I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 707

This slap of thunder hit Li Yan's chest, who was too late to defend himself.

Li Yan flew upside down and hit a pile of wooden racks in the shoe cabinet. With a bang, sawdust splashed in all directions, and a pungent smoke filled with smoke.

Wang Hongbing, who was rolling down steadily, fell to the ground like a white crane with his hands open, looking at the young man buried in the ruins.

"Excuse me, the start is a bit heavy, you should be a little serious, as long as you defeat me, I will reward you." Wang Hong Berry said with a grin.

However, Wang Hongberry's proposal seems to have been answered.

Wang Hong Berry's expression was slightly taken aback, looking at the pile of sawdust, he seemed to notice something.

In the cracks of the sawdust, sparks began to fly out, like wood that ignited the flame, burning more and more vigorously.

Wang Hongbing didn't know that Li Yan's soul had several abilities that she didn't have.

The pile of sawdust continued to bulge, and when the sawdust fell, finally, the figure with the stars on his clothes stood up, and the wound on his body was healed with the naked eye, just like an immortal body, climbing up again...

She fell silent, looking at the flame, a smile appeared on her white and dusty cheeks, and said cheerfully: "Burning... really an unyielding soul."


Bit by bit, the memories of life here all exist and are part of his life.

Li Yan was struggling, contending with fate.

God was unfair to him, his parents abandoned him, and the woman he liked tortured him. After his grandfather left, he stayed alone in a world.

Because of this loss, Li Yan knew what he should do when others are alone.

He... no longer wants such a person to stand under the black rain, tilting his head up and feeling ashamed...

Therefore, in any case, he wants to link the cut back.

Scenes of past experiences filled his heart. Finally, the scorching heat of that flame caused Wang Hongberry to be burned and retreated. That kind of persistence prompted Li Yan to catch up and catch up with this terrifying speed. , That thought converged into that punch, blasting towards Wang Hongberry...

The desperate struggle that lasted more than ten minutes came to an end when Wang Hong Berry took only one blow and kept rolling to the ground.

The stagnant world gradually began to recover.

The dark clouds that have been rolling, gradually began to patter and rain.

The flames on Li Yan, who was all over his body, gradually extinguished. He panted slightly, looking at the girl who fell on the ground.

"What a powerful boxing technique, what is this set of boxing techniques called?"

Climbing up from the wet floor, at this moment, Wang Hong Berry's mouth was dripping with a blood mark, which seemed to have suffered a lot of damage, but she was still able to continue the fight. She showed a lively smile as before, and stood firm with one bounce.

Li Yan replied, "Bajiquan."


Wang Hongberry was stunned for a moment. He hadn't heard of this set of martial arts. Was it a martial arts that was created in the past few hundred years?

She smiled and said: "The skillful and powerful killing fist is really intoxicating, Li Yan, you really make me more and more pleasantly surprised. The blood of the mermaid makes you heal quickly, and the blood of Shura inspires your soul to be more powerful. Even if you do not accept the power of the Dominator, these are enough to protect many people..."

Li Yan, who was soaked in his body, looked at Wang Hong Berry sincerely, and asked: "I won't become the dominator, Miss Cranberry, you should still be testing me, right? You tampered me with Gabriel and Shiina. There is also Takashi Natsume's bondage, but his mercy did not change the relationship between the authors and Chiba. If you want to persecute me, these practices don't need...so, what I need to do to restore the original Like?"

Wang Hongberry looked stunned again, and looked at Li Yan in surprise.

"Hehe, smart is good. I really envy you for having such a talent."

Wang Hongbing smiled brilliantly and said: "You can find this very good. However, I am really open to you. It does not mean that I can violate my duty."

"..." Li Yan felt a little sad when he heard this sentence.

"However, I can give you time. For you, time is the most important thing. Didn't I say that if you beat me, I will give you extra rewards? That novel you wrote is very interesting. You can finish this book, and I personally hope that you can continue to use the editing system to write this novel. Your experience is more bumpy than mine. I really admire you for being able to write such a story."

Wang Hongberry stood in the rain and smiled and said: "You seem to put most of your bets on this game. I can’t guess what this game means to you. I have tried my best, but I can’t bring you back. , I don’t have any responsibility for this for the time being, hehe. Let me wait for you to compete for the entire event, and then let you fight for the opportunity... If you can beat the Dominator, but that thing is better than me. Thousands of times, do you know how slim the hope is?"

Li Yan understood. Just as he wanted to say something, a group of people ran over not far away.

"Are you okay?!"

The staff rushed over and asked about the two of them.

However, Li Yan and Wang Hongberry were scarred all over their bodies. They immediately called the stretcher waiting for them to take Li Yan and Wang Hongberry to the hospital.

"I'm very sorry that this accident has caused you harm. Our Isenu Group will prepare a compensation plan soon. Please take care of your injuries. I am really very sorry!"

A middle-level cadre kept bowing and apologized to the two of them surrounded by medical staff.

"That... if you compensate me for the delicious food, I will forgive your company soon." Wang Hong Berry was extremely pleased and asked.

Li Yan was stunned, his face turned blue, and he didn't dare to say anything. Not to mention that the two of them destroyed the other party's property, they could still get compensation from the other party, which is simply too despicable...

"Then, that's it, you work hard, Mr. Master of Light Novel..." After Wang Hongbing got on the stretcher, his voice was slightly soft, and he said the last sentence.


The sound of rain filled my ears.

For the time being, he remembered Wang Hongberry's words and thought silently, in the end, how he would face his ultimate difficulties...

The price of being a rebirth.

At noon, after simply bandaging the wound from the hospital, Li Yan took a special car back home.

Before he left, Wang Hong Berry seemed to have disappeared, I don’t know where he went...

However, in the drizzle, he just got out of the car and walked to the door of the apartment building, but he saw a familiar but somewhat changing back.

"...Miss Sawamura?"

Standing in the rain with an umbrella, Li Yan hesitated for a while, then asked with an expression of uncertainty.

Still facing the doorbell, the woman with long black hair heard the sound behind her, turned her head, and looked at Li Yan who had returned curiously.

Drizzle, this beautiful woman with beautiful face and slightly wet hair is not Sayuri Sawamura, but who is it?

Chapter 342 A Woman's "Confession"

In the evening, the city was hazy, with rain and fog.

Li Yan, who was covered in bandages, sat in the living room, while the woman in dark kimono sat on the opposite side of the small table. The glass door of the balcony in the center showed the gray Tokyo rain view.

With the ticking of rain, Sayuri Sawamura was silent for a while, she turned her face to look at the bandage on Li Yan's forehead and the cotton gauze on her cheek, looking a little bit horrible.

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