I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 648

With tears on her face and a wave of anger, she looked at the figure who was going to destroy the courage she had finally accumulated with her own hands.

Suddenly, her inner grievances and unwillingness finally broke out.

"Do you know what you are talking about... you, you damn fellow!!"

She clenched her teeth, with tears, grabbed Li Yan by the collar like an irrational person, and crushed Li Yan on the seat.

The heavy rain washed the ground, and thunder and lightning continued to flicker.

"Give up... If I can give up, I won't easily go against the meaning of my parents, against the meaning of the teacher and principal, and give up the chance to pass!"

"Why don't you understand, why don't you understand my feelings at all!!"

"I have worked hard for so long, reviewing till late at night, and fighting with myself every day. The consequences of my future will be exhausted, and I may not get much in return, but I still can’t let go, and I’m also very scared. I shouldn’t do this. , But, but..."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes flowed into her face, and she firmly grasped the astonished Li Yan by the collar, as if shouting.

However, her trembling voice became a little weak, and asked: "But... you saved me once, isn't it so irrational?"

The rustling rain made the station quiet.

Li Yan was crushed to death by this girl, his expression changed from consternation to complexity, and finally became sad.

Li Yan still doesn't understand why. At that time... Wan Huajing would show her his dreams.

That final reality ending would make her live in the darkness.

A drop of tears fell on Li Yan's face, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's hand grasping Li Yan's collar became looser.

"Why, why did it become like this..."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu leaned sadly on Li Yan's chest and asked: "If I pass the exam, I won't have these troubles. I have been regretting why I always sleep in class, and decided not to fight for Dongda sooner... Mr. Uesugi, you have done nothing wrong, and I don’t think I have done anything wrong, but this decision has caused many people to get involved. The alma mater is shamed, my parents are also very sad, the teacher is very disappointed... Uesugi Teacher, you are living very hard. I have seen it all. I can't do anything about your past. Why... I can't do anything now..."

On rainy days, no matter how deserted, you can't compare the powerlessness of some people.

"Sorry, sure enough... that secret put you too much pressure, Teacher Xia Shizi."

Li Yan looked at the continuously flowing curtain of water and said: "The past cannot be changed. I seem to be merciful by the gods, and I return to a world different from my life. After being killed by the senior sister, I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a misfortune. , But at least I don’t hate life now."

"In this world, there is a world that has not abandoned my family, has not abandoned my friends and younger generations... I am already content to be reborn into a world that treats me better, so I don’t want to be There are people who end up tragically like me."

Li Yan looked at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu who raised his head and said sadly.

He helped Xiazhiqiu Shiyu up, sat in the rain, and said, "Sometimes... I also want to ask my parents and ask my senior sister why I have done this, but I am not eager to change anything. , Because those have already happened. No matter how you do it, the past is the past. We are humans and we need to look forward. Therefore, my past should not be constrained to your life. Saving a person is not a happy thing... I hope more, just keep it like this, the beauty that many people have overlooked is just fine.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu calmed down and listened to Li Yan's words.

Li Yan turned his face to look at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu once again, and said, "The same is true for you. You should not be bound by any past and live strong, Teacher Xia Shizi."


When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard it, she was a little surprised, but the resentment and unwillingness in her heart gradually disappeared, but it changed another unspeakable sorrow.

In order to persuade her, Li Yan brought out all the thoughts he had buried himself.

However, immediately, Li Yan added a word to her, making her sorrow again through tears in her eyes.

"...Thank you for your willingness to remember this, Teacher Xia Shizi. I will never meet anyone like my senior sister again."

Amidst the patter of rain and running water, Li Yan suddenly thanked him for the incident.

It was quiet for a while, and occasionally a few cars drove on the highway.

The lights continued to illuminate the face of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. In the end, the girl who calmed down said, "Well, how did you come here?"

"Come here as fast as you can, of course you can only drive over...but...nothing."

Li Yan realized that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's state of mind was recovering, and planned to talk more, but soon found that he couldn't talk anymore and stopped the topic.

In order to get here as soon as possible, he directly asked Supra to drive over to pick him up in rainy weather. As a result, there were posts on some websites about seeing a certain technology company testing a remote-controlled car... Li Yan felt it was better to talk about this as little as possible Things are better.

"Today, thank you so much."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu showed a faint smile, lowered her head slightly, and said.

She looked at Li Yan, with a slightly ridiculous smile, and said: "When you found me just now, I thought I ran into a knight who couldn't die. More than a year has passed. You still have your own aura. no change."

"...Isn't it just an ordinary person to protect you from rain?"

As soon as Li Yan heard it, his heart felt painful silently. He also scared the girl who turned back at the University of Tokyo. He didn't understand what the aura was, but he should deny it first.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu closed her right eye, glanced at Li Yan, smiled and said, "I praise you, but it is better for you to change a little more. It is better not to be disappointed and used again... Today you and That guy has done this, and a thank you is also necessary..."


Li Yan was taken aback, and he was finally relieved to understand that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had finally changed his wish.

Immediately, he inadvertently saw a conspicuous gold flashing in the dark in the dark street, and he knew the meaning of the gold under the street lamp, and said: "If you want to thank that guy, it's time now."


Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at Li Yan incomprehensibly, and soon a young girl screamed from the highway.

"Xia! Zhi! Qiu! Poem! Yu——!"

In the darkness, the struggling girl finally saw the target, and ran over angrily, calling her most disgusting name word by word.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu heard it clearly, and she looked over it curiously. As a result, on the sidewalk of the highway, one was wearing a yellow raincoat and his clothes were almost wet. The pair of golden double ponytails kept shaking, and her beautiful face showed a frantic expression. , Rushed towards her like a sprinter.

However, the [Shimamura High School Girl], who is not excellent in motor nerves, slipped on the soles of her feet and fell directly on a pedestrian street with stagnant water, and her face hit the stagnant water directly...

Under a pale street lamp, the girl lying on the water is like the end of the children's animation villain rushing to the street.


Li Yan watched this scene in a complicated mood, not knowing how to react better.

"I said, it's easy to fall when you run around in the rain. Are you a fool?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu walked over, looked down at Yinglili, leaned down and poked Yinglili, and said.

"Do you tube!"

Ying Lili raised her head with a red nose and shouted angrily.

Li Yan tried to help her up, but after Ying Lili got up on her own, she flicked her hair like an animal, splashing Li Yan all over her face.

"Ah! Ying Lili, what do you guys do?!" Li Yan was soaked all over, who knew that this girl would dry her hair like this.

Ying Lili looked at Li Yan whose face was splashed and said, "What are you doing suddenly?"

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