I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 649

But she didn't pay much attention to Li Yan, she had more important things to do in her heart. She rushed to Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, grabbed Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's collar, and asked with a black face, "Are you an idiot? The broken school that Li Yan studied in Kao wasted the chance to go. What are you thinking about in your mind, are the cerebral blood vessels blocked by your fat fat?!"

"...You came to find the fault, right?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu asked with a straight face, her brows picked up angrily.

"What's wrong, I really don't understand you...Ah Qiu!"

Ying Lili wanted to scold a few more words, but couldn't help but sneezed.

At this time, Shiyu Xiazhiqiu realized that Yinglili's cheeks were flushed, and it seemed that she was about to catch a cold again, and the trousers were covered with mud, and she was the one who had been soaked by the rain.

——Eng Lili has been looking for you for four or five hours from the afternoon till now. She is the first person to start looking for you.I really don’t understand if the two of you hate each other, or the friendship you have known for a long time...]

What Li Yan said to her before echoed in Xia Zhiqiu's mind.

"...Well, it's time to go back."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said to Ying Lili and Li Yan.

Li Yan and Ying Lili were taken aback for a while, looking at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

Under the drizzle, under a pale street lamp, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said to Ying Lili: "I will take the Waseda exam next week, and I can't delay the review time."


Ying Lili was stunned. Looking at Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, it seemed that Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu had finally changed her mind, and her tight heart quickly relaxed.

"What's the matter? Don't mess around if you want to take the exam early in the first place. What are these now..."

When Ying Lili started to mutter, Kasuga no Oka Shiyu quietly looked at Ying Lili and whispered to Li Yan: "What you said before, I think...maybe it's just among so many people you know, this The guy is a rare existence that makes people uncomfortable..."

"..." Li Yan was attracted by Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's words. He hesitated for a while, looked at Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and Yinglili on a wet and rainy day, and smiled.

However, after informing others of the exact news, when Li Yan drove the two soaked young girls back to Zecun and Xiazhiqiu's home, the rear seat of the sports car transformed into a new topic.

The seats in the front row were piled up with thick drenched clothes, and in the back row of Supra, Ying Lili, who was about to catch a cold, said immediately: "Sure enough, Li Yan, your car is very crowded... That, Kasugaoka, take your thighs Put the meat aside, it's hot and uncomfortable."

"Sure enough, you golden retriever is really annoying!!"

In the cold and rainy night, the Supra driving on the highway heard the angry screams of Shiyu Kasumigaoka.

Xiazhiqiu Home.

10 o'clock in the night.

After warming her body, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was reviewing her homework at the desk, noticed movement at the door. After looking at it, she saw her parents who were sticking their heads out.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Shiyu, I interrupted your study..."

Her father apologized nervously.

Mother said worriedly: "But, don't be too reluctant, Shiyu... It's okay to consider studying abroad. Mom and Dad will support your studies."

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu groaned for a while, smiled, and said to them: "...No, that's fine. If I get older, I will take the exam to my parents and mom, don't worry. Now I... will not let me You are worried."

The confident, calm and beautiful Kasumigaoka Shiyu is back.

Under the warm-colored table lamp and on the desk, the picture of Sanhe Bunku drawn with sketches is quietly placed inside. It seems that a group of them are always with her...

Chapter 316-Sherlock Holmes's Back

At night, the cold rain continued.

In the dressing room of the luxurious high-rise suite, a slightly damp white student shirt was tightly attached to Katsuyuki's skin. After being taken off, it was put in the washing machine along with other clothes.

Open the bathroom door, and there is a flood of water vapor. In the cold weather of only 3-4°, a hot bath after bathing is undoubtedly the most comfortable way to rest.


Xuexia Xuena wrapped her long black hair, soaked in her bathtub, quietly meditating.

At 7:50, he did not put on his pajamas, but instead put on school uniforms, Xuexia Xuena, with the mentality of preparing for an exam, walked into his bedroom and placed under the lamp the printed "University Test Questions, Science" Wait for a stack of test papers.

Sitting there, Yukoshita Yukino didn't start writing questions until eight o'clock in the night.

In the end, according to the test time, after she completed all the questions, she began to correct the answers. As a result, the science scores still had a certain gap with the passing level of Dongda in the past five years.

"Math difficulty is really a monster level..."

Xuexiaxuena looked at the door with the lowest score and thought to himself.

Japan had 1.2 million students graduating from high school last year, while the University of Tokyo enrolled 2,000, with an admission ratio of 0.17%; as an international student to apply for the University of Tokyo, the University of Tokyo admits 10 people each year, with an admission rate of only 0.05%, while last year's physics department only admitted For a foreign student, the number of "1" is almost a legendary existence in the eyes of Xuexia Xueno.

There is still one year to review. Then, what choice will she make?

With long black hair draped in a white school uniform like a waterfall, behind Yukino Yukino stood two phantoms, a man and a woman, representing the highest level of two different roads.


It was late at night, and Xuexiaxue was silent for a moment, and finally took photos of questions that didn't get much score, compressed them and sent them to someone's mailbox.

Immediately, Xuexiaxue dialed a phone number.

On the other hand, the streets of Shinjuku, Tokyo, under the shining lights of the building, the water mist on the streets shows a blue and white color.

The streets where people come and go do not seem to be calm at all because of the late night.

[Boom boom boom!

After sending Sawamura Yinglili and Kasugaoka Shiyu home, Li Yan's coat was half soaked when he came back late at night. He heard the phone ringing, took out the phone and looked at it and then answered.

"Second lady, it's late now, haven't you slept yet?"

Standing in front of the convenience store, Li Yan lowered his head slightly while holding the phone, and asked questioningly.

——...Hearing the rain and the sound of pedestrians, why are you still outside at this point...If you pick up guests, this kind of work is too hard, right?

Xuexia Xuena listened to the voice curiously, and added a word of concern.

Li Yan's expression became a little embarrassed. It happened that the hand he answered the phone was standing on the side of the feasting street, a bit too much for the content of this vicious tongue.

"A university was released today. A friend I know regretted not being admitted, so I gave her a good advice today." Li Yan took the phone and told Xue Nai truthfully what happened today.

Xuexia Xuena held the phone, and soon fell silent.

Unlike her quiet bedroom environment, there is the patter of rain on the phone, and the rolling of thunder can be heard faintly.

——[Really... Today I happened to do some college test paper questions, just like a few days ago, I hope you can help me analyze my ideas and answer methods.

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