I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 650

Yukino Yukino was silent for a moment, and then began to explain the purpose of the call.

Li Yan hesitated for a while, understood, and said, "So, is it a mock test paper for the university entrance exam... I saw it. You have sent it to my mailbox, so I will send you the analysis back tomorrow. "

——[Yes, so you go home quickly, if you can see the problem-solving analysis later, I will study hard and then go to sleep, so the time you go back is related to the time I study, you know?

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. How did this sentence sound the same as "It's raining heavily outside, you should go home early to rest".

However, Xuexiaxuena seems to have become particularly diligent in studying recently. He has been asking some in-depth comprehensive science questions, and has always asked him about various study and examination questions by email.

The transparent umbrella that I just bought was constantly washed away by the rain. Li Yan was about to walk back downstairs in the Yiyuan Apartment, holding his mobile phone and saying, "I'm going back to the apartment, but I feel a little tired after a busy day. If you understand the questions and suggestions, I will email you again. Although it is a good thing to be diligent, it is not good for girls to stay up late."

——[It makes sense, then I will trouble you, senior...]

Xuexia Xuenai heard Li Yan's words, looked at the rain view in the window, smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and responded on the phone.

However, before the voice was over, Li Yan came downstairs to the apartment. A large crowd of pedestrians gathered in the dark street under a few street lights. An ambulance stopped at the door with a red warning light flashing. Something seemed to happen in the apartment building.

——What's wrong, senior?

Xuexia Xuena heard the noise, and Li Yan remained silent for a while. He originally planned to say a goodbye and then hung up the phone. But at this moment, he noticed something and asked.

"No, nothing. It's just an ambulance parked in front of the apartment building where I live. I don't know what happened. Uh...I have lived here for the first time in a few years."

Li Yan approached the crowd watching the excitement and said to Xuexia Xuena.

"Excuse me, what happened here?" Li Yan asked politely to a nearby resident.

"It seems that a family has been poisoned by food, and the other party is so serious that they called an ambulance. I am really careless. What is the cause of such a big disturbance..."

"It's really careless..."

Li Yan took his cellphone and was taken aback for a moment. It was really rare that such a thing would happen to the residents of this building.

In the patter of rain, Li Yan stood among the bustling crowd and was still chatting with the neighborhood. Soon, the door of the apartment building was opened by the medical staff, and several doctors and nurses rolled out two stretchers.


Li Yan was taken aback, watching what was happening before him.

In the fog-filled street, the people lying on the stretcher were Alice and Victoria, who looked blue and looked a little unconscious...


Li Yan didn't react for a while. The phone in his hand was still talking with Xuexia Xuena, staring blankly at the two familiar figures who were about to be sent to the car.

"Wait... wait a minute! What happened? Why are the two of you who are the victims of food poisoning?!" Li Yan looked at the two frothy loli girls with wide eyes, and asked in surprise.


Xuexiaxuena listened quietly while holding the phone. Although she didn't quite understand what happened, she always felt that Li Yan was going to take a hot bath and the time to rest in bed would be greatly extended...

"very noisy……"

Scattered drawings were scattered everywhere on the wooden boards, the desks were also messy, and the shelves on the walls were full of three sets of regular and collector's editions.The Japanese version of "Super Academy War" novel complete works, there are also comic posters of "Devil Detective Agency" on the walls, the old computer on the table still retains the semi-finished drawings, and the expressionless Shiina Mashiro puts down the electronic drawing board, The windows are closed.

"I heard it too. I don't know what happened downstairs."

Passing by the studio, Aoyama Nanami, who heard Shiina’s complaints, said to her with a puzzled look: "I just heard some familiar men shouting, and I always feel that I have been doing too many part-time jobs recently, a little too tired It's..."

"The attitude and diligence of Japanese people are sometimes really scary. They used to be only learned from the media. Now that I see Qingshan, I am even more impressed with the Japanese workplace."

As soon as Aoyama Qikai's words fell, Rita, who came out of the bathroom, spit out with a smile.

Aoyama Qikai was taken aback for a moment, then burst into laughter, and explained, "No, no, my situation is special. The goal I pursue is demanding, so the effort and price to be paid require more... Although Rita, you It’s basically correct, but I can’t represent the Japanese."

In February, the air flow alternated between heating and cooling, and there was a gloomy rain scene outside the window. Rita saw Nanami go to the laundry room to process everyone’s clothes and walked away. She remembered that Shiina’s new roommate Qikai Aoyama was inspired to become a name "Seiyuu" occupation.

She came to Japan for several days, and was full of anxiety and curiosity about this strange eastern country.

There are too many different cultures and pursuits here, such as voice actors, light novel writers... and cartoonists.


Rita stood at the door, looking really white.

This beautiful mixed-race girl is sitting in front of the computer and drawing seriously. Once, she was just in the mood to let Zhenbai give it a try, taught her how to draw comics, and helped her to submit a resume to Sanhe Library... but it was self-defeating. The thing is, Zhenbai really made his debut with her own strength...

Once, Rita sent her best friend to Japan in a frustrated mood, but now, Shiina’s parents have agreed to Zhenbai to continue studying in Japan. Because of certain things, she also came to Japan, but found that she wanted to take Zhenbai. It is impossible to go back to what it was like at that time.

That night, she refused her cousin's supervision and Sakura Village's invitation so firm that she was a little restless for several days, observing the truth.

The white robe, the firm eyes, were indifferent to the cold and the night wind, and really looked like a real London detective.

"Did I accidentally help Zhen Bai or ruin her..."

Rita, who was wearing a warm bathrobe, thought sadly.

At this time, Shiina Mashiro, who was engrossed, saw the shadow reflected in the doorway. She raised her head and looked at it and asked, "Rita?"

Rita was startled by Zhen Bai's sudden cry, and asked hesitantly: "Hug, sorry... Did I bother you?"


Shiina Masashi turned her head to look at her, shook his head slightly, and said calmly.

"That... really white, what comics are you drawing, I'm a little curious about the stories in it, can you let me see it?" Rita was confused and looked for a topic when she saw the manga scraps everywhere. When I walked over, I picked up a drawing and asked with a smile.

Shiina Masashi turned his chair and asked, "The comics in the fourth volume series, do you...want to read it?"

"Well, I really want to see... Zhenbai your paintings, including comics." Rita smiled, but when she said she wanted to see the true white paintings, her mood was extremely complicated and her voice became quieter.

Shiina Mashiro took out the first draft of the manga that had been finalized. She held both sides of the wooden drawing board that clamped the manga in both hands. In the middle was thirty or forty pages of black and white manga. She raised her head slightly and looked at her with pure eyes. The wooden board blocked it. Her nose and face quietly showed her cartoonist eyes waiting to be evaluated.

Rita saw the cover of the manga. It was a demon detective girl with a look somewhat similar to true white, centered on a black-haired Chinese boxer assistant, surrounded by suspicious criminals, and the background was a gloomy one. The isolated island lighthouse creates a suspenseful oil painting weird atmosphere.

"The oil painting matches the detective style of Riman...The unexpected is very innovative."

Rita looked at this cover in a little astonishment, thinking in silence.

However, whether such a painting can be regarded as a work by a well-known artist will be as valuable as Da Vinci's draft in the future. It is really hard to guess whether it is an oil painting artwork or a comic entertainment work...

Immediately afterwards, Rita began to reach out and turn the pages to take a look at the fourth volume of "Devil Detective Agency".

The story of the fourth volume is roughly about a storm that trapped a group of tourists on an isolated island, and this lighthouse had seven different weird patterns painted with stick figures. As a result, on the first night, there was a bad murder case. , A middle-aged gentleman was hanged by the door of the living room, suspended in mid-air more than five meters high.As a result, when everyone was unable to contact the outside world or leave this lighthouse in the Atlantic Ocean and had to live for another day, the second victim appeared, and the whole person fell into the washing machine and drowned.The third victim suddenly broke through the lighthouse window on the fifth floor when everyone was sleeping in the same room and fell to his death...

In the storm in the Pacific Ocean, the detective girl who realized the pattern expression was closely related to the murder case finally discovered the ancient secret hidden by the lighthouse, the treasure buried by the "demons" of history and the ulterior secret hidden by tourists twenty years ago .

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