I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 701

Li Yan hesitated for a while, looked at Yuihama Yui, and asked curiously: "That..."

Yuihama closed his eyes and said apologetically to Li Yan: "Senior, you...was talking on the phone with Koyuki? Sorry, I came to you so obviously. No matter what you think, it's always Let’s run away..."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked with a slightly worried expression: "Since you all know that Yubihama, your personality should be very gentle and steady... So what happened this time suddenly?"


Yuihama Yui's slightly sad expression raised his head and looked at Li Yan, but couldn't help but lowered his head and shrank his bulging chest a bit, and whispered, "That... Senior, Senior, I... my business..."

Li Yan was silent for a moment. In fact, he didn't need Yuihama Yui to say anything. He knew what Yui was angry about. He was inseparable from the Buddha-nature master of Biqigu. He meant to Yuihama Yui. He said profoundly: "I know what the matter is, so you don’t need to be too sad, Yuihama. Don’t you want to buy gifts for the two of them tomorrow? Don’t worry too much. Your relationship is not a matter of a few quarrels. Those who have been changed, take a good rest today... By the way, if you are not sleepy, you can play on the computer. Trust me, everything will be rainy and sunny."

"..." Yuihama Yui suddenly moved, his mouth slightly opened, and looked at Li Yan who was smiling gently at her with some surprise. His expression was still unhappy, but he said politely: "Thank you, Senior Li."

Running away from home, she had never thought of such a thing herself. This time she had a particularly fierce quarrel with her family. Both her father and mother were furious with herself, causing her originally uncomfortable mood to erupt.The reason why she didn't dare to go to Yukoshita Yukino was because she was worried that her ran away from home would leak from Yukino's side to Bigiya's side, and she didn't dare to go to Miura Yukiko's house. Even though she knew Miura Yukino I care about her very much, but it is not easy to stay at Miura's house because of such things.

When thinking about it, she was in desperate situation and quickly remembered Li Yan, who had always been reliable and safe, and the people far away from Chiba. Driven by the chaotic thinking, she simply took refuge in senior's home and hid.

She felt a little weird. Li Yan was obviously a male, but she subconsciously felt that this place would be more at ease than Miura's family. In this regard, she could not give a general reason. It seemed that she had experienced this with this senior. After several incidents, there was such a subconscious...

However, Yuihama Yui was naturally unable to sleep at this time. She noticed that Li Yan was studying a lot of books and seemed to be very busy, so she didn't dare to bother and turned on Li Yan's desktop computer. Look at the series that you are still chasing.

Only half an hour later, Li Yan, who was still studying the characteristics of Japanese literary appreciation, heard from the desktop computer in the living room the laughter of Yuihama Yui's stomach hurt when he watched funny videos.


Li Yan glanced at her a little bit, a little startled, only half an hour's work, Yuihama Yui seemed to have forgotten the unhappy things, so she smiled and fell on the tatami with her belly, seeming to forget this place. It's not her home, but a move that only happens in the home...

Sure enough, this girl who has always been sentimental is still an ordinary female high school student. Because it is an ordinary female high school student, it is possible for a Japanese girl to run away from home once or twice in her life. For this, Li Yan I also breathed a sigh of relief, at least I don’t need to worry too much about Yubihama’s emotional problems...

Li Yan continued to look at the book. Compared with the too quiet environment of these two days, he really felt that he still liked the scene of the past that was noisy...

In the early morning, at the entrance of a department store in Shinjuku.

Shinjuku is one of Japan’s shopping paradise locations. The young people who have been living around Tokyo for a long time seem to have the prejudice that Tokyo’s goods and gifts will be more meaningful, although the same supplies and commodities in Chiba City Rich, but Chiba is indeed quite inferior to Tokyo in terms of options.

After all, this period is still during the spring break of students, and high school students are still visible in this commercial zone popular with young people.

"This mall seems very popular."

Early, after eating breakfast, Li Yan brought Yuihama Yui to this department store. For girls who are born with a desire to shop, Yuihama Yui saw this building with his eyes. Shiny, said to Li Yan with a smile.

Li Yan saw that Yuihama Yui was satisfied, and he was a little relieved. After all, he didn't know exactly where women like to shop for gifts. He introduced: "Even in Tokyo, this department store is one of the best in scale. Yes, the clothes, puppets, and video games in it are all on sale, so I think if you buy gifts for the second lady... Xuexia and Biqigu, this place should be more suitable."

Yuihama Yui smiled, she also looked forward to it, and she couldn't help but stretched out her hand, pulled Li Yan's sleeve, and smiled excitedly and said, "Senior, then let's go in together now."


Li Yan was so pulled and didn't react. It was the first time that he was pulled so intimately by a girl in a shopping mall.

Yuihama Yui was surprised and dumbfounded to realize what she had done. Although she would usually do this to familiar friends, she unconsciously grabbed a person who was not too familiar with her, but barely had any clothes. I was stunned for a while.

Yuihama Yui immediately released her hand holding Li Yan's clothes, opened her eyes nervously and awkwardly, and said, "Sorry...Senior, I couldn't help but..."

Li Yan shook his head, his expression was taken aback, and then he showed a faint smile, and responded: "...It's okay, I'm also your predecessor after all, you don't need to think too much, then let's go shopping first."

In fact, he wants to thank Yuihama Yui even more, but for the first time since he was a child, he was pulled forward by a girl with his clothes. I don’t know why, but he feels sad and sad...

Yuihama Yui has been stunned. What happened just now, how could she suddenly make such an overly intimate act to a respectable senior, a bit too rude.She looked at Li Yan's figure, blinked, and looked at this figure curiously, silent.

In fact, she and Li Yan shouldn’t be very familiar, but this senior has the closest relationship with Xuexiaxuena...

"If you choose a gift, two... The gift of Xuexia is generally better to choose a selection of novels... But it is difficult to predict whether she has read it, so it is good to buy summer hats or clothes. Than the guy from Qigu... …After all, it’s also a boy. Buying a pair of sneakers will definitely please that guy..."

Li Yan began to analyze with Yuihama Yui what kind of gift would be more suitable, but he hadn't heard Yuihama's voice very much, and looked back at the other party.


Yuihama Yui's somewhat ecstatic expression couldn't recover for a while, and she responded slightly, but she woke up quickly, and immediately said with a polite smile, "Well, yeah, as expected, the predecessor chose very accurately when he chose, and his mind It's very delicate. By the way, Senior, you have been reading difficult novels last night. Like Xiaoxue...Do you like to read serious literary works?"

Li Yan still holds a small collection of selected sentences in his hand. He still feels that Yuihama Yui is a little unstable. However, when she asks this, she is silent for a moment, and says: "... In the end, I tried my best."

Yuihama Yui didn't understand Li Yan's words, and was slightly startled.

However, after Li Yan and Yuihama Yui entered the department store together, a figure that came quietly followed gradually.

"You are really free, Li..."

A smile appeared at the corner of the girl's mouth, and she whispered.

Chapter 339 Uesugi's One Foot Two Boats

The Isenu Department Store in Shinjuku, Tokyo, is full of people and bustling.

The interior decoration of this shopping mall is mainly decorated with vermilion red. It is brightly lit and in sharp contrast with the gray sky outside the row of transparent windows.


The elevator slowly carried a large number of customers towards the second floor. Yuihama Yui, who was wearing a gray coat, looked slightly surprised.

She knew that Tokyo was crowded a long time ago, but walking along this aisle where she collided with people carelessly, Yuihama finally understood the staggering population of Tokyo, where she has been living in Chiba. There is rarely such a prosperous scene, I always feel that most of the Japanese population has come to Tokyo.

Yuihama Yui turned his face to look at the rolling black cloud, and on his calm cheeks people couldn't see through thinking.

This slim high school girl looked a little uneasy, especially in this area where there were a lot of people, but the supermarket escalator was very quiet, there would be an indescribable sense of strangeness.At this moment, her mind gradually recovered. Yuihama Yui glanced at the back of Li Yan standing in front of him. Today, she asked this somewhat familiar and somewhat unfamiliar senior to help her buy gifts for others. After thinking about it seriously, she knew Li Yan for a year, and it was the first time she really stayed with this mysterious foreign student senior. Originally, this senior was more of Xiaoxue’s seniors, and Yukoshita Yukino and Xuexia There is more tacit understanding than Keiya Hachiman.

I always feel an unspeakable sense of restraint and freshness in my heart...

"What's the matter with this inexplicable guilt..." Yuihama Yui got a headache and couldn't help thinking.

Yuihama Yui always felt whether she was too reckless this time, and suddenly found this senior who came here, and always felt that if she ran into Koyuki here, she always felt that the expected situation would be quite bad, although this was due to her being The girl’s intuitive prediction is nothing but a basis.

Thinking of this, Yuihama Yui couldn't help showing a wry smile, feeling that she has always been too crazy lately...

It’s just that Li Yan didn’t expect the girls behind him to think about so many thoughts. He took the pamphlet in one hand and read it carefully, taking notes as soon as possible, and writing good writing. The most effective way is to recite and write down. Become your own thing.However, he heard Yuihama's dry laughter behind him. His expression changed slightly. He secretly turned his head and looked at it. He was worried about Yuihama Yui's getting up. He always felt that Yuihama Yui's mood seemed a little bit emotional. It's not good, I always feel that I should think about what to do to untie Yuihama Yui.

In the women's clothing store on the second floor that specializes in brands, Li Yan just entered the clothing store with Yuihama Yui, and separately searched for the styles Yukoshita would like. However, Li Yan quickly noticed the strange look from the surroundings. Although he understands that it is strange for a big man to come to the women's clothing store, at least he thinks that others at least think that he is here for Yubihama Yuki's clothes.

"..." It's just that he inadvertently saw in the corridor that there were several young men with gloomy expressions seriously looking for clothes, and when they put them on themselves for comparison, he let him watch this scene with wide eyes, and immediately understood that there was nothing wrong. As simple as he imagined.

Therefore, he is deeply worried about the future of Japan and even East Asia.

"Yubihama, I'll go out first... If you have any questions, just ask me at the door..." Li Yan's face was pale, and he looked embarrassed and troubled, standing in Yuihama carefully choosing clothes. Behind him, said lifelessly.


Yuihama Yui was taken aback for a while, turning around with a puzzled expression, and saw Li Yan leaving the store on his own.She blinked. Although she didn't know what was wrong with Senior, she quickly grabbed Li Yan's wrist and said, "Ah, yes, Senior, if you say that, do you like this dress, Xiaoxue? Although I like it very much, I can’t tell whether Xiaoxue will like this kind of pretty girly style..."

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