I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 625

Li Yan looked at this puppet and felt a pity. After all, this is Japan, and the figures belonging to the rich have been made a little distorted, relying too much on cuteness. As a result, the face of this girl is made to match the oriental Aesthetics.

However, when Li Yan retracted his hand, the doll's hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed his wrist, and pulled Li Yan a little.


Li Yan's face suddenly changed.

The eyes of the "doll" suddenly moved and looked at him.

"You need to be quiet here, you can't touch anything, what are you doing, Mr. Oriental, do you treat me as a doll?"

The flowers were permeating, the cold wind was blowing, the petals flew down, the blond "girl doll" raised his head and asked quietly.

Shinjuku, 5:45.

The last remaining golden light of the sky shone in this residential area.

After Li Yan left, the room was empty. Among the open dictionaries and collections of essays everywhere, the flash of the computer illuminated the living room, which was about to lose its light.

[Ding Dong!

A doorbell rang suddenly.

"..." Alice was silent for a while, she still didn't raise her head, and said, "The door is unlocked, come in."

The doorbell fell silent, and gradually, the doorknob moved and was gently pushed open.

Under the golden light, stood a blond girl wearing a student vest and a red tie.

Shiina Mashiro looked at the room quietly, at the distant Alice.

"I'm here." Shiina Masashi said in a soft and indifferent voice.

"Yes, please lock the door when you come in." Alice flipped through the dictionary and said.

Shiina Mashiro locked the door behind her, took off her shoes, came to Alice, and said, "Now, just the two of us?"

"Yes, Miss Shiina."

Alice finally stopped working. She closed her eyes, exhaled, and then raised her head with a smile, and asked, "Would you like a can of Dr Pepper?"

"...Hmm." Shiina was silent for a while before nodding.

In the dimly lit living room, Shiina Masashira, who was holding a drink, had few topics. Finally, she raised her head and asked, "What is the purpose of the ALICE game?"

"Um...Miss Shiina, your voice is so nice. The thin voice sounds like a pet, which is very different from what I thought before."

Alice is holding the brown bear puppet, looking at Shiina really white, and said: "The Alice game is a zero-sum game we invited you. You should understand that you are already eligible to join the discussion group organized by that person. We were unable to find an intermediary to host this detective girl's winning or losing game, but at this time, someone who has the ability to detect difficult cases appeared..."

"Because I proposed to let you write a question, this game is called [Alice Game]. As you think, this is just a game of finding people, but the person looking for is Mr. Holmes mentioned by Miss Shiina. , Since I can teach you so well, he must be a very good detective, right? Holmes is almost a godlike existence for us detectives, and this is a perfect topic."

Alice sighed softly and said, "However, Miss Shiina, your Holmes is really amazing. So far, there is no clue. I don't know if other people have reached the way?"

Shiina was silent. In the discussion group, she knew that Alice was an outstanding hacker detective. She was good at using the Internet to find out the truth about the incident. She abandoned the traditional detective methods of field investigations, and her crime-solving rate ranked among the highest in the industry.

However, Li Yan was worried that others would know his identity and had been careful not to leave any network clues. Therefore, Alice was able to find out this side within a few days. It was obvious that he was very powerful, but he was accidentally caught by Li Yan. The move has pinched the clue...

"However, I don't know the meaning of this invitation."

Shiina was silent for a while and explained.

"It's okay. Anyway, this is just a reasoning game. It will not bleed or lose, and... Ms. Shiina, after accepting the test and invitation in a muddle, it means that you are a member of our world girl detective team, you He has very good detective abilities, but he has very little experience. The current experience will be your fatal flaw. You have to admit that you are unlucky. Also, don’t leave the discussion group, otherwise it will cause trouble."

Alice was sitting on the cushion and reminded.

"..." Shiina Mashiro's expression remained unchanged as pure white.

"So, there is only one thing you have to do now, and that is to be careful and try not to be detected by others at the end of the game. That's it."


Shiina was silent for a moment. So far, she has found no other purpose for this game.

However, she was the one who disturbed Li Yan's life this time. More importantly, she really did not want to be found by this group of people for her unique "Sherlock"...

Shiina Zhenbai deeply understands Li Yan's ability to hide information. Now there is no girl in the group to figure out who her [path guide] is. These are all Li Yan unconsciously resisting this group of curious detectives. ... The only thing she has to do is to preserve Holmes' results as much as possible.

Therefore, it is impossible for Shiina to care about the position of [assistant] at this time, and has always maintained the mental quality of a high school student girl detective.


So far, some useful information has been collected. If we continue to talk, there is no free information. Shiina Mashiro stood up, holding Dr Pepper and preparing to leave.

"That, Miss Shiina."

Alice stopped her suddenly.


Shiina Mashiro turned her head and looked at her.

"Can you tell Mr. Holmes? If I find him, there is one thing I want to ask him anyway, so that he must answer me. Is this okay?"

Detective girls' games are not boring.

Shiina Mashiro’s incredible descriptions, and after Alice fought each other once, the legend of Sherlock Holmes is approaching the ideal possibility. With such a wit, there must be the answer that Alice and other detective girls have always wanted to solve... …

In the mind of the detective, Charlotte Holmes exists and is immortal.The detective, who has always been known for his reason, has a dreamlike fairy tale in his heart?

"Yeah." Shiina nodded really white, not sure that the purpose of this sentence was bait, but she agreed first.


When Shiina Mashiro passed the bathroom, she saw a familiar scene.

There are instructions for using the washing machine and precautions on the washing machine.

After she experienced a long period of failure and persistence, a few months ago, she no longer needed these prompts.


Alice noticed Shiina's white gaze, her face changed suddenly, but what was even more frightening was that Shiina seemed to understand the note and looked back at her blankly...

"Uh..." Alice was holding the doll with a very embarrassed expression, as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

It seems that he was looked down upon by his opponent...

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