I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 705

The people around, including the chef, were a little dumbfounded. Such dazzling behavior was about to blind them, making them look at Li Yan angrily. Envying the happiness of others is an indescribable pain.

Li Yan also felt quite embarrassed, but when he noticed that Wang Hongberry's wrist still had fingers, it corroborated his thoughts to a certain extent.

After having a good meal together, Wang Hongbing happily followed Li Yan, looking left and then again, as if he was very new to everything around here.

"Li Yan, I haven't actually been in Japan for a long time. As an illustrator, I will definitely try my best to keep up with you. We are all coming to Japan to work and we will definitely become a tacit partner!"

Wang Hongberry smiled brightly and talked to Li Yan in Chinese while watching the surrounding scenery.

Li Yan hesitated and asked, "Where is your hometown from Cranberry?"

"Ah..." Wang Hongberry was taken aback, and seemed to realize something.

She smiled and said, "It's in Suzhou and Hangzhou, where China specializes in beauties."

As a result, Wang Hongberry noticed that Li Yan was walking down the roof. The more people walked, the fewer people there would be. She followed behind with a smile, showing no objection.

The staff in charge of monitoring in the store noticed that the monitor located at the entrance of the stairs suddenly became a snowflake. It was obvious that someone was passing by, but it was generally disturbed by some electromagnetic interference. It was blurred and clear, but nothing was seen. .

Gradually, the underground parking lot was dimly lit and empty, with no people.

Wang Hongberry smiled and asked: "Li Yanjiang, where are you going to take me? If you are in touch with your new partner, shouldn't it be other delicious restaurants?"

Li Yan walked on his own, turning his head back to look at her in the dim aisle, and asked, "But don’t you have no opinion when you came here with me? Only when you are 80% full can you move quickly. It should mean this when eating, right?"

Wang Hongbing kept smiling and asked, "Hehe, you are really interesting. What is the basis for this?"

"The basis is that you are not a painter at all."

Li Yan finally stopped, he turned his head and looked at Wang Hongberry, and said.

Wang Hongberry stood there dazedly, looking at him.

Li Yan's eyes were uneasy and sharp, and said, "Your hand is not a hand that you can only paint for a long time. The painter's fingers have calluses on some parts. Shiina Maki, Eiriri, Miss Sayuri, and Rita's fingers are all With this characteristic, your fingers are too smooth. But your palm joints are a little bulging, which is only a characteristic of martial arts practitioners. Your skill is very agile, and laymen can’t understand it, but I’m scared to see it. Your martial arts attainments are very high. I have never heard of you at Sanhe Bunku, but Sanhe Bunku recognized you as an illustrator. If you want to replace Yinglili now, I think the level of the replacement artist It’s not that I haven’t heard of your name. I’m doing this, it’s probably tampering with the existence around me. But these are not the most important references."

Wang Hong Berry let out an "Eh" sound.

"When we met, I could feel what was wrong with you... Hongmei, do you also have an editing system? It resonates with my system. This proves that you are definitely not an ordinary person. Who are you? ?"

Li Yan looked at her warily and asked.

After Wang Hongbing finished listening, his dazed expression gradually returned to that relaxed face, showing an enthusiastic smile, and immediately he was playing with his hands, dancing and saying: "A Yan, you are really a keen and smart guy, really Great, I am very satisfied with your performance!"

"..." Li Yan dumbly looked at this weird girl.

Wang Hongbing looked at him happily and said, "But, I did tell you that, I didn’t intend to hide anything from you at all. You are right. I cut off you and your friends. I’ve always been responsible for monitoring you. I’m currently replacing that Yinglili as your illustrator. I have also moved some little hands and feet. But we are partners and I didn’t lie to you, Li Yan, you and I am the real partner."

Li Yan looked at Wang Hongberry in confusion, and asked, "What is your relationship with me... Wait a minute, you won't be..."

"Wrong, wrong."

Wang Hongberry seemed to know what he was referring to, and shook her head. She smiled and said: "I am a real human being, not the kind of thing you said."

She stretched out her finger, bit her skin slightly with her teeth, and then red blood came out from the fingertips.Wang Hongberry remained in the same mood and said, "Look, that thing won't bleed."

Li Yan looked carefully, and indeed found that Wang Hongberry had maintained a human body.

Wang Hongberry went on to explain to Li Yan: "As for your...that system, in fact, the power assigned to you by that thing has nothing to do with me when you need the most power from the beginning. It’s just your power, but we can share this power together, because you and I are both heirs to the old ruler. What kind of original power you enjoy, I will use it together, so, The two of us are one."

Li Yan was a little confused, and realized that Wang Hongberry seemed to really want to explain something to him, but the other party didn't seem to be good at explaining one thing clearly.

"The heir to the old dominator..." Li Yan asked in shock and confusion.

"Yes, it seems that although you know a lot, you still don't understand the basis of your rebirth."

Wang Hongbing blinked and said.

She began to elaborate: "Did you not be killed? By the woman you like, with your soul drifting away, you stay in the world with a lot of resentment. Later, I don't know why your resentment is. Disappeared, but your encounters and desires were still heard by the old ruler. It pityed you. It just so happens that your soul power is rare and powerful in the world, so you have been selected as the next successor in the future. Qualifications, and only heirs are qualified to live in a parallel world that is most suitable for warming their souls. There is no such thing as life that can be reborn so easily and without cost. A person with such spirit power, a thousand years I don’t know if I can meet one, but the Dominator finds thousands of people to choose every time."

Wang Hongbing’s cheeks were slightly flushed, and he smiled and praised: “That thing likes human civilization very much. It has always been attached to and wants to protect the world it guards. This is the world. However, everything has a beginning and an end, the ruler. Adults didn’t do it a long time ago, so this method was used to pass on strength and responsibility to protect this world. Li Yan, you are very good, and in just two years, you have become more and more able to connect with the dominators. Both In the historically inevitable dangerous events time and time again since the beginning of the year, you rely on your morality and hard work time and time again to let everyone recognize your qualifications. Also, your soul power is very strong. At the beginning, use the power it gave you. Your abilities have improved and become stronger, until you unlock the ability to predict the future, and gradually absorb the legacy of Lord Dominator. Congratulations, you are qualified to replace me as the new Dominator."

Li Yan finally understood why he was born again...

No wonder the sunglasses teacher would tell him [not every ruler in the old days was called a Cthulhu], [it has no malice] such words.

However, he also wanted to complain a little bit about why Wang Hongberry sounded respect for that ancient god, but always called it "thing"...


Li Yan couldn't help but shouted Wang Hongberry's endless explanations.

Wang Hongberry was taken aback, and asked: "What's wrong?"

Li Yan remembered many details mentioned by the teacher of the sunglasses, and asked: "After becoming the dominator, don't I become a big octopus?! I am very grateful that the other party saved me, but there will be a price to be the dominator. ?Otherwise you won't come to me now..."

"Of course there is a price. If you inherit, you should erase everything you existed, so that others will no longer suffer, and you can't directly communicate with them. Communicating with others at will will turn them into lunatics. ."

Wang Hongbing blinked his eyes, taking it for granted, and explained.

Li Yan expected it to be like this. No wonder Wang Hongberry would cut off his bondage. But strangely, he always felt that Wang Hongberry was still merciful, trusting her somewhat, and seriously questioned: "In this case, I will be born again. After a good period of time, let me look at them alone again. Isn’t such a thing cruel... The ancient gods will affect people’s spirits, and I am not uncommon with this kind of power. No wonder I am always caught by Ying Lili and others. The girl said that I have a strange physique. It turned out that it was caused by the power of the ancient gods, right?"

However, Wang Hongberry quickly denied some of Li Yan's judgments, and said with a smile: "Hahaha, what are you talking about? How can the ancient gods have the ability to change your physique? Your kind naturally attracts twenty to four. The abilities of a ten-year-old woman have nothing to do with the dominator."

Chapter 341-The Encounter in the Rain

An empty and dimly lit underground parking lot.The smiling girl, leaning forward slightly, asked with a lively and leisurely expression: "This way you should understand what happened, so you can go with me now? Time is almost up. ."

There was a faint cold sweat on Li Yan's forehead. His eyes stared at the girl vigilantly. After thinking for a moment, he finally shook his head and said decisively: "Sorry, I won't be that kind of creature, neither will I Will follow you."

Wang Hongbing’s big Shuiling eyes blinked and looked at Li Yan in amazement, and asked, “What are you talking about? You are already dead. Anyway, you can live because of the gift of an adult. Sometimes too greedy can get nothing. After all, there is no power that can violate this power, Li Yan, become a true god and protect the people and the world you want to protect. Isn’t it good?"

Facing Wang Hongberry, Li Yan said as if: "I don't want to become a god, and I am very grateful for everything that the old ruler gave me, but... just like this, I was tempted by the so-called god position, knowing myself. Let me leave my own life when the strength is overwhelming. I think such an inheritor is not a qualified person for the dominator, right?"

The wind from the vents in the basement blew their bodies.

Wang Hongbing’s expression was still not angry. He looked at Li Yan blankly with that ignorant expression, and then showed a faint smile. He immediately moved his hands casually and happily, and said with a smile: "Qianqiangqiang, you are indeed very Smart...Ah, it shouldn't be considered smart. All the people chosen by the dominated adults have chosen the same actions as you. This is inevitable."

Li Yan always feels that this young girl has a really weird personality, and she can always entertain herself.

However, once again he saw Wang Hongberry's terrifying body balance, and knew that this girl had a keen skill, he heard the meaning of the other party's words, hesitated for a while, and asked: "...including you. Are you there?"


Wang Hongbing kept smiling, nodded, and then said: "You and I are people who live in different generations. We also lost our lives because of a tragic accident. The dominated adults are saved and have a group of cherished friends. I also tried to fight, but in the end I chose to become the successor of the Dominator. Since time didn’t make much sense to me, I myself have lived quite a long time. In fact, I don’t know much about the details of the world. Now, I don’t know if the hairstyles of Chinese girls are roughly like this..."

The girl walked a few steps. In a dim underground space, her face’s hair and eyes were hidden in the darkness. The lights in the basement illuminated the corners of the girl’s mouth and face. She quietly smiled and explained: "Everything They are all to protect the world we have been protecting. This sacrifice is also due... Let me ask Li Yan one more thing. Are you really unwilling to become the dominator?"

Wang Hongberry's inquiry was almost the last letter. Li Yan's palm was also slightly sweaty. I don't know why, the surrounding airflow seemed to be accelerating. Soon, the underground parking lot swept across the ground like a hurricane.

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