I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 703

"You and senior...what are you doing here?" Yukino Yukoshita looked at the items in Yuihama's and Li Yan's hands and asked.

Yuihama was startled, and immediately reached out and swayed towards Yukino, and quickly explained, "Koyuki, listen to me. I just asked senior to help me buy things together. It's not what you imagined. , There is no relationship between us... Ah, the relationship between senior and junior... there should be no problem..."

Li Yan didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't understand what Yuihama Yui was talking about, who suddenly started this strange topic.

"Isn't my sister pinching this senior's face just now?"

Suddenly, a middle school student revealed it.

Yuihama Yui's whole body was pale, he hesitated for a while, and hurriedly retorted: "No, I'm just wiping seniors!"

Yukino Yukoshita understood, with a slightly awkward expression in her eyes, she said, "Yuhihama-san, actually..."

Yuihama Yui knew exactly what Yukoshita Yukino thought of Li Yan. She remembered the arc that Li Yan had struck last night. After she was slightly stunned, she walked to Yukoshita Yukino again and explained as best she could: "Senior, he did Very good, willing to take me in, but we are definitely not what you think, even if the special physique of the seniors is causing trouble, I have always been very calm, really!"

However, when I heard Yukoshita Yukino's face turned black, he asked, "Yuhihama-student, I haven't asked you anything... and I'm curious how you feel that physique , It seems that you are indeed hiding something from me."


Yui Bihama’s expression changed suddenly, and she always felt that she had just said the words not to confess herself. For a while, it seemed that her brain circuit could not work, her pretty face turned red, and the heat on her head almost condensed into water vapor. Dejected, his mind went blank.

Yukoshita Yukino looked at Li Yan and said meaningfully: "In short, Yuihama's affairs have come to an end. Today Yuihama must go home. It seems that her mood has recovered. Senior, you dealt with girls very well. Have a hand."

Li Yan always felt that this was not a compliment.

Yukoshita Yukino let out a sigh. To be honest, this scene really seemed to be dating. Naturally, she felt resentment in her heart, but for the time being because Yuihama Yui ran away from home, she didn’t. I was going to look into it, so I looked at them and asked, "So, what are you buying?"


A dark coat attracted Yukoshita's attention.

"This was selected by me and Senior. Senior said, Xiaoxue, you must really like this style. Sure enough, you can tell by looking at your expression."

Yuihama Yui on the side said with a smile.

"!?" Xuexia Xuenai heard this and looked at Li Yan in amazement.

"Cough cough, it's okay, but what do you do to give me a gift suddenly?" Xuexia Xuenai's white and smooth cheeks turned red, coughed a few times, and asked, changing the subject.

Yuihama Yui's expression gradually became bitter, and he smiled and said, "Nothing...Aren't we in the third year of high school? After having a disagreement with a small business, I thought about it very seriously, and always felt that what should be left for You guys...I really...like Xiaoxue and small enterprises very much."

"... Stupid, even after graduation, I don't think our club will necessarily disband."

Yukino Yukino looked at her and said, "Even after graduation, I will keep the Ministry of Service in the school. No matter when, people like us will exist. So, Mr. Hiratsuka will try our best to make the ministry. The Ministry continues to exist, and we are a member of the Ministry of Service. This will not change."

Yuihama Yui was dumbfounded. In the end, her eyes were full of tears, and she nodded heavily, showing a cheerful smile.

Xuexia Xuena finally smiled, she looked at Li Yan again, her eyes were complicated, but she didn't speak.

Behind Li Yan came the whispers of a group of junior high school kids, which happened to be heard by him.

"That senior is really amazing. When two such beautiful girls met, they didn't get hatched. They attacked the two girls together without any pressure."

Li Yan showed an angry expression, secretly turned his head and glared at them, and cursed inwardly: "This group of stinky brats!"

Yukino Yukino asked carefully, "Are you really planning to participate?"

Li Yan nodded and said, "It's all ready, for myself...for the future."

Xuexiaxuenai didn't quite understand the meaning of Li Yan's last sentence. She noticed something again and said to Li Yan: "I have one thing I want to tell you... Senior. You know someone whose hair is Zhonghua Is it a girl with a bun hair type, about fifteen or sixteen years old?"

"?" Li Yan was taken aback, except for Yuihama Yui's hairstyle which was a bun hair style, he had never seen a woman who met such conditions.

[Beep beep...]

Suddenly, the editing system rang in Li Yan's consciousness.

However, it is not an editing system.

[Beep beep...]

[Beep beep...] (Resonance)

Li Yan turned around and looked at another resonant sound.

"Hello." (Chinese)

A woman dressed in white like Li Yan, with indescribable elegance and lively temperament, that retro bun has a cute hair style, and is quite in line with her appearance and age. This young girl has a delicate and beautiful appearance. , She showed a cheerful smile and made a simple introduction to Li Yan.

"We finally met, Mr. Li Yan. But it's probably the first time I met. My name is Wang Hongberry. From now on... I will be the illustrator in charge of your next work, Mr. Li Yan, who is Chinese like you. Hehe, please advise."

The name is just like appearance, it looks so sweet, the water is flexible and harmless to humans and animals.

But I don’t know why. Li Yan looked at her motionlessly. His consciousness clearly understood. At that moment, the editing system between him and her resonated. There was a chill in the hollow sound. When hiding, I was caught on the spot with a chill.

This young girl's innocent and romantic smile seemed to carry a trace of unrecognized gloom...

Chapter 340: The Loveliest Sayuri in the World

Occasionally, Sawamura Sayuri still likes to keep straight hair and stays alone in the studio.

Outside of work, if she encounters some tricky design problems, she will not force herself too much to do a little bit of other things to distract and relax.

For example, look at previous photo albums.

This beautiful woman with jet-black hair, which would be too oriental if she draped her hair down, looked boredly at the picture album she had kept, reminiscing little by little.

When I was in elementary school, when I was in middle school, and when I was in high school...

It should be said that my body shape stopped growing when I was in junior high school, but my face didn't change anymore when I was in high school. Comparing my high school photos with my current self, there is almost no difference.

Her appearance is almost exactly the same as Ying Lili, so that some people really treat them as twins or sisters.

"But, sure enough, Yinglilijiang’s blonde hair would be better. When a black hair like me looks in the mirror, I always feel that my temperament is a little too charming. My character is not a charming oriental woman at all, but a secretly painted woman. The painter of BL..."

Sayuri Sawamura sighed slightly, thinking a little melancholy.

However, she gradually began not to accept the double ponytail hairstyle and changed to straight hair...

Turning, turning, a relatively special picture attracted Sayuri's attention.

A photo of Sayuri Sawamura and Li Yan. This is an important moment after watching the sunrise in the New Year in January, Kimura took a professional camera.

In the photo, he was in his early 160s with a faint smile, and beside him was a young man with a smile like the sunrise. This was the first photo of the two of them together.

Those beautiful eyes looked at this photo quietly, without turning the page for a long time.

[Boom boom boom!

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