I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 697


When the sun passed, it was cloudy. Li Yan stopped in the street and turned around to take a look at the situation of Sawamura Eriri and Kasugaoka Shiwa.However, when he turned his head to confirm, he realized that Kasumigaoka Shiyu had disappeared, and only Ying Lili, who had stopped habitually, was behind.

Li Yan understood what Xiazhiqiu Shiyu meant, and was silent for a moment. Finally, his eyes focused on Ying Lili and said, "Ying Lili."

Sawamura Ying Riri's whole body shook, and she looked up dumbly, and saw Li Yan quietly looking at her. It took a long time to come back to her senses, and asked, "What, what's wrong?"

Li Yan didn't speak immediately. He noticed a small park not far away, and said, "Teacher Xia Shizi will go away by himself first, Ying Lili, can you accompany me to talk over there?"

Sawamura Eiri looked at Li Yan with puzzled head tilt.

This block of the park is not that big. In the middle of a house built in some ages, there is a piece of bare land with a few trees planted, slides and swings, and a flashing vending machine is this piece of steel. The natural amorous feelings rarely found in cement cities.

The fragrant grass swayed slightly in the spring breeze, dripping with a drop of water. Not far away, Li Yan calmly handed a jar of juice to Yinglili, and then sat beside Yinglili.

Ying Lili held the juice that was not too cold, with a smile he hadn't seen for a long time, and said, "Thank you."

She unscrewed the lid, looked down at the can, remembering something, and suddenly said: "I suddenly remembered the scene where we were drinking together on the roof when I knew you for a month."

Li Yan was taken aback, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Do you remember?"

Sawamura Ying Riri glared at him and said, "Although my brain is indeed not as good as you, Dongda science man, but my picture memory is very strong. Besides, how can I forget that experience? Don't treat me as an idiot good or not!"

Li Yan's expression was calm, and after looking at Ying Lili, he didn't say anything.

Eri Sawamura was blowing in the long wind, lowered her head slightly, and said, "At that time, my mood was almost like this. I felt helpless for my own weakness. Well... I will be the one I will be more than a year later. Some growth, the result...isn’t it exactly the same?"

Li Yan turned his face to look at Ying Lili, and persuaded him: "How can you not grow? Both your ability and your heart are much stronger than two years ago. The urgent need to grow up is indeed understandable, but Sometimes it's not worthwhile to dig into the horns to worry about yourself."

Sawamura Ying Riri sighed, she turned her face and stared at him with a reproachful expression, and said: "Don't say I'm stubborn, I said what's the matter with you, why suddenly bet this agreement with Hongsaka Zhuyin, Isn’t your Japanese language surprisingly bad, what can you do if you lose?!"

Li Yan was expected to be blamed by Ying Lili, but he looked calm and calm, and said: "I have thought about all of this, but at that time, the only way to make Hongsaka Zhuyin respect you two. If it were me If you read her correctly, Miss Hongsaka Zhu Yin is a commercial realist. In this society, she has an absolute repressive resource advantage and she is also a powerful creator. You and Teacher Xia Shizi are not her opponents... When we don’t have any ability to refute, the only thing we can do is to respond to her self-confidence with strength, so as to regain the dominance of this situation. This is the law of the social jungle, Yinglili, the freedom and belief of creators have been It doesn't work..."

What's more, even though Hongsaka Zhuyin had a poor personality, everything she said to them was based on an absolute ability to suppress. The only one who had the power to fight back was Li Yan himself.

Ying Lili squinted and asked suspiciously: "Otaku Lee, are you sure of getting into the top ten? If the other party says you lose, let you do something within your power, are you really not worried about what it is?"

Li Yan thought for a while and said, "I have worked hard to learn how to write short stories, the selling points of Japanese literature, and how to deal with the rules of the Sukemura Award. I will use the reputation of [Uesugi] to participate in the competition, but In this way, I became two identities to participate in the same competition. I don’t know what the competition will do... I will leave these matters to Miss Kagurazaka. If I use Uesugiyan’s official action to fight back against the literary writer, I will increase it One name, it is estimated that you can get special cases without real-name registration."

It is indeed unfair for such a person to sign up with two names, but Kagurazaka Ayame responded that she would have a way, and I don’t know how Sanwa Bunko will deal with it.Sanhe Bunku seemed to have full support for Uesugiyan's plan to fight back against Hongsaka Zhuyin. He couldn't help but shoulder the reputation of the author of light novels and Sanhe Bunku to participate in the competition, and the pressure was getting heavier.

"... Doesn't this mean you are not sure, idiot, fool, reckless guy." Ying Lili understood, and suddenly uttered in astonishment.

Ying Lili thought with shame that Li Yan didn't understand the requirement of the definition of [Within my ability], but if she really lost, she would do everything possible to ensure the safety of the stupid otaku Li, which she swore to do too. Did it.

Li Yan felt that once he had to do something, there was no need to hesitate. He felt that this was the last thing he could do for Ying Lili and Kasugaoka Shiyu...

He recalled the words "It doesn't matter" that Yinglili said to Hongsaka Zhuyin. After hesitating for a moment, he continued to persuade him with a complicated mood: "Yingrili, although I don't know if I really understand it. Your feelings, but the battle between you and Shiina Masashi has always existed. Although it is good to have competition, I think you have lost your direction a bit. It is wrong to take the horns. I hope you can make rapid progress, but I don’t want you. Like Hongzaka Zhuyin, from one extreme to the other."

Sitting aside, Ying Riri Sawamura was silent, her face was very bad, the sky was rumbling, and the weather was raining and raining, and her mood was like a girl's forehead.

Sawamura Ying Riri showed a bitter and stubborn smile. She raised her head, her eyes revealed a dim light, and she quietly looked at the rolling clouds in the sky with those beautiful blue eyes, and said quietly: "Idiot Li …How easy is it to say…I’m a painter, how can girls not be horny in this situation…”

She stretched out her hand, grabbed it towards the clouds, and said: "The current situation is like this. The situation is constantly changing, but... I can't catch anything. Li, the otaku, I am so weak that I always wonder if I am Should I paint or not, I'm so weak that I've been thinking about whether I still want to be an illustrator... What Hongsaka Zhuyin said, I can't refute a word. I feel so unwilling to feel like this..."

"I really like painting, and I help you design illustrations, but Hongsaka Zhuyin's paintings have told me...I'm dragging you down, Otaku Li."

"I have worked very hard, really, I have reached the limit...I am about to collapse, but what should I do, otaku Li, I can't keep up with everyone... I am so unwilling to be said that..."

Drop after drop of crystal clear tears flowed unconvincingly on this girl's snow-white smooth cheeks, drop after drop fell on the back of her hand clasped on her thigh, her voice trembling, and she said to Li Yan.

After fighting against an invincible monster for two years, no one could experience the despair and pain after seeing Shiina Masaki's oil paintings, but Ying Riri saw it twice and silently persisted.No one can experience such a complicated set of characters written by Uesugiyan, but Eiri Sawamura used countless scraps to design the most suitable character design to win the right to cooperate.

In the quiet hours, after being reminded by the editor in charge that the sales of comics were declining, and she might face news that she might be cut in half, in the middle of the night, she was alone under the lamp, drawing stories on the snow-white paper over and over again, with tears in her eyes. Falling on the paper.With a sad mood, weeping for the best paintings in the painting department, who can understand her in such a painful mood.

Behind the success, behind the success and the failure...The creator is such a picture.

In the wind on a cloudy day, Ying Lili couldn't help it at this moment, tears soaked her face, her nose and cheeks were all red, crying sadly into tears.

Li Yan's eyes finally became painful, looking at Ying Lili.

"Leave, Eiri."

Suddenly, in a moment of silence, the gloomy sky was blowing with the cold wind, and the hair and clothes of the two people sitting in the park were shaken. A voice broke the short silence here, but it shocked Ying Lili like a thunderbolt. .

Sawamura Ying Riri stopped crying, she turned her head in amazement and looked at Li Yan on the side.

Li Yan leaned back on the chair and did not look at Ying Lili, perhaps because he dared not look at Ying Lili, under his swaying bangs were those cruel eyes.

Ying Lili's pupils were trembling, she looked at him in disbelief, and asked in a trembling voice: "What are you talking about... Otaku Lee?"

Li Yan lowered his head slightly, his expression was sad, but he didn't waver at all, and said, "Although I bet with Hongsaka Zhuyin, I never said that you should not go to Hongsaka Zhuyin."

"You will definitely be put to good use by her when you go there, and Ying Lili will also be well pointed out by her for your drawing talents. Perhaps the speed of improvement in the future can not be described as rapid... But I am also worried that there is no creator. Dignified of you, working under her is also accompanied by great risks. Maybe one day you will be ruthlessly abandoned by her, so I don’t want to give you and teacher Xia Shizi directly to Hongsaka Zhuyin like this, but I actually do I think... if you and Teacher Xia Shizi can go to Hongzaka Zhuyin, it should be a good thing."

Hidden in the dark sky, Li Yan looked at Ying Lili and said, “Although Hongsaka Zhuyin’s values ​​have collapsed, her abilities are beyond doubt. For Xia Shizi, who wants to be a professional novelist, she is also for the first-class novelist. As an illustrator, you are the best tutor... I see it clearly. So I want to make a cave out of the unshakable iron wall. If it can shake the confident Hongsaka Zhu Yin, she should not In chaos like now, she and I are like this. Defend the most basic dignity of your creators... Ying Lili, there is only one thing I can do for you... So, this time I absolutely To win."

The rumble of thunder spread throughout the world.Eiri Sawamura looked at Li Yan motionlessly, and opened her mouth slightly.

Like the tranquility before the storm, it was suppressed and ignited. Suddenly, Ying Lili stretched out her hand and firmly grasped Li Yan by the collar. Ying Lili glared at him resentfully and shouted, "What are you talking about? Otaku Li, you bastard don't despise me. Although I am like this, I didn't give up. Don't do anything messy!!"

Ying Lili seems to be desperately trying to grasp something. She wants to prove herself. Her mind keeps replaying the grudges and friendships with Li Yan's novels, which belong to the creator's unique mood, unique honor, unique dependence and Emotions seemed to be constantly draining from her fingers like Xisha.

Now Ying Lili has lost the necessary reason and is looking for a safe haven. Ying Lili is looking forward to Li Yan being able to follow her.As long as Li Yan shows a slight expression of remorse and words, she has a reason to create a second work with Li Yan immediately, regardless of the future or anything, just follow the present.

Li Yan was caught by Ying Lili motionlessly.After Ying Lili showed that [nothing matters] expression, he has gradually made up his mind to let go of Ying Lili.

He understood one thing. If Ying Riri was allowed to stay by his side, her wireless future would be ruined sooner or later.

That energetic eroded girl, the one who showed a confident smile and did not give up the ability to illustrate to him, Eri Kashiwagi, Eri Kashiwagi, Eri Sawamura... If she has lost her way at this moment, then she has been in her eyes. Looking for the answer, Li Yan felt it necessary to do what he could.

In the end, Li Yan's face did not hesitate in front of Ying Lili's eyes.

"I'm going to let go... Ying Lili." Li Yan raised his head to look at her and said.

"..." Ying Lili did not let go.

"My work will be waiting for you, Yinglili, you have to move forward according to your dreams, not according to my dreams. Become an excellent illustrator. You have qualities that Hongsaka and Zhuyin do not have. That is that you love the simplest creation no matter what, no matter how brilliant we have created, once the work is over, we all start again. Happy, sad, and full of life, we must let go...I I hope you do this, and you also want to do it yourself. This hesitant style really doesn't fit your style, Yinglili." Li Yan smiled and looked at her.

"... Maybe... Maybe it won't be back for a long time, you know?!" Ying Lili lowered her head, her bangs covered her eyes, and asked hoarsely.

Li Yan was silent and said, "As long as you keep working hard, time will pass quickly. Don't worry, we will continue to cooperate sooner or later."

Eiri Sawamura was silent, and finally, her fingers moved slightly, and gradually loosened the collar that held Li Yan.She didn't say anything anymore, sitting in the chair for a long time, her eyes changed many different emotions.Finally she stood up, took a drink, and headed back to her home alone.

Everything has changed.

[Toot toot!!

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