looked at this puppet with some surprise. He always felt that the puppet was not angry, but it was lifelike. He walked over and looked around to see if there were any monitors and figures around. Only slightly stretched out his hand to touch such an exquisite art doll that I had never seen before.

"...It's beautiful no matter how you look at it."

Li Yan looked at this blond doll from the angle of looking at the figure.

Strictly speaking, this is the hand of the rich.

The blond hair exuded a faint fragrance, and he secretly poked the rounded cheek slightly, which was actually elastic and had a very good hand feeling.

"The fibrous artificial skin of the cheeks is a bit too elastic. How can real human cheeks be succulent..."

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