I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 702

Li Yan was taken aback, turned around and looked at Yuihama Yui while holding a dark denim jacket and skirt with both hands while smiling. At a glance, you can see that a short-haired girl with a beautiful face is wearing this. A piece of clothing was indeed suitable, but he squinted his eyes and imagined that Yukino Yukino would wear such a dress. It was a bit too contradictory.

"...Probably not, if you dress it well, it would be more appropriate. Wearing under the snow is definitely not in line with the style." Li Yan replied after reading it twice.

When Yuihama Yui heard it, he looked at it again, and it seemed that he could not judge it.

Li Yan could see that Yuihama Yui seemed to really like this set of clothes, he hesitated, and said, "Actually, my opinion is not accurate. After all, the thinking of girls and men are completely different, so Yuihama, you It is best to decide for yourself."

That said, but when he remembered that this denim dress was worn on Yukino, he always felt that it was a copy of Tsurumi Rumi. The mouthless girl with long hair was acceptable in this way, but Yukino, 17 or 18 years old Wearing this way, I always feel like a bad-tempered waterworks worker, maybe I have to step on people into mushrooms.

Yuihama Yui showed a faint smile, shook his head, and said, "If you are a senior, you must be very accurate, so I will look at other clothes."

Li Yan asked puzzledly: "What do you say so sure?"

Yuihama Yui bent down, lowered her head slightly to continue looking for clothes, her slender bangs slightly covered her eyebrows, with a touch of euphemism, smiled and whispered, "Because seniors bought gifts for the three of us several times , We all like it very much. Especially Xiaoxue, that kind of bright expression can be seen..."

When Li Yan heard these words, he was quite surprised. After all, when the gift was sent to Xuexia Xueno, there was no answer. At this moment, he felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart, which was probably a joy.

As a result, after spending nearly half an hour of careful selection, Yuihama Yui, after failing several times, chose a coat that looked serious and cute and showed it to Li Yan who was waiting at the door. , Li Yan has always been leaning against the wall to study excellent beautiful sentences. This time he always felt that Xue Nao should wear it often.

When the choice was finally passed, Yuihama Yui squeezed the coat, breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately smiled at Li Yan.

It’s just that when Yui Hihama smiled at Li Yan, her body gradually felt a sense of heaviness. She looked at the surrounding crowd with a slightly surprised look. The strange look from the crowd told her that Unconsciously for a period of time, when Li Yan himself leaned against the wall to study, it seemed to attract many passersby.She noticed a long time ago that the well-dressed Li Yan has an unspeakable attribute, which has been continuously verified.

This heavy mood gave her a chilly feeling silently.

Yuihama Yui had a cold sweat on her forehead, and whispered to Li Yan: "Senior, senior, let's go shopping for shoes next. It's getting late, let's go there soon!"

Li Yan was startled slightly and said, "The time is okay, anyway, I can endorse it anywhere..."

Without Li Yan noticing it, Yuihama Yui with an embarrassed smile pulled Li Yan's sleeve nervously, and hurriedly left this place where most female customers are right and wrong.

Among a group of women, a girl with a beret, long black hair, a light white coat and a black-brown skirt just witnessed this scene. Her calm face opened her mouth slightly, revealing something. The color of confusion.

She was a little curious about what the two of them were doing in this mall.


However, she did just come here and found this place based on the information.While the lonely beautiful girl kept calm, she glanced at a place not far away, and there was a particularly conspicuous figure of a white-clothed girl with a ball-shaped hair. She noticed that this girl seemed to be tracking quietly... …

On the other side of the mall is the exclusive sale area for sports shoes.

Li Yan looked at the style of the shoe cabinet carefully. After taking a good look, he finally couldn't stand it. He turned his head and looked at Yuihama Yui, who had been staring at his face with research eyes since just now.

"Yuhihama, you have been staring at my face since just now, is there anything on my face?" Li Yan touched his face and asked suspiciously.

When Yuihama Yui heard it, he was shocked, shaking his head like a rattle, and explained embarrassingly: "No, no, no such thing, sorry...Senior, I'm so rude."

Li Yan didn't care, but he felt that Yuihama Yui was staring at his face again and asked, "Is there anything on my face? I have been using a signature pen and a pen recently. , Is there any ink on your face?"

"... But, maybe it is, um, senior, let me try to wipe it for you... okay?" Yuihama Yui hesitated for a while, and asked with a dry smile in response to this reason.

Of course Li Yan agreed. Yui Hihama took out a paper towel and wiped Li Yan's face, but while wiping it, she pulled Li Yan's face by the way, pinching it to the left and right, as if she was obsessed with finding out. What a secret.

Finally, Yubihama Yui blinked, staring at Li Yan's face, and asked in a low voice, "...it is indeed an ordinary face."


Li Yan was taken aback, why did Yuihama Yui suddenly comment on his face like this!?

Yubihama Yui noticed Li Yan's special physique very early. After being frightened just now, she felt that Li Yan's body had an incredible secret, and she kept secretly watching Li Yan's face.However, no matter how you analyze it, Li Yan's appearance is a normal person's appearance. At best, he is really beautiful and beautiful, but why did he only have half an hour just now?

"Huh... uh, yes, senior, I was wrong, there is nothing on your face." Yuihama Yui breathed a sigh of relief, and realized that Li Yan was still waiting for the effect of her wiping, and she quickly recovered He said with a ghost smile in his heart.

Li Yan didn't know what Yuihama Yui was doing, but she was inexplicably uncomfortable being stared at with such peculiar eyes.

However, at this moment, there was a conversation that made Li Yan more concerned about in a store with mostly boys.

Junior high school students who came to buy sneakers together were discussing anime.Li Yan was very pleased to hear the discussion about which anime girl’s bust is bigger...I am passionate about the hot-blooded works. Among the group, elementary school students and middle school students and college students are the most concentrated, but high school students are obsessed with beautiful girl harem anime.

"It feels like there is no animation worth watching recently."

"Idiot, I just read comics and novels without animation. Sometimes I can't accept animated things after reading comics or novels."

"Speaking of which, the novel "Super Academy War" is over, have you watched it?"

"I read it, but I always think I can write a little bit more. I don't understand why the author finished it so quickly."

"The novel is over when it is over, and the number of words is quite large. I plan to wait for the fourth quarter of June. It is better than some guys who have not finished writing for more than ten years. By the way, by the way, Didn’t Jump published an interview with that author in the previous two weeks? I heard that he directly satirized a group of Japanese Writers Association, saying that what they wrote was not sick, moaning, not interesting enough, and so on. Recently, it seems that he can't stand the provocation and he is ready to participate A literary competition to be held recently."

"It's so cool, Uesugi-sensei is so bold!"

"Idiot, didn't this kind of thing spread early in the class? Many well-known light novel authors supported him on the blog. It seems that when the game will start, there will be a large number of fans and good deeds going to see Shang Shan Yan's literature. Oh, there are already tens of thousands of readers who want to watch live online. After all, it is big news in the world of adults and children..."


Li Yan was taken aback, turned his head and stared at them, and asked in astonishment.

The group of middle school students were dumbfounded by Li Yan when he was asked such a question. They didn't know what this person suddenly interrupted.

Yuihama Yui was also frightened by Li Yan's reaction. She immediately said to the four or five middle school students: "Sorry, this brother also likes reading novels... Forgive me."

Li Yan was like falling into an ice cave, with a chill extending from his feet to the spine, and ran across his brain, completely cold.

He has always been concerned about the survival of the university community and the business regime that has shaken Hongban Zhuyin, but he has never realized that when he participated in this competition under a pen name, the outside world has connected it with Jump's grievances and past events?!

This misunderstanding is so big that he has become a representative of the light novel industry to challenge traditional literary concepts...

"It's terrible. No wonder I was able to pass the special case of the [Jecun Rewards] organizer. Money society is a trap..."

Li Yan put his arms on the shoe cabinet, thinking with pain on his face.

At this moment, a girl's voice said coldly from behind Li Yan: "It seems you didn't know until now."


For an instant, Yubihama Yui's face was pale, and her waist straightened.

Yuihama Yui secretly turned his head, looked at the direction of the door with a blank expression, and saw Yukoshita Yukino, who took off his hat, and found it.

As soon as this young girl appeared, she caught the eyes of everyone around her, including a group of ignorant middle school students who had never seen such a beautiful high school girl.

"Yuhihama classmate..."

Yukino Yukoshita looked at Yuihama Yui quietly, and said her name.

Yuihama took two steps back, hurriedly trying to explain something, but stuttered for a while.

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