I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 647

At this moment, Li Yan had searched for a few suspicious places. His coat and hair were stained with water, and his shoes and trousers were already soaked. The cold was biting, and the heat he exhaled was one after another.

Standing on the side of this cold and drenched street, Li Yan quickly used the editing system. When he closed his eyes, the cold drops of snow water flowed through his eyebrows. The system was activated for a long time. He was quite tired.

In front of a restaurant full of heat and the smell of wine, Li Yan kept passing by and looking around through the vast silhouettes of people.

On this day, Li Yan experienced a period of hard-won joy, but suddenly encountered such sadness and confusion.

I have to say that such a street is like walking in a street of memories, beautiful, yet calm, and a street belonging to the silent people.

Retrieve the person who failed the ranking... This happened before, and the protagonist was Li Yan himself.

Because he understood this mood, Li Yan seemed a little anxious.

Just as Li Yan was anxious, the editing system in his consciousness suddenly heard a prompt sound.

[Beep Beep Beep~~~]


Li Yan's eyes changed, and the sound of this reminder made him aware. He looked around in the black streets and white drizzle, trying to find Xiazhiqiu Shiyu from the vast crowd.

Under the street lamp, a vast drizzle, like a fog, bewildered the seeker's eyes.

At this moment, the rain is a little lighter.

In the rainy lanes, people came and went, Li Yan's eyes sharpened, umbrellas and pedestrians were dazzled, and a patter of rain continued to ring in Li Yan's ears.

Suddenly, among the silhouettes of a few passers-by, a wet figure was particularly conspicuous, passing by the side of the crowd silently.

In some dark streets, taking advantage of the weakening of the rain, the figure of a woman who was originally wet could walk in the rain. One can imagine how cold it would be to wear such wet clothes.However, in the gloomy Japanese-style streets, like the beautiful female high school students in the old black and white photos, the cheeks and bangs are left with cold rain.


The girl exhaled, as if she couldn't bear it because of the cold.

However, while enduring the cold, the rain disappeared.


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a moment, raised her head and looked at it, but saw a crystal clear umbrella.She turned her head back in some surprise, and saw the figure standing behind her, body immersed in darkness and rain.

In this dark street, the situation of that figure is not much better than her, it is a bit too tired and deliberately showing serious eyes, it is really not cute at all.

However, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not expect that he would appear here, blinked, and raised his head slightly to look at him, this is the first time he discovered that this person is actually quite tall...

7:35 minutes.

At the bus stop by the river, two wet men sat on their seats.

After the torrential rain, the weedy canals and rivers not far from the river continued to hear the sound of clear running water.This is not a beautiful night, and there is a house with lights around, which looks a bit lonely and deserted.

If it weren’t for the editing system to have a certain positioning function, finding someone in such a dimly lit and crowded Yuxiang street would definitely not be a simple matter.He just turned his head, and the peripheral light of his eyes coincided with the editing system, so I didn't miss it.

"I almost missed it..." Li Yan said with a troubled look, looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

After changing to a warmer coat, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu felt a little more relaxed.

After wiping her cheeks and hair with a tissue, Shiyu Kasugaoka sat quietly beside her without speaking.

Li Yan sat on the left side, quietly watching the verdant weeds standing in the crack of the road that was hit by rain and bent down. Finally, he turned his face to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and said, "What happened today. I heard that you gave up the recommendation and you failed in the University of Tokyo..."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was silent for a while, and said with a cold expression: "Is that right, I guess... Maybe some nerdy who draws food and books told you?"

Li Yan is already familiar with the way of communication between Ying Lili and Kasugaoka Shiyu, and immediately went blankly and said: "Ying Lili has been looking for you for four or five hours since the afternoon. She is the first to start looking for you. People. I really don’t understand if the two of you hate each other, or the friendship you have known for a long time..."


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback for a moment, then fell silent, her expression seemed to be thinking about something, but there was no refutation.

The drizzle continued, and the crisp leaves swayed constantly under the surrounding street lights, and the ground seemed to be frozen, wet and cold.

Li Yan finally looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu seriously, and asked: "So... Teacher Xia Shizi, suddenly gave up the recommendation. What is the reason for the entrance to Dongda University, can you tell me?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's hands tightened, her head lowered, as if she was acting as a defensive posture, and she responded quietly and indifferently: "Don't ask, you won't understand."

"This matter is no longer a question of whether you can understand it. Teacher Xia Shizi, we are friends. This kind of matter involves not only you, but also everyone who cares about you. Now it is an important choice for your life. It’s the price of mutual assistance, and you have the obligation to tell me your plan, Teacher Xia Shizi."

Li Yan had long expected that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu with such a mentality would not obediently give out the reasons, and quickly continued to ask questions using agreement-like reasons.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu thought for a while, closed his eyes, sighed slightly, and replied: "I just want to take the University of Tokyo, that's all, so don't think too complicated."

In the end, the life consultation did not go smoothly.

"...What about the second chance to take the exam?"

Li Yan was silent for a moment, reluctantly compromised, and jumped directly to a more important question, and asked.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu closed her eyes, after all, this was the question she was least willing to think about and answer.

"I will make my best choice, Uesugi-sensei, don't worry, I have thought about everything and I will not regret..."

No regrets, does not mean it must be accurate...

Li Yan spread out his trump cards and said, "Next time, take the test of Waseda, don't take any risks."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu shook her body.

Her expression became more complicated, and she became sad again, and said: "So I said it a long time ago, you won't understand..."

"Even if I have been admitted, the chance of success is not great. It should be said that in the most competitive university, no one can guarantee that they will succeed in the exam, including you and me..."

Li Yan looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, and persuaded him a little bit. He obviously saw that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's head was lowered and his hands were getting tighter, but he still planned to persuade her and said: "Why do you suddenly want to Giving up Waseda, why must you stick to Dongda? Didn’t you always hope to get into the university where Amakusa-senpai attended?! I am not interfering with your decision, but sometimes I can only fight for a future as much as I can. Give up the finance class and plan to take the science department to take the last retake of Waseda..."


Suddenly, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her ears and shouted with her head down.

"... Teacher Xia Shizi."

Li Yan was shocked, looking at the state of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, he found something wrong.

It seems that Shiwa Kasumigaoka planned to take the University of Tokyo for the second time, and did not consider Waseda. However, this time the University of Tokyo and Waseda’s second re-examination was on the same day, and Ying Lili was so anxious. Otherwise, the two universities would also take the exam together It's not impossible.

This time it seems to be a choice of two, but there are more possibilities, but Xia Shizi clearly has an excellent opportunity, but she has become a dangerous and desperate candidate to fail.

"Xia Shizi, be more pragmatic. If you are absolutely certain to be admitted to Waseda, what influences your choice? The choice that loses your mind is definitely not correct... Therefore, you must completely abandon Dongda. "Li Yan came down hard and gave a cruel suggestion.

However, this sentence completely stimulated Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she raised her head tremblingly and looked at Li Yan in surprise and sadness.

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