I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 706

Li Yan covered the hurricane with his hand. This kind of wind always felt like it moved with people's heart. He didn't hesitate at all, and said, "Of course, my decision will not change no matter what."

Wang Hongberry was silent for a moment, the corner of the faint smile still remained unmoved. She stood in the half-light and half-dark aisle, and finally she stretched out her hands and suddenly clapped together with a "slap", and said: " That being the case, it’s useless to say more about it. My duty is to take you back no matter what means I use, so I’ll call you disabled and drag you back.”

In the fierce gale, Li Yan was surprised to find that after the girl folded her hands, the space centered on her was constantly falling off debris-like things. Once the space fell off the colored debris, it became a black and white color. An overwhelming change, so strange and spectacular, the top of Li Yan's head and the soles of his feet lost their color.


Li Yan opened his eyes slightly and watched this incredible scene in astonishment.

Wang Hongbing puts his hands together, the slender girl looks so pretty in the dark world, still maintaining that kind of harmless and pure smile, reminding: "I dragged you into the secondary space, no matter how you hit it, you won’t Someone will know what happened. Li, your martial arts is quite strong. I am very interested in your martial arts, so you don’t need to be polite. I will also use my own martial arts to learn your skills. So try your best, if you are not serious...but you will die."

At the last sentence, I don't know why, when Li Yan heard it, he suddenly felt a chill.

The quietly murderous aura gradually flooded this area. Li Yan stared at this Chinese doll master martial arts, not knowing why, a little sweaty in his palms.

A black air lingered in Wang Hongbing’s body. It was clear that there was no wind, but Li Yan still heard the rustling wind. This young girl assumed a posture of Chinese martial arts, for a moment, smiling. The girl disappeared out of thin air.


Li Yan didn't stop there, but he suddenly suffocated in his heart. He almost lifted his hands to block with his unconscious action. On the contrary, the sweeping leg swept like a star suddenly bent his arm slightly, and the bones creaked. The sound of this domineering force suddenly kicked him out. With a loud bang, Li Yan backed back again and again, and a bit of white smoke was emitted from his arm, as if he had been burned.

Wang Hongbing’s legs were still not put down, and his eyes were slightly surprised. Then he smiled and said, “As expected of Li Yan, you caught this trick so beautifully. Obviously I thought it would hurt you a little bit. what."


Li Yan's expression was slightly pale, he only felt his arm numb and hot, no broken bones, but almost dislocated.

Successors from generation to generation not only possess strong soul power, but also possess strong actual combat capabilities. Li Yan put down his hands in astonishment and looked at this mysterious girl. Comparable with him, but it is difficult for him to see his movements, that kind of speed... as fast as lightning, I am afraid that he has experienced the most shocking speed among so many opponents.

In the Iseno Shopping Department Store, Yukino Yukino and Yuihama Yui sat at the rest seat in the center of the mall and waited.


Yukino Yukino glanced at the gift bag Yuihama Yui was holding. He looked a little curious, and asked a little, "Yuhihama-san, what gift did Senpai give you?"

When Yuihama Yui heard what Yukoshita Yukino said, he turned his face and said with a shy smile: "It's a denim dress. I originally planned to give you this dress, but... Senior said that you don’t like this style of clothes. He thinks I like it very much, so he secretly bought it for me. He probably has been worried about me who suddenly ran away from home..."

Yukino Yukino looked at this set of clothes, and at a glance she could see that she really didn't like this style of clothing. If it were more quiet and more decent, she would still be able to accept it.

She didn't understand why Li Yan knew her so much...

"...I really don't understand him." Xuexia Xuenai quietly took a look, then closed her eyes and said.

After Yuihama Yui collected the clothes, he looked left and right, showing doubts, and whispered to himself: "I don't know how the seniors are so slow. That girl is also Chinese. I don't know how they were before. Do you know..."

Xuexia Xuena thought about this, the girl with the head of a bun turned out to be Li Yan's next illustrator.

At first, her expression was the same as Li Yan, full of consternation.What she cares about is how the illustrator who used to have a golden double ponytail and always has a stupidity was suddenly replaced. She only designed a novel and was replaced, which is quite rare in the light novel industry.

What's more, Uesugi, who has always made grammatical errors, even participated in the literary competition. It's incredible...


Just as Xuenai was thinking about it, a loud noise suddenly came from a distance, making the two girls and others who were waiting here startled, and the screams were endless.

Yukino suddenly frowned, stood up and looked at the direction of the sound source.For some reason, in the chaotic crowd, the glass wall of a clothing store on the first floor suddenly shattered without warning.

It was originally just a glass wall, but immediately, the glass wall next to it also made a harsh sound for an instant, cracked open, and glass shards splashed everywhere.

Soon after, the wooden frame of the shoe cabinet was suddenly hit by something, and the whole frame was shattered into powder, frightening people not far away to the ground.

——Dear customers, it is very inconvenient to cause trouble to guests. There was an accident of accidental breaking of the glass wall in Area A on the first floor. Customers currently staying in Area A are requested to temporarily avoid them. Customers currently staying in Area A are requested to temporarily avoid Company professionals detect the cause of the accident and avoid personal injury...

Very quickly, the work station of the mall began to announce the evacuation announcement, and nearby staff began to channel the group of customers to a safe passage.

"...What happened?"

Yuihama Yui still didn't understand the situation, and stood there blankly and asked.

A female staff member found Yukino Yukino and Yui Yui who were still still, and politely and eagerly persuaded: "Two ladies, I'm sorry, please leave here temporarily to avoid damage from glass blasting!"

Yukino Yuki and Yui Yui in the central rest area, who were in the middle of the rest area, were stunned.

"But, one of our seniors is still there..."

Yuihama Yui said hesitantly.

The female staff member said: "If there is a wounded person, we will immediately be taken to the hospital, please don't worry, he may have left with other customers toward other passages."

"Uh..." Yuihama Yui still looked worried, but she knew that staying here was not appropriate.

"Xiaoxue, let's go."

Yuihama Yui turned his head to look at Yukino Yukoshita thoughtfully, and gently tugged at the corner of her clothes, whispering.


Xuexia Xuena, with a calm look, still quietly looked at the place where the noise was constantly being made. She felt a very strange feeling in her heart. She always felt...such an accident has something to do with Li Yan...

In the cracked world invisible to the naked eye, it proved that Yukino's subconscious was correct.

For a brief moment, in the pale world, a fierce martial arts peak duel unfolded in a state of anxiety.

The fists and feet are added together and swept across like a sharp wind blade.

In the infinitely exquisite darkness, Li Yan ran swiftly in the still shopping mall, separated from this opponent whose speed was beyond human's reach, from the empty basement to the shop on the first floor. In order to restrain the opponent’s advantage, Li Yan planned to use The complex terrain of the mall is weakened.

With a sudden sound, Li Yan suddenly felt a tingling pain in his cheeks, his palms turned over to free up, and he grabbed the foot that had disappeared without a trace, trying to hold Wang Hong Berry's action, but this girl was like Hanging in the air, the other leg was kicking towards his Adam's apple. The two sides moved higher and lower in the grappling technique, and they attacked each other in an instant. If they didn't pay attention, they would suffer severe injuries.

Compared with Li Yan, Wang Hongberry, who had been on the offensive, became more and more alert.

This young man really knows a lot of martial arts moves.At first it was Tang Shou, and then wrestling, and this time it was grappling. She rumored that people with superior modern living conditions should no longer practice martial arts, but she felt that Li Yan would be a first-class master in any era.

With a smile, she whirled in the air, separated the distance again, waiting for an opportunity.

Li Yan realized that something was wrong, and when he noticed it, the cabinet in the store suddenly fell to his side, and Li Yan hurriedly avoided.


The girl had already spotted this flawed opportunity. She intruded in front of Li Yan's wide open body in an instant, split her palms and slapped her, like a thunder and lightning.


Li Yan's expression changed, this speed is too amazing!

He originally hoped to contain the geographical advantage of Wang Hongberry's body skills, but unexpectedly was used by this young girl. He had secretly moved his hands and feet on that wooden frame before.

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