I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 646

However, after listening to Ying Lili's words, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who used to be contradictory with each other, seemed to have gradually disappeared after the fifteenth anniversary of Xia Shizi after getting to know each other.

There are still a few minutes before the end of the banquet.

The waiter began to distribute drinks and red wine to every guest present. Cool breeze Aoba got the juice drink, and the Nifumi and others got the wine. The atmosphere has reached the just right stage. The people who are well-dressed are pigs. Li Yan finally finished the call when he clinked glasses to wish the success of "Hunting the Devil".

"Senior, what are you in a daze? Here, I know you should like Pepsi the most, right?"

Liang Feng Qingye handed Li Yan a glass of drink, and asked with a smile.

Li Yan turned and looked at Aoba with complicated expression.

"Sorry... Aoba, I can't participate at the end of the banquet. I have an important thing to go out. Congratulations, Aoba, you have worked very hard this time."

Li Yan looked at the cool breeze Aoba who was slightly stunned. At the end of his explanation of the reason, Li Yan told this outstanding junior about his joy in Aoba's success.

"...I know, there must be something important. Now it's almost time to leave the table, and I will explain it to others. The joy of being in the rankings is nothing more valuable than the happy reaction of the predecessors... Then , Seniors are leaving now?"

Cool breeze Qingye was startled, she quickly understood everything, she asked with a bright smile.

"...Yes, because... it's raining."

Li Yan turned his head and looked at the huge and dim window. At this moment, there was a patter of black rain behind him, and said.

The banquet finally entered the countdown.


——Today I only heard the third-grade teachers talk about this.


——[The guy Xia Zhiqiu seems to have given up on the transfer a long time ago, secretly concealed from his colleagues in the Dongda cram school, and worked hard every day to review the law department of Dongda...]


——However, this year, there are a lot more students enrolling in finance and law than before. They are all top students from all over the country. Even if Kasumigaoka is capable of being sent to Waseda, but... Still too aggressive.


——Today Dongda is on the list... I heard from the teacher that Xia Zhiqiu's total score was less than a dozen points and failed to pass. The fool has never returned home and has not answered the phone. He has disappeared for a long time.

——The teacher is worried that she still insists on going to Dongda University, and missed the second exam opportunity at Waseda University. Therefore, otaku Li, no matter what, we will find her today!Don't let her wasted her chance, otherwise...]


Li Yan had already descended to the second floor. As a result, when he understood Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's most painful moment, vigorous blessings and cheers came from the roof.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's exam unexpectedly failed...

Ying Lili had been looking for Shiyu Xiazhiqiu for several hours.

There was a black rain outside, and Li Yan frowned and looked around blankly. At this moment, he was too far away from Ying Lili and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu...


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu must have his own reasons to gamble.

But anyway...

There was a cold and rainy scene in front of him that was once lost, and Li Yan felt that it was necessary to find her and talk...

The urban belt between Tokyo and Saitama.

On a gentle commercial street, the stone slabs were washed by rain to make them black and shiny. Warm lanterns shone on this somewhat empty pedestrian street, and rain curtains constantly flowed down from the eaves.

This kind of rain and fog is quite cold.

In the cold and dark world, the girl raised her head and looked at the familiar scenery.

Very lonely feeling...

This mood, like a gamble, still has a strong urge to move towards the faint light in the constant ups and downs, hoping to try a second time.

Regarding the youth novels on campus, there are indeed too many deceptive factors...How can it be so easy to protect others.

She thought sadly.


The sound of rain at night is pattering.

Just giving up the university recommendation and risking the loss of precious university opportunities... She has an overwhelming weight.

In the dim Japanese-style street, the girl lowered her head, sadly confessing this cowardly.

However, in any case, these are not as heavy as the risk of a certain person desperately trying to survive...

"I... really useless..."

To do this is absolutely more difficult than imagined...

Li Yan has never done anything related to love.

Yes, only lightly working hard for three meals a day and studying.

Yes, in the flames and thorns, he was bathed in blood, fighting ferociously...

A college student who can't catch up with decent romance and fun is not too interested in love and girls. It seems that it is limited to this, and it is enough.

But Shiyu Xiazhiqiu didn't know why, she thought it was very romantic.

She raised her head. After all, her wish was simple, just don’t let someone who has died once, saved her, and worked harder than anyone...just be hurt again...

Chapter 315 The University of Tokyo

Drops of rain fell on a stretch of traditional housing estates by the river.

In a long and wet Japanese-style street, black eaves, black street slabs, and signboards with calligraphy and Chinese characters are everywhere. The sky above the street is densely packed with electric wires, street lights, and the white lights of signboards and the dim red of lanterns. This is like a commercial street in the 70s and 80s.

Li Yan learned from Yinglili that Kasumigaoka Shiyu's favorite places to go, including this old street called Yizicho.

It is already 7:13, and the streets are full of office workers and students traveling to and from home, and life is full of breath.

In the vast crowd, Li Yan stood alone under the rain holding a transparent umbrella.

"...There are too many pedestrians on this street."

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