I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 696

However, he still doesn't understand. If he wants to get a high-quality painter who is so in short supply, it would be excusable. Why is Teacher Xia Shizi suddenly called over by her?

Hongsaka Zhuyin had the right to speak on the scene. For a while, Li Yan could hardly escape from her control. Her eyes once again aimed at Ying Lili, a talent in urgent need in various projects at the moment, and asked: "How, Kashiwagi Teacher, and teacher Xia Shizi, do you want to join my project?"

Ying Lili was a little annoyed, and said, "I've said it all, don't talk to yourself. I still work as an illustrator and the blessing software club. I can't go away on either side..."

"I know, I waited until the novel was over before I invited you. I didn't think about snatching a partner from Uesugi-sensei directly. Only when you become stronger can you keep up with Uesugiyan's progress. As for the club. , Wouldn’t it be okay for you to quit, none of the people in the club can keep up with your pace, it will only waste your talent..."

Hongsaka Zhu Yin looked at them with a natural expression and said.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu knew the situation very well and remained silent.But Ying Lili repeatedly rose up and shouted: "There is no such thing!"

Hongsaka Zhuyin was completely unmoved, and smiled and said, "Really, but is it clear to you that wasting your time in such a place? Isn't your comic called "Soul Eater"? The sales seem to be increasing Low, it’s not easy to go from doujinshi to orthodox, right? Except for explosive clothes, beauties, and clever settings, now it seems to be dead. The characters you paint are starting to run away, so that the sales of Qingshan's comics are only a little bit It's over... The creator's world is cruel, but readers have no favors to sell you. Once the painting is not good, it will fall directly from the altar to the trash can, just a moment..."

Li Yan and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu fell silent, and looked at Yinglili again, and Yinglili's expression turned sad.

"Only Xia Shizi in the club can barely follow in your footsteps, and everyone else is a burden. Teacher Xia Shizi can be your support and tap your potential. She herself is a good writer, well~~ If you do not participate, there is actually no need for me to let Teacher Xia Shizi come over."

Hongsaka Zhu Yin said with a faint smile.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu clenched his fists, and everyone present understood what this meant. It seemed that the reason to win her was just to stimulate Ying Lili's potential. This is undoubtedly a great irony to her...

Sawamura Hiderari saw in her eyes, Mo Ming felt sorry for Shiyu Kasakaoka. She glared at Hongsaka Zhuyin and shouted: "No, your words are really strange. You mean that after I participate in your project, I can Promote yourself? Are you kidding me? Compared to me two years ago, I am also making great progress, Hongsaka Zhuyin, you take yourself too seriously. I have to spend to keep up with Uesugi. How much effort can someone like you understand?!"

Ying Lili is leaning forward, as if this sentence outlines her two years of sorrow and tears in her eyes.

"Ying Lili (Sawamura classmate)..." Li Yan and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu were shocked by Ying Lili's resistance, and they said one after another in silence.

Especially Li Yan, staring at her blankly, he never knew that Ying Lili paid such a heavy price in illustration...

Hongsaka Zhuyin looked at Ying Lili silently and asked, "So, what are you thinking about, you have lost the oil painting competition now, and you are about to lose the illustrations and comics again. What are you going to do now?"

When asked this, Eiri Sawamura was dumb, but after a while, her eyes were misty and painful, but she showed a slight smile, looked at Li Yan, and said, "That’s it... it’s fine, even if I can’t paint. If Uesugiyan had a stronger work, he would not abandon me... The same goes for everyone in the club, so even if I can’t paint, I won’t lose anything... I’ll be satisfied with such days. It's..."

When Li Yan heard these words from Ying Lili, he didn't know why, and his heart was chilled. How could such words be said by Ying Lili...

The girl who talked about the future on the roof and dreamed of becoming a painter alone, and the girl who never gave up and continued painting her own paintings beside Shiina Mashiro while shedding tears, how could she stop her progress!

"Do you know what you are talking about... Ying Lili?" Li Yan asked in horror.

During this period of time, what has tortured Yinglili like this...

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu also felt that it was wrong, so she pulled Yinglili a little, and said, "Sawamura student, you..."

As a result, Hongsaka Zhuyin's expression gradually became gloomy. She laughed and suddenly laughed wildly, extremely arrogant, as if hearing a ridiculous joke. Li Yan and others were attracted by Hongsaka Zhuyin, and the laughter gradually stopped. Later, her eyes looked quite terrifying, and she cursed sharply: "What excuses are you looking for, what can't be drawn, isn't it just a little bit of growth, and a little setback is regarded as a bottleneck? Are you looking down on this business? ?!"

Hongsaka Zhu Yin's face turned grimace, and he scolded: "No wonder you are going to lose to that genius from England. What happened in the last competition? Did you win by coincidence? Are you looking for excuses like this to look down on the artist? The simplest reason is that you are too bad, you are a trash!"

Sawamura Ying Riri was scolded by such a scolding, and her whole body froze there, her eyes suddenly and motionless.

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu shouted: "Miss Hongsaka, you can stop at it!!"

However, afterwards, Hongsaka Zhuyin, who was suddenly angry, was disrupted by a sudden sentence.

"Miss Hongsaka, you seem to have made a mistake."

Li Yan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

When Ying Lili and Shiyu saw Li Yan next to Hongsaka Zhu Yin, their expressions suddenly changed.When Hong Ban Zhu Yin was puzzled, he turned his head and looked at Li Yan beside him. As a result, in the face close at hand, he could only see the pair of eyes, which were sharper and full of hideousness than her.

"!!!" Hongsaka Zhuyin always felt that he was being stared at by some monster for a moment, and moved slightly for a while.

"... Teacher Uesugi, what did you say I said wrong?" Hongsaka Zhu Yin calmed down, smiled, and asked those eyes.

Li Yan's eyes were filled with black arrogance, and he said, "I really hope you can help me make the animation for the fourth season. Your strength is indeed here. But you say I am half-hearted. Ying Lili is a waste, don’t forget, the two of them have not done anything for you yet, and you are not qualified to judge them like that..."

Hongsaka Zhuyin realized Li Yan’s anger. She has no longer feared any angry creator since ten years ago, but this time she didn’t understand why, and suddenly couldn’t see through this man wearing a mask, this man. Her arrogance and domineering aura is not weaker than her, and she even has the ability to ignore and deny those words she said before.For a moment, she seemed to be stunned by this fledgling person. This could not help being a shame to her. However, before so many actual situations, this person actually had the courage to deny her. .

Li Yan withdrew his contending attitude with a plain expression. He handed this plan to her, looked at her and said, "Teacher Baimu said it was pretty good. You are too deifying yourself. Don't think too lightly. I have already seen us through. I dare not say that it’s bad to learn Van Gogh’s spirit of burning works with life, but in my eyes, you have gone from the extreme of Ying Lili to your extreme. I will not allow you. Bring Teacher Baimu and Teacher Xia Shizi to your world, Hongsaka Zhuyin."

After listening to Hongsaka Zhuyin, he smiled mockingly and said, "I thought Uesugi-kun was going to say something. You were going to say that living in a happy creative world is the right answer, right? You really are such a naive thing. Agree? I understand that when you first started, you were even more ruthless than me. You refused to contact the painter, passed away your partner without saying anything, and for you who seemed to proclaim that love novels are all rubbish. I also have such naive thoughts. There are many things you did too much that I couldn't do."

Indeed, Li Yan was not friendly at first, and even concealed Ying Lili's fact that she was her partner. After attacking Xia Shizi with words, she only planned to crush Xia Shizi according to the editor's meaning. He intends to have any intersection with those writers, he has done such things.

At that time, Li Yan, who had just been born again, only hoped that he could live well, live selfishly...

Hongsaka Zhuyin looked at him, grinned, and said: "Ms. Uesugiyan, have you become stronger or weaker... By the way, you seem to have done another amazing feat recently. It seems to have satirized the Japanese literary world. [Rather than some writers attacking light novels with some groaning literary style, it is more important to write some real and interesting stories]...You are really better than me Benghuai, Mr. Uesugi. However, someone like me can give Mr. Kashiwagi what Mr. Kashiwagi needs, can you, who can only yell in the air, can do it?


Sawamura Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiyu could not insert a word, only to see the two people on the other side arguing with Maimang.Especially Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, she suddenly discovered that Li Yan, who is becoming more and more gentle, is more horrible when facing such a problem of principle than at the fifteenth anniversary banquet. This is the same as him. The growth in the field of novels has been closely synchronized over the years, and now he has the confidence that she does not have, and can face Hongzaka Zhuyin directly.

Li Yan knows this very well. At present, Hongsaka Zhuyin has the absolute right to speak and also has the ability to improve Yinglili. Until now, all empty talks are difficult to reverse the current dominant situation.

The high-rise building was originally windy, the rustling bamboo forest on the outside courtyard resounded through the house, and the small courtyard forest on the inside shook and fell with yellow leaves.Li Yan responded: "Do you want to gamble once, Miss Hongsaka?"

Hongsaka Zhuyin's eyes changed slightly, staring at Li Yan, and asked with a faint smile with interest: "What are you betting on?"

With a slightly taller body, Li Yan said as if looking down at her, "Just bet on myself, to prove that your eyes are still blinded by your paranoid world, to prove that your theory is not perfect, to prove that you Insulting Teacher Baimu and Teacher Xia Shizi also reflects your own superficiality, and then bow and apologize for what you said today, how about?"

Hongsaka Zhu Yin smiled and asked, "Hmph, good, Uesugi-sensei, you are really arrogant, then how do you gamble and bet?

Li Yan looked at her, saying everything with a sharp edge, and said: "You said that my writing foundation is not good, so I can compare it from the literature. Recently, isn't there a [Japanese Sukemura Prose Awards]? Of course, I I dare not say that I can get the first prize. I also think that Miss Hongsaka will not be confident that you will win the championship in the Japanese oil painting competition. So how about the top ten? If I get into the top ten, you will give you I take back the hostile remarks. At least, stop doing things that wantonly trample on the dignity of my two friends!"

Hongsaka Zhu Yin gradually withdrew his smile and looked at Li Yan puzzled.

When Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu heard this, she asked in astonishment: "Ten...top ten, Jiecun reward?!"

"Why...what's the matter, Xia Zhiqiu?" Ying Lili knew about this a while ago, but she asked with some curiosity.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa explained suspiciously: "Although the Sukemura Award is not as well-known as the Akutagawa Award, it is also a very difficult competition. This competition focuses on the field of literary novels and stories. If you can get the award, it will definitely be in Toyo University. Entrance to a higher education and employment in a publishing house are very helpful, and the gold content is quite high, so every year it attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world to submit articles, but only 300 people can be selected to participate in the official competition... But, Uesugi's Japan Mandarin..."

The top ten is undoubtedly extremely difficult, and the top ten will have an official certificate to prove it.

Ying Lili's face turned pale, she also knew that Li Yan was the record holder who had failed the Japanese Mandarin test 20 times, and there was also an old thief who had delayed the publication date of the 12-volume update 26 times!

However, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu felt that Li Yan's purpose was a bit unique. He was angry and fought for it. Hongsaka Zhuyin and Yinglili seemed to think that Li Yan was fighting for whom Yinglili would stay with, but...

A smile appeared at the corner of Hongsaka Zhuyin's mouth. She hadn't carefully studied Uesugiyan's greatest weakness.

"...Hehe, that's great, just do it like this, Uesugi-sensei."

Chapter 336 Change of Illustrator

The sky is cloudy.

After leaving Hongban's house, a man and two women walked on the empty street, silent to each other.

It seems that the remaining force of shock from Hongsaka Zhu Yin is still dissipated. At this moment, Sawamura Ying Riri lowered her head slightly and walked behind Li Yan, looking unconscious.

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