I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 693

The person who was hit came back to his senses under the side eyes of the passers-by. He was holding an umbrella, and most of his body was soaked by such a hit, but these were trivial things. He leaned down and lifted the girl up. This girl who seemed to have just entered elementary school had almost no weight and was easily pulled up by him.

The girl who stood up, and the two girls who rushed over from behind, really looked at this person's face clearly, they all turned blue with fright.

This is a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, with a pretty face, but he always feels a little scary when he sees it with his slightly nervous eyes.

The young man reproached and said, "How can you run like this on a rainy street? It's too dangerous."

The three girls were so frightened that they didn't say anything. It was obvious that they were not fierce when they scolded them, but the effect was outstanding. They immediately made the three girls tremble, and they immediately bowed and shouted, "I'm... I'm sorry!"

The young man's originally slightly sad expression became more troubled. Looking at this group of trembling little ghosts, he knew very well that he had not been seen by children since he was a child.He tried to wipe the yellow-haired little girl a little bit, but the three little girls were so scared that tears were about to shed, and he stopped his actions.However, he used to get along with the little ghosts who were about to enter the country in Tsurumi Liumei, knowing that they were probably scared by the look in his eyes. There have been more than one complaints. When he was nervous, his eyes were too sharp and would be sharp. Of children put too much psychological pressure.

[Beep beep!

The editing system in his consciousness suddenly rang, making him understand that he seemed to have encountered the characters he had marked again.

Looking at these three children, he always remembered the scene of meeting Gabriel and the others...

He looked at the group of little ghosts in silence for a while, and he was relieved, and asked: "Um, did I scare you... By the way, there is a pastry shop over there. I will invite the three of you to eat cakes. Then go home quietly."

The three girls were taken aback for a moment, and blankly raised their heads to look at the figure that showed some unbearable expressions.However, that bakery was very familiar to them.

In the bakery, the three girls who inexplicably earned an after-school snack were completely impolite, and they ordered the three most expensive ones in the store, which contained black forest, almonds and fruit cakes, and asked Lee who had originally paid 1,000 yen. After staring at them with complicated expressions for a long time, Yan painfully took out two thousand yen to settle the settlement.

"Thank you, big brother with wicked eyes!"

The three girls shouted happily.

Li Yan held his heart in pain.

Xiao Xing happily planned to watch and eat while watching the animation. However, seeing such heavy rain outside, he pulled a bit and just came back and paid attention to the three little ghosts and the middle school girl who was a strange youth, and said: "Nonoka, the three of us stay at your house and watch the animation."

This middle school girl with short hair came back to her senses, and said sternly, "You should add a sister name at the back. It's really rude. By the way, who is that handsome guy, your neighbor? Or relatives? I haven't seen them yet."

There were two cherry-like blushes on her cheeks, and she asked excitedly.

A girl with a more calm personality said, "That person was hit by Xiaoxing, and invited us to eat cake."

The female junior high school student was taken aback for a moment. There was such a good thing. She hit someone on the road and was invited to eat a cake. Why didn't she encounter such a good thing.

The heavy rain didn't mean to stop, and Li Yan was a little relieved when he learned that the store was very familiar with the three children.The shop owner retrieved the money and gave him a smile, "The three little guys seem to have caused you trouble, I'm so sorry."

Li Yan shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's still a child after all."

The shop owner nodded and said, "They have just entered the primary one, but many of the things they think about are very interesting and precious. It’s great, at least today there is no major disaster. This little brother , You don’t seem to be very happy."

Li Yan was silent for a moment, and said: "Recently...I lost contact with my friends, and I can't get in touch anyway. Later, more and more friends will lose contact with me. The reasons are somewhat complicated..."

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "That's why you are so anxious."

Li Yan pondered for a while and said, "But, if so, wait until they have forgotten me, maybe... this won't be a big problem, as long as they are safe with each other, it's fine, remember me, or forget me. Living with me, it's actually not a serious matter..."

The shop owner listened quietly, but shook his head, interrupting Li Yan's words.He said with a serious expression: "What are you talking about? How could it not be serious? I can see that your feelings for them are very good. It doesn't matter how you can't remember the fate and bondage that you have finally had. This kind of life experience Deprived of the most noble experience in the middle, if you let go, it will be really difficult to find it back. So, do something within your capacity, don’t give up like this, they should also work hard to find and follow How do you contact?"

Li Yan's body suddenly shook, listening to these words, the originally dim expression became even more dim.

I’ve been alone for a long time, and I hope I can have something in my heart that I don’t want to let go. Perhaps this is the so-called fetter...

With the rustling of rain, Li Yan raised his head slightly and looked at this empty rainy day.

Chapter 334

At 8:45 am the next day, Sanwa Bunko Building, Shinjuku District.

The sky is clear, a sunny morning light is scattered around the city, and a busy office area seems to have never stopped and is still in full swing.A phone call made Li Yan hurried to the headquarters of Sanhe Library. He heard that this time was an important matter.

Sanhe Wenku has come and gone dozens of times, but every time I come in, there is an unspeakable sense of freshness for the author. As a matter of course, Wenku is a publishing house that deals mainly with novels and comics, but From the outside, it always looks more like an IT company. Every day, countless newcomers take manuscripts and paintings and sit in the waiting room to be reviewed by the editor. Young people are different in size, and the novel and illustration market is still very much in the hearts of young and middle-aged people. The ideal place to work.Therefore, as long as you come here once, when you are stared at by a group of newcomers, there is always an incomprehensible sense of accomplishment of the predecessors, as well as a sense of urgency.

The so-called back waves of the Yangtze River pushes the front waves, the world today is better than the ancients... As an "ancient" he naturally understands the fierce competition.

Li Yan’s spirit is not very good. Even if he is facing a difficult problem, he still remembers the words of the previous store owner, does what he should do, and studies some excellent short essays carefully, in order to talk to Amano The senpai and Hagi Suzu are ready to participate in the Literary Awards together.

As he walked to the corridor outside the Kagurazaka Iris office, Li Yan saw a familiar figure, and Eiri Sawamura was called over.

This blonde and blue-eyed female high school student was a little dazed at the moment, leaning her back against the wall, looking down at the empty floor, her face was displeased, and she seemed to be upset.

Li Yan looked in his eyes, with an expression of fear and trouble on his face, and stopped a little bit. He always felt that it would be better not to get close to such Yinglili now.Unexpectedly, Li Yan's footsteps suddenly stopped, which aroused Ying Lili's vigilance. She looked up and saw that the person who came was Li Yan, Xiu Mei frowned tighter, and asked coldly, "You stand there stupidly. What are you doing, fool Lee."

Li Yan always felt that Ying Lili would always ignore his surname when he gave him the nickname, showing a somewhat helpless expression, and asked with some caution: "Ying Lili, are you in a bad mood?"

Sawamura Ying Riri closed her eyes immediately when she heard it, turned her head away, and snorted: "It's so long-winded...it's not there. Don't think about it."

Li Yan saw Ying Lili tapping his toes impatiently, and he knew that he couldn't provoke this emotionally distressed woman now.

A few minutes later, Eiri Sawamura's mood gradually recovered. She wrapped her arms around her chest, her shapely body leaning against the wall, and she was immersed in the depths of her heart. The sound of telephones around her, meeting raptures, and the quiet noises of printers throwing paper out. She turned her face to look at Li Yan for a few moments, feeling a little complicated, and finally glanced at him, and asked: "Miss Kagurazaka is going to a meeting now, she looks very cautious. Now, otaku Lee, Do you know what she called us over?"

Li Yan shook his head and said, "I just said that there is a very important thing to tell me. I don't know if you are here."

Sawamura Eriri glared at him, and asked in a low voice displeased: "What? You are one of Sanwa's ace writers. Use your reasonable rights to ask more clearly... Ms. Kagurazaka is also true. Is it really good to waste the author’s time like this?"

At this moment, Kagurazaka Ayame’s voice came not far away: "Sorry, sorry, Mr. Kashiwagi, I know that the author’s time is precious, so I called you over. It is indeed a very important thing. I’ll discuss it with you, and it’s a confidential business matter."

Ying Lili let out a cry of surprise, and her ponytails flew up in fright. Her complaining words were heard by Kagurazaka Ayame, her blushing and embarrassment, like a kid who did something wrong, quite disturbed.

As a result, Kagura Saka Ayame, who was carrying a bunch of documents, seemed to not care at all. She walked to her office. She smiled and looked at Ying Lili, then at Li Yan, and said, "Thank you, please help me drive. The door."

The door opened with a click, and inside were a lot of documents, books, sleeping bags, instant noodles and various energy drinks.

Li Yan and Sawamura Hideri are always shocked. What kind of work and life make the office look like this...

The three of them walked into the office. Kagurazaka Ayame put down the heavy files, rubbed his shoulders a little, and after serving three cups of coffee, invited them to sit down and said with a relaxed smile, "Sorry, It’s really rude to work overtime frequently and it’s a little messy here."

Sawamura Eriri looked at Kagurazaka Iris with a strange look, and said, "It's okay..."

Kagurazaka Ayame was sitting on the sofa, still maintaining enough energy, with a faint smile, and said: "I called you over today because of the events related to the animation production in the fourth season after the "Super Academy War" is over. , I need to seek the opinions of two copyright owners."

Upon hearing this sentence, both Li Yan and Yinglili were stunned. Among them, Li Yan asked, "What is it? Isn't this matter left to the full responsibility of Musashida?"

Kagurazaka Ayame nodded, with a slightly complicated expression, and said, "Actually, I also think Musashida did a very good job. At least I did an animation very carefully, but..."

Ying Lili asked carefully, "Just what?"

Kagurazaka Ayame exhaled, and she handed a document from Sanwa Library to Li Yan and Ying Lili. When Li Yan and Ying Lili started to read the document, she explained: "It's just that there was a company after the novel was released. , Took out the planning team of Musashida and Sanwa Bunko completely unable to resist, and was able to produce a plan for "Super Academy War" to make a more effective adaptation. Therefore, our company decided to cooperate with this company, so... Mr. Uesugi Mr. Baimu, do you two allow this kind of business planning? But it doesn’t matter if you don’t need to reply now. Before that, it’s better for you two to meet and talk with the new planner in person. She asks for cooperation only The condition is that you two meet at her house."

Li Yan didn't have any opinion, and asked, "Does Kagurazaka-san think their plan is better?"

Kagurazaka iris smiled after hearing it carefully and weighing it for a while.

Li Yan feels that a planner who can suppress even Kagurazaka Acorus shouldn't need him to question him. Even though he is a first-line writer of light novels, as a writer who debuted for two years, his qualifications are not yet ready for him to put on airs.

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