I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 653

However, this studio has always been cleaned up by Zhenbai herself after eating breakfast. These are the divisions of life she negotiated with Zhenbai.After staying together for a while, Nanami, who was responsible for a lot of cleaning work, always came home late because of part-time work. He also cleaned up the housework a little bit late at night. After being discovered in vain, it became a domestic "border" that cannot be crossed... …

Qi Hai was accustomed to searching under the computer desk, and quickly found a piece of warm blanket wrapped around her body, like a kitten sleeping quietly under the desk, really white.

"It's really white, it's white, it's almost eight o'clock, I'm getting up."

Aoyama Qihai kept shaking her true white body, and gradually, the girl who could sleep until twelve o'clock on her own woke up in a daze and opened her eyes.

"Today is Saturday..."

Shiina Mashiro couldn't help but shrank into the blanket, muttering the reason why he planned to continue sleeping.

Qihai stared at her sternly and said, "No, even if you stay up late, you can't sleep late. You can't skip breakfast, get up now!"


Really knowing without expression that she has no right to speak in front of the family chef Qihai, she wiped her eyes and crawled out of the blanket under the table.Under the golden light, Shiina Mashiro was naked, standing in front of Nanami sleepily.

Qihai also had to admit that although her true white figure is not the best she has ever seen, she still has an indescribable beauty. Even if she is the same woman, she has seen it many times, and she doesn't understand why she is. My heart beats faster and my face flushes when I look at it.

It should be said that there is no curve in Shiina's true white body that is superfluous...

Aoyama Qikai finally didn't dare to look at it again, and handed Zhen Bai the panties she held in her hand, complaining: "Really, I said several times at least wear a little sleep, if you sleep naked, at least get up on time!"

"Qihai...Are you going to work today?"

Zhenbai sat on the ground, began to dress herself slowly, and asked.

Nanami turned her back, was taken aback, and then replied: "Yes, I'll work in that puppet shop with Senior Sakagi."


Zhenbai hesitated for a moment, and just responded.

Aoyama Qikai noticed that Zhenbai seemed to have something to discuss with her, and asked, "Do you have anything to discuss with me?"


Shiina was silent for a while, nodded, looked up at her, and said, "Devil Detective is about to be animated."

She took out her mobile phone and showed the message to Nanami. It was a text message sent by her comic editor, and the content was an animated specific message. It is expected to start production at the end of the month. A total of 11 episodes are not excluded. OVA production in the first quarter is not excluded. , The right to adapt the plot is the responsibility of the recently cooperated Musashino company...

"Isn't that fast, animated?" Aoyama Qihai said happily.

Really nodded.

"...Do you have anything else you want to tell me?" Qing Shan Qihai looked at the disheveled white, looked at her questioningly, and asked.

Shiina Mashiro said, "I will discuss with the company editor, the heroine will be dubbing, and you will be in charge."

Suddenly, the room on the sixth floor of Yiyuan Apartment was quiet.

"Eh eh eh eh?!" Qingshan Qihai suddenly screamed in disbelief.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's unclear to a friend who hasn't even joined the seiyuu company. Do you know how bad your reputation is for you?!"

Shiina Mashiro said, "Nanaumi understands my voice and can do it."

Aoyama Qihai's face became darker and darker. He shook his head, walked to the door of the room, and said, "Your kindness is appreciated, but the voice actor is my dream. Senior Li once invited me and Senior Sakaki. This opportunity is indeed very good. Important, but... our dream is not charity by others, do you understand, it is really white?"


Zhenbai watched Qi Hai go out.

She naturally knew that Li Yan had reminded her of this.

However, it was not only her now, but Li Yan tried to ask questions, but Li Yan's suggestion was a little more cryptic, and Qi Hai and the others declined it.

The seiyuu’s path is either bright and promising, like an idol star.Or, stay in obscurity for a lifetime.

The prototype of the protagonist of "Devil Detective" is herself. From the beginning, she secretly blended some lines into Qikai's mouth addiction, and prepared silently to the present.

Shiina Mashiro tidied up his clothes and walked to the dining room, looking at the back of Nanami who looked down and seemed to be angry.

"...Seven Seas, if you understand my Seven Seas, you will definitely give me the soul of the character."

Shiina's voice was delicate and soft, and continued.

"..." Qi Hai did not speak.

In the quiet morning, the two young girls were so stalemate, not talking to each other.

Qihai calmed down, and she turned around, looking at her calm and white expression.

"Sorry, Zhen Bai... accidentally mad at you, but I will not do anything that threatens the reputation of my friend, but... the comics of Zhen Bai, I really want to participate, yes, so... give me something Time, real white sauce..."

Nanami smiled and said to her.

"Good." Zhenbai said.

"Then, please call Rita." Nanami stood up, brought out the breakfast in the microwave, and said to Zhenbai.

Zhenbai went to the room that belonged to him, and kept knocking on the door.

However, she realized something and tried to open the door, but she opened the door smoothly, but saw that there was no one in the room...


Zhenbai walked in, reached out and touched the bed quilt. The bed quilt had lost her body temperature, and Rita left, and it took at least half an hour.


Zhen Bai thoughtfully looked at the bed cover quietly. Soon, she tried to find a clue, but there was no trace of Rita's whereabouts in the room.

Seven seas who found something wrong came over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhen Bai turned around and said, "Rita is out."

"...I'm out, don't you need to go to the toilet or bathroom to find it?"

"The wallet, mobile phone and bag are gone, and the pajamas are already on the chair." Zhenbai said a clue that is easy to reason out, and of course, there is a clue that the quilt has cooled down.

Qi Hai seemed to have taken offense, she was taken aback, and asked: "It looks like she has indeed gone out, but maybe Rita is just going for a walk or shopping, right?"

"Let's eat first. I will put the portion of Rita in the pot to keep it warm, so don't worry."

Qi Hai walked to the restaurant and said with a smile.

"Rita, can't leave here."

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