I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 651

Seeing this, Rita felt that this kind of painting skills combined with this story seemed inexplicable. The atmosphere, foreshadowing and psychological description were quite good, but one thing was a bit contrary to her familiar with True White, and she was a little confused. Asked: "I have a detail that I care about... It's really white. The protagonist's appearance should be your own, but the protagonist lives in poverty and life is restrained. Every time he can say a lot of plausible preaching... These characteristics are slightly different. Some violations."

"...The theme and setting have been changed."

Shiina Mashiro quietly looked at Rita, and explained in a soft and calm voice.

After the first manga was modified and set by his own manga editor, it has been the selling point of [Three British Girl Detectives]. The original setting of True White only retains the living environment, which is also proved in the newcomer manga contest. The setting is quite effective.However, until now, Zhenbai is still a little bit brooding about the setting changes.

Rita looked at Shiina Makishi, then smiled, reached out her hand to turn the next page, and said, "Yes, manga is basically fun, and this Makishi is also very interesting..."

But before the words were over, Rita turned to the next page, only to see a corpse twenty years ago after two men lifted the stone slabs of the lighthouse wall.Shiina Zhenbai took a close-up of this mummy, and the eyes of the mummy staring forward were vivid, staring at Rita in the sketch paper held by Zhenbai's hands in an ignorant face.


Rita suddenly sucked in a cold breath, her face pale, her horrified eyes burst into tears, she looked at this close-up with horror, and even her inertial backing reaction was too sudden because it was too sudden...


Rita fell softly to the ground, shaking, and finally let out a harsh scream.

Hearing the screams, Qihai Qingshan, who was cleaning up in the laundry room, hurried over here, standing at the door and seeing Rita sitting on the ground, nervously asked: "Rita, what's wrong, what happened... Ok?"

Qi Hai's face was also pale, staring at the close-up cartoon scene of Zhen Bai holding her hands.

"Ah ah ah ah, what is Nong painting!" (Osaka accent)

The two girls sitting on the floor hugged each other, Qi Hai suddenly became angry and reprimanded in a complaining tone: "It's really white, didn't I tell you not to draw such a perverted painting? You scared me last time. Enter your studio!"

Shiina Mashiro turned the picture album over, looked at it for himself, and said, "This is a close-up repeated many times."

"Very... many times?!" Rita was about to cry, asking in astonishment.

"Well, it must be scary," Shiina said.

Rita's mood was quite complicated. Finally, she got up, grabbed Zhen Bai's hand, shook her head vigorously, looked at Zhen Bai distressedly, and persuaded: "No, it really doesn't work, so how can you draw these things with your hands? Work is horrible, why can you stand it?"

"Rita, cartoonist, it must be like this."

Zhenbai looked at Rita and said.

"...I am also very happy to be able to scare people. I am the one who succeeded."

She clenched her right hand expressionlessly in a victory gesture, but there was no joy and atmosphere of victory at all.


Rita, who is familiar with Ma Shiro, felt that Shiina Shiro seemed to be really happy, but it made her feel more conflicted.

Nanami looked at her helplessly and said, "I heard that your manga is about to be animated, how can it be shown on TV in this style..."

"Animation was included in the 16th ban." Zhen Bai said without denying.

Aoyama Qikai and Rita were completely speechless. They didn't know why. Zhenbai clearly looked like snow, but the story in his mind was so explosive.

Shiina Mashiro put the drawing back in the drawer, then looked at Rita and asked, "Rita, is the story... interesting?"

"..." Rita stood there, watching Shiina really white, not sure how to answer.

If it is really white to draw a girl manga, she will comment on her work by answering [very good] and [very wonderful] regardless of whether the story is good or bad, but it is the most intractable thriller detective story.

However, when the mood settled down, Rita seemed to have to admit a fact.

"It's also interesting, my heart is almost broken!" Nanami sitting on the ground, no matter what, when his face flushed and complained, he inadvertently said an Osaka accent.

When Rita heard it, she couldn't help but laugh.

Rita had to admit... After thinking about this manga, she still found it quite interesting... It was almost impossible to imagine that this was a manga drawn by her friend, Shiina.

Shiina's eyes are exactly the same as when he asked the audience at a British exhibition... I hope the work will be recognized from the heart.

"It's funny, really white." Rita hesitated for a long time, but finally told the truth in her heart.


After Zhenbai heard it, he nodded.

She turned around and continued to work overtime to draw her own cartoons.

"Really, the room is as chaotic as ever. It's okay if you learn from seniors, and pay attention to ventilation and hygiene when you are busy."

Aoyama Qihai looked at the desperate painting Zhenbai with akimbo, but complained how many times, as long as it was painting by Zhenbai, she never heard her.

The commotion downstairs seemed to have subsided. Qikai felt that the smell of oil painting and the smell of printers was too strong, so she opened the window again to let in the wind.

However, a strong wind blew in from the window, blowing up the scraps on the ground.


Rita and Nanami looked at them, their expressions changed.

——This is a close-up repeated many times.

——Repeated close-ups painted many times.


That night, both Rita and Nanami couldn't forget the horrible situation surrounded by that picture...


The next day, 7:00 in the morning.

After a whole day of rain, the cold streets finally recovered a little warmth.

In the renewed Shinjuku area, is there a morning runner passing by the Yiyuan Apartment, the door of the Yiyuan Apartment was pushed aside, and Rita, who hadn't slept all night, walked out the door swayingly, breathing in the fresh morning air.

It was a nightmare last night.

However, there is another reason for not falling asleep.

That is, Zhenbai's dream of an illustrator and cartoonist was driven by her...

It was she who encouraged Zhenbai to pursue her dream, and it was she who pushed her to meet the master of light novels, and strive to be the other's illustrator...

Thinking about it now, she felt that she was not qualified to deny what Zhenbai had now.

Turns down, she is really qualified to be able to bring Zhen Bai back to Sakura Village, just like Chihiro-sensei said, to make up for her and protect her...

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