I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 652

In the morning streets, the sun is shining and there is still some water mist, and the potted plants of the residents in the streets are beginning to sprout, which makes life here a little comfortable.

Suddenly, just as Rita was walking down the street, she couldn't help but notice a figure dangling like her from the corner of her eyes, causing a scene from her subconscious to flash in her mind.


Rita turned around and looked.

In front of her, the young man in white clothes turned her back, walking in the cold morning wind.

Deserted, firm, mysterious, silent...

That figure gradually became exactly the same as the oil painting "The Back of Sherlock Holmes" painted by Shiina Masashi...

Chapter 317 Li Yan's "True Face"

In the early morning, it was cloudy and the temperature was 5°C. On the glass in the corridor of the apartment building, wet drops of water flowed down the glass.

In Room 505 of the apartment building, Li Yan, who finally went back to his apartment room, went out soon, his face was rather bad.

Just after Li Yan returned from sleepless night, he expected that the kitchen was basically messed up, and all the ingredients, canned food, and sauces in the refrigerator were gone. Even the salt was wet and inedible.However, the cause of food poisoning has not been found. The food stored in his kitchen and refrigerator is absolutely safe. Even with a good chemistry, he can't figure out what dark dishes Alice and Victoria have synthesized by alchemy. , So that they can all be sent to the hospital.

Fortunately, this afternoon, Alice and Victoria will be able to leave the hospital, so he first came back to clean up the room, so as not to use the house after returning.

When I just took my bicycle out of the bicycle parking place, the bicycle made a metal cracking sound, and the entire front wheel was distorted, and the metal screw that fixed the wheel was finally overwhelmed and broke in half.


Standing at the door of the apartment, Li Yan stared at the bicycle he had fallen apart, feeling that these few days were not suitable for traveling.

While Li Yan distressedly checked his bicycle that he had used for less than a year and a half, Rita in a hidden corner of the apartment building was secretly staring at the figure of this oriental man.

"Very good, it seems like going out..."

Rita watched in secret, thinking silently.

After all, she is also an excellent professional art student. In art schools in the UK, her grades are second only to Shiina Masaki. For the current students, she is already regarded as a high school student, but her roommates and classmates are Shiina Mashiro... has begun to hold exhibitions in various countries, a desperate genius.Therefore, it is very easy to recognize the prototype of "The Back of Sherlock Holmes" that Zhenbai started to be interested in recently.

"The Back of Sherlock Holmes", although it is not the best of the true white paintings in art, it seems to have spent a lot of effort to create a new work. The black is mixed with a bit of dark red, although the structure is simple, but at first glance , That indescribable impact made Rita still remember it, as if oil painting has become a channel connecting painting and reality...the world is dark, the gloomy unknown, and the back figure in the white coat is bravely blending in. Fighting, this kind of oil painting that beats the audience's hearts no matter how many times she recalled, Rita once again saw a chasm that was difficult to catch up...

This person is the man standing behind Shiina Mashiro...

So, no matter what, she wanted to understand the oriental man himself and the relationship between him and Shiina Mashiro.

However, now it seems that Li Yan's luck seems to be bad...

She waited in the corner for several minutes, looking helplessly at the foreign student who could repair a bicycle by herself, always feeling that she could not understand the value of repairing this broken car.

After Li Yan determined some of the bicycle parts that needed to be replaced, he finally put the bicycle back to its original position again, and officially set off on foot.

7:25 minutes.

Rita waited for several minutes again, watching Li Yan who didn't know what she was doing.

After handling the bicycle, the university student turned to an unmanned parking lot and muttered to himself with a black car.

"...What is going on? Is it too lonely to cause such strange behavior... I always think it looks dangerous." Rita, who was hiding behind the telephone pole, thought with some worry and fear.

However, this period of time is also very fast. Li Yan patted the black supra and left. If it looks like this, Rita is also relieved. The short-term behavior of people talking to themselves about objects and animals is nothing. , Is considered a kind of loneliness and hope to have partners in psychology.


However, when Rita was about to follow, inadvertently, the black supra parked in the parking lot of the residential area suddenly flashed its lights twice, causing Rita to be taken aback and looked at the unmanned car. Supra in the car.

"...Illusion?" Rita thought.

What is going on... The flashing just now, it looks like this car is saying goodbye to Li Yan...

At 7:41, after boarding the tram and coming to an unfamiliar Tokyo street, Li Yan, who walked on his own in the front, and Rita, who followed sneakily behind him, have always attracted the attention of passers-by.

It is extremely easy to guess that this is the live broadcast of the hatchet incident.

However, Li Yan seemed to have encountered a new situation on his way to the supermarket.

The face of this foreign student suddenly became astonished, and he fled into the alleys of the residential area at the fastest speed, hiding himself tightly.

"Huh?" Rita looked curiously at what happened to Li Yan in front of him.

However, she quickly noticed that there were no conspicuous passers-by or scenes in front. Some, only two black and white police cars were parked on the side of the road, and a group of police officers were standing on the street talking about things. One of them was A middle-aged male police officer with serious and ugly face, and a beautiful female police officer who looked gentle and serious around him.

Li Yan's nervous performance made Rita suspicious.

"It's so dangerous..."

Officer Saito and Officer Miyazaki, the few police officers in the Koto district who are accustomed to reading novels, unexpectedly appeared in this area. It really made Li Yan know that he was going out badly today and that he could meet again from such a long distance. Li Yan thought silently.

Although the road ahead was a shortcut, after careful consideration, Li Yan could only go around the original road to the shopping destination.

Rita saw that Li Yan had obviously avoided the police and blinked.

...Why do you suddenly avoid the police?!

How could she not suspect that Li Yan's background is tricky.

She once again remembered Chihiro's cousin Chihiro Chihiro who was once Zhenbai. In order to explain Chihiro's experience of studying in Japan, she took a plane to Jinbai's home in London and explained the passing. In the words of teacher Chinishi, she talked about the foreign students in Yiyuan Apartment. Things.

When Mr. Qianshi rushed to the airport, Jin Bai was taken to the company by the staff of Sanhe Library. Without the permission of Mr. Qianshi as the temporary guardian, Jin Bai signed a cooperation contract. More importantly, there was a kind of Jin Bai, who was tricked into signing the contract, did not get the job of Uesugiyan's new illustrator, which is what Rita is most dissatisfied with.What is more doubtful is that Zhenbai suddenly refused to stay in the student dormitory attached to the Suimei Art High School, and moved directly to Shinjuku, which is a long way away. In the words of Nanami and Senshi, he is indeed inseparable from this international student...

"Sure enough, Mr. Li's background is not just as simple as an international student..."

At the end of the wet street, Rita stood in a hidden place, staring at Li Yan frowningly. The girl who had been hostile for a long time didn't want Li Yan to be too close to Shiina...

[Boom boom boom!

Nearly eight o'clock, Qihai who was ready for breakfast knocked on the door of Zhenbai's studio and said, "Zhenbaichan, get up, have breakfast."

After waiting for a while, Qikai Aoyama, who was wearing an apron, opened the unlocked door and walked in.

Under the golden stillness, the working room was as messy as ever, with white paper everywhere on the ground, a pile of girly clothes, and even the pink bras were thrown under the chair.

"It's still the same, I like to sleep naked..." Qihai's cheeks turned red, thinking.

However, what is a bit special today is that there is a special piece of clothing that Qihai picked up and looked at.

This is clearly a square cotton trousers that men like to wear, but it is a reduced version, which seems out of place in this pile of cute clothes of girls...

"...Why did you buy this?" Qingshan Qihai looked at it with an awkward expression and asked.

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