I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 692

At dawn, rain and dew and humid mist remained in the street air, and ray of golden light penetrated the leaves and misty mist swaying in the breeze.

The restaurant named [Blessing Coffee] at the crossroads of Taito-ku, Tokyo is now immersed in rain and fog. On weekends, the streets are bustling. This coffee and dessert shop popular with Tokyo women is still booming.

However, anyone who enters or exits this restaurant will show fear and look at the two figures in this restaurant that are somewhat out of place.

A young man in a white coat is good at everything, except that his eyes are slightly fierce.And a burly, middle-aged man with a bald head wearing sunglasses and next to him ordered a plate of French desserts and a cup of coffee. The two men who seemed to be mixed with the underworld completely did not match the atmosphere of the coffee dessert shop.

The sunglasses teacher once again gathered with Li Yan in this restaurant.

Among other things, Li Yan, who was simply sitting next to him, was shaking slightly while holding a cup in front of this character.


Li Yan looked at this Gabriel and their class teacher with some complicated mood.

In the last time Gabriel became the acting god, this "class teacher" played an indispensable role.The irony is that perhaps the world has been praying and singing the Bible itself all the time, without knowing the meaning of the proverb "God is by your side".

[Blessing Coffee] The dessert shop has inadvertently been a transit point for him to exchange information with this existence that countless people have been praying to.

Li Yan is still hesitating whether he is qualified to sit in the same row of seats with this big man.

Li Yan ran into this deceased in the street in the rain, and was directly taken by the sunglasses teacher to the restaurant where he had dinner together. The other party seemed to have something to explain to him here.

Li Yan sat beside this teacher with a bit of fear and admiration, and said politely: "No, teacher, I also plan to ask you about something at this time..."

However, before Li Yan explained the specific content one by one, the teacher wearing sunglasses responded to Li Yan's doubts: "I know all about you, naive·Tsunase·Walnut Ze Baiyu Yan."

The sunglasses teacher looked at Li Yan, who was surprised, and said: "About your time, and everything that happened to your friends, including those around you, has been modified."

Li Yan was speechless for a while. After looking for so many people, he focused his attention on the deep bondage. After being used to the human society and the dark residents for too long, it is easy to forget the true identity of this teacher. And existence.

This teacher, and the existence that extraordinary people can understand.

Looking at the sunglasses teacher, Li Yan's expression gradually became serious. He was a little bit sad and asked: "It's really Jiabaili's teacher...Then, I don't understand what happened this morning, Jiabaili. The address of Kobayashi-senpai was suddenly changed, and now I have no idea what happened. May I ask the teacher...what am I going to do to resolve this difficulty?"

The sunglasses teacher said: "Do you know how you came into this world?"

Li Yan was speechless. Although he also expected that the sunglasses teacher should know his details, it was the first time someone asked such a question and he didn't know how to answer.

However, he also vaguely realized that his origin is not as simple as he first thought.

The sunglasses teacher was silent for a while, and said: "This world is a world that exists in all kinds of coincidences. This is a real world. The so-called world has many fundamentally different things from the world. For example, this world As far as a world is concerned, there are a large number of fictional characters, but perhaps many of the characters in the world that they think are the only real existence are just the characters described in this world. Under countless accidental combinations, such a world has appeared. ."

Hearing this theory, Li Yan was quite close to the hypothesis he was thinking about, but approaching was definitely not the same as knowing. After hearing the words of the sunglasses teacher, he still felt quite surprised.

"Should you have seen it?" the sunglasses teacher asked.


As soon as Li Yan heard it, the behemoth with tentacles, like a twist, appeared in his mind.

He caught a glimpse of the true nature of this existence in a dream. Out of his instinct to protect himself, he was reluctant to admit that he had seen it, but he calmed down and nodded and said, "Nothing wrong, I have seen it. ."

"It is a kind of intelligent existence in the birth of all things. Maybe you can think of it as a living thing, think of it as illusory, think of it right by your side, think of it as fabricated and non-existent... for you humans. They are all correct conclusions. They lived nearby even before this world was born. You humans can contact them with the induction of spirit and soul, but this is a very dangerous approach. There are many painters, novelists, Sculptors may be famous for this crazy inspiration, but this is only one in ten thousand chance of human beings. Most human beings will only go crazy in the end."

The Sunglasses teacher talked about the existence of [It]. Along with the wet streets outside the glass wall, Li Yan suddenly felt the strange chill.

The creator has a very clever fate with that kind of existence, and that kind of existence is most likely to cause humans with developed brains to break away from nature and continue to pursue the power of higher civilization.

Li Yan even felt that the reason why the real humans he knew belonged to the various successful virtual characters created in his world might also be due to the role of the dominators.

Why did you deliberately target him and tamper with the experience and feelings between him and other people?

Li Yan pondered this inexplicable question with incomprehension.

Just when Li Yan couldn't figure out why he was in contact with this existence with various nicknames, the sunglasses teacher interrupted his thoughts.

The sunglasses teacher thought for a moment, raised his head, and said: "Li, when I saw you, I knew that you have a special ability. You have not only been in contact with it once, but even close contact with it. No madness. According to my opinion, your soul is probably the most powerful soul in the intelligent life in your world."


Li Yan was taken aback, his eyes widened slightly, and then he was dumb for a long time, and said: "Soul...wait a minute, this conclusion is a bit too sloppy... I just dreamed about it in a dream, it doesn't mean I really followed it. I have had direct contact. Teacher, you know that I am the identity of the traversal. Although I don’t know whether the reason for my traversal is really related to it, but the other party must use me for not driving me crazy, not necessarily..."

The sunglasses teacher looked at him and said: "I have mentioned before that their main contact method is to communicate with humans through telepathy. You have seen it several times in dreams, and you are still calm and comfortable. Ability is more powerful than your physical ability, and it has the potential to value you. And, you should have understood recently, your identity needs more confirmation."

Li Yan fell silent. Such a sentence undoubtedly overlapped with his own constant awareness of the suspiciousness of his identity, and he could no longer refute this hypothesis with any words.

"Your soul power has a powerful blow to non-human enemies, monsters, ghosts, evil things, and even Nidhogg has lethality. This also explains that you were burned by Shura's blood at the time, and you were in trouble. Inspired your stronger soul, this is the manifestation of your sufficient soul power."

The teacher further explained.

The sound of rustling rain and the noise of girls chatting and laughing filled Li Yan's ears, but in his heart it was as difficult to hear these sound sources as a hallucination.He lowered his head slightly, looked at the steaming coffee in his hand, and asked, "Even so... then why am I being targeted for such a thing... What is the purpose of this?"

The Sunglasses teacher thought for a moment, and seemed to hesitate to tell Li Yan the most probable conclusion he had judged.

Li Yan realized this and said to the sunglasses teacher with a serious expression: "Teacher sunglasses, I will handle this personally. The most important point, please tell me about its purpose."

The sunglasses teacher looked at him quietly. This young man is now a mortal man, but unknowingly in two years, he has achieved many incredible achievements.It should be said that the figure burning the soul and gradually illuminating this world has a powerful power to change the world, and such a forbearing character that he has to trust this fragile but powerful youth to choose again and again. The best choice for you.

After thinking about it, the Sunglasses teacher finally answered this most critical question: "You seem to be mistaken for one thing, that is, you have always believed that all dominators are evil and weird...not all dominators They can all be called evil gods."

The so-called evil gods have legends about them at almost every level of the world. They also have absolute levels and have many different names. The most common name is: ancient gods, former dominators.

Sunglasses teacher said: "Under normal circumstances, the dominator will treat humans as ants with the same existence. However, humans are the most spiritual creatures in this world, so they will pay special attention to creatures like humans. However, so far It has not done any harm to anyone, but if my judgment is correct, your spirit is already close enough to the dominator, and now the first thing to cut off is Gabriel and the dragon's bondage, they It is the circle of power that can best protect you and allow them to return to their normal life without encountering you. Next, if I don’t guess wrong, it will gradually cut off the connection with other characters about your existence..."

The sky is gloomy and gloomy, with faint thunder trembling.

The sunglasses teacher said to Li Yan: “It is about to disappear. It needs to find a qualified replacement that has been pityed by it, can communicate perfectly without going crazy, and can continue to guard the world that it has been guarding before it disappears. He, deprive him of his hard-won existence and become the next old ruler... Lee, your body has gradually begun to dominate. This is why you have to pass through before you completely become the dominator. Coming here will also give you a reason to leave any group as much as possible."

On a rainy day, the tram rumbling past the viaduct.

In the streets crowded with pedestrians, the rain gradually increased, and the river not far away became turbulent.

The streets are crowded with clear rain water, and it has become a paradise for children. In a crowd, three little girls in yellow raincoats returning home from school step on the stagnant water, which is completely different from the fearful adult passers-by. He didn't care about getting his clothes wet, and ran in the street. One of the energetic little dots ran the fastest, showing a happy smile.

A girl behind with a timid voice shouted: "Xiaoxing, don't run so fast, wait for us!"

The little girl who ran the fastest turned around and responded: "Idiot, if you run slowly like this, it will be too late to go home!"

However, just as the girl who ran the front turned back and didn't notice anything, she suddenly ran into someone.

[Puff through] With a sound, the other party didn't seem to notice the sudden bear child. She was hit but didn't feel it. On the contrary, the elementary school girl who hit someone fell to the sky and splashed with water.

The little girl was soaked in the fall and her rain cap was thrown out, revealing short golden hair. After the fall, her face was covered with rain. After a while, her nose was flushed, her face seemed to be aggrieved. I want to cry.

The two girls behind rushed over and asked, "Xiaoxing! Doesn't it matter?!"

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