I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 708

Sawamura Sayuri's expression was a bit of blame, and she commented with that kind of grumpy expression: "It looks a bit badly hurt... This is also in line with Uesugi-sensei's style."

"...This time it was an accident. Suddenly the glass cabinets in the mall burst, and with the fall, it became what it is now."

Li Yan's expression was slightly nervous, and he always felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy. He then borrowed the proof from the mall and explained.

"Huh, no matter what the reason is, it can't change your current injury situation."

Sayuri Sawamura sighed slightly and said.

She stood up and closely observed Li Yan's trauma. Although she was not a professional medical staff, she also learned a lot of knowledge about trauma and general pathology by herself, and she also held a pharmacist qualification certificate.

Li Yan's eyes are close at hand, and the skin is like snow, hair is as long as ink, and features are exquisite. In the beautiful face that is just as cold as snow, there is also a bit of charming and caring, clear and watery eyes. The faint scent of the wound on his forehead was faintly looming, making Li Yan couldn't help his heartbeat speed up. He looked at this face with his eyes, and he really didn't know where to put his eyes. It didn't work to raise his head or lower his head.

I have to say that Sayuri is really like a woman who can only appear in a dream.

"The doctor won't tell you what to do to avoid scarring."

Sayuri Sawamura knelt in front of Li Yan and said with a serious expression: "Your forehead wound is very shallow, so you can recover better. You also have bruises on your cheeks. I suggest you apply some honey when changing your dressing for cheek bruises. The effect is also very good."

"Yeah..." Li Yan nodded. In fact, how could the wounds scratched by sawdust be shallower. After this period of time, the mermaid blood in his body has helped him repair most of it. If it is changed to the past, it is estimated that it will really stay. The trace is left.

The moist breeze blew in through the cracks in the glass door. After Sawamura Sayuri examined the head injury, she lifted Li Yan's hand and opened it to examine the wound. After judging that it was a minor injury, she breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her head and held it. Li Yan's arm wanted to say something about matters needing attention.

Look up, close at hand.


The black bangs were slightly swayed by the breeze, and Sayuri showed a distracted expression. Such a soft and pretty girl realized what was normal, and finally she quietly let go of Li Yan's hand.

Li Yan was still waiting for Sayuri Sawamura's instructions, and found that Sayuri had loosened the hand holding his wrist, and asked nervously, "What's the matter? Has the wound been treated?"


It took a long time for Sayuri Sawamura to come back to her senses. She realized her strange behavior, and then continued to lower her head to re-bandage the bandage. She quickly returned to normal, showing a faint smile, and explained: "Although the nurse gave you no All, but it's barely sterile, and there is no problem after applying the medicine."

After she had bandaged, she released Li Yan's hand again this time, and after instructing some precautions, she returned to the seat opposite the table.

Rustle... rustle...

Slow rain, tranquil rain scenes, and crisp wind bells jingling when the wind blows, Sayuri Sawamura turned her head to look at this plain and extraordinary rain scene, the hot tea on the table exuding a faint steam.

"Back to the topic……"

Sayuri Sawamura withdrew her gaze from the rain scene, looked at Li Yan, smiled and said: "Teacher Uesugi, I came here this time and happened to see you injured and condolences. The main reason is to ask you about you and What happened to Ying Lili."

When Li Yan heard this, he was slightly startled, and asked, "Have you heard about this?"

Sayuri Sawamura clicked on the forum website and showed Li Yan a bunch of themed posts about Uesugi Yan’s participation in the literary competition, and said: "I have been very busy with my work recently. I have always kept up with the Internet, social circles, newspapers and magazines. I’m in a state of isolation. I’m ashamed, but I didn’t know about the news that has already made a lot of noise."

She took back the phone and asked calmly: "Eng Lili has been nesting in the room every day these days, and her personality seems to have returned to what she used to be two years ago. She can't answer any questions... So, I want to ask. What the hell is going on? Although I have a rough idea of ​​what things might look like, I'm sure it would be better. Uesugi-sensei, can you tell me about you, Ying Riri and Hongsaka Zhuon?"

Li Yan's face with multiple bandages seemed to think for a while, nodded, and said, "I understand."

As a result, after Li Yan finished the novel, the collaboration between Sanhe Bunku and Hongsaka Zhuyin, and the creative mentality of Ying Lili confronting a certain genius girl and nearly collapsed, finally Hongsaka Zhuyin's attitude towards the creators made Li Yan quite worried. As a disadvantaged person, only useful strength can hold down the Hongsaka Zhuyin who can lead Yinglili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu in the future.


Sawamura Sayuri, who was holding the hot tea, lowered her head and listened quietly, looking at the tea cup held by her hands on her legs, letting her black hair sway slightly in the wind.

After listening quietly, a smile appeared on her mouth.

"I understand."

Yan Ran lifted her face and looked at Li Yan.

"No wonder... Ying Riri will be like this. Uesugi-sensei, thank you very much for taking care of her."

Sayuri Sawamura closed her eyes and said with a smile on her Qingli face: "More than a year ago, Ying Riri suddenly changed and she suddenly liked creating more than before. I am curious why she suddenly changed like this. Learning to paint is to retain a regret when I was a child. In itself, the fun and purpose of creation is not strong. I have always worried that Ying Lili will lose her goal in confusion. Therefore, I have always wanted to make up for Ying Lili's heart. Regrettably, Ying Lili is very fragile. I always think so..."

She looked at the rain under the gray sky outside the glass, and said, "However, she suddenly changed. One day she suddenly wanted to break away from doujinshi and go to a more extensive formal creation. And because of the accumulated popularity, she received A list from a library company designed illustrations for a newcomer named Uesugi Yan. Ying Lili secretly laughed, cried, worried, hesitated... But there was an unexpectedly strong willpower that persisted. I The first time I saw her, she was no longer painting for others, but for herself, for the most essential pride and happiness.

In Li Yan's mind, the latest posture of Ying Lili was constantly echoed, and the scene of leaving him with no more words at the end.

Ying Lili painted for herself, staying as an illustrator in order to create that kind of glory and joy with him, and finally leaving silently for the pride of being an artist...

The back of the memory that was lost, sad and determined to leave, deeply hurt his soul.

"Thank you, Uesugi-sensei."

Sayuri Sawamura smiled slightly, looked up at the rain, and quietly thanked Li Yan.


Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "Miss Zecun...Why do you want to thank me?"

Sayuri Sawamura looked at Li Yan with warm eyes, and said, "Of course it is for many things. This thank you should have been said to you a long time ago. You have been protecting Ying Lili for more than a year. , I am willing to let her, understand her, protect her, cherish her... these are not something anyone can do. This time you participate in the literary competition, in fact, you don’t need to participate at all, you can leave it to Ying Lili to endure it. , But you are still willing to fight for the honor of Ying Lili and Xia Shizi...you are a gentle person."


Li Yan's heart moved, and he moved a little bit so that he didn't know it, so he was silent for a while and said: "I actually didn't do anything. It is her own effort that Ying Lili can go to now, not to mention... Since it is talking about protection, What did I protect? Ying Lili still cried several times. I cannot change the status quo..."

Sayuri Sawamura shook her head slightly and said, "This is what she is going to experience. If there is no success in the world, you will not experience such wind and rain. Don't worry, it will rain sooner or later."

The rain is getting heavier, coming fiercely, coming dark, and the endless leaves rustling, but thinking of the calm and beauty of the rain, all the cold and loneliness are worth savoring.

"By the way, I will definitely go to the literary competition to watch the competition."

Sayuri Sawamura, who was almost leaning against the glass door, remembered something, turned her head and said with a smile.

Li Yan was startled, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Hey, but didn't you say that you are always busy? Is it really possible?"

It calmed down in some dimly lit rooms.

Sawamura Sayuri's black hair swayed slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"It's not because of being busy. Because I like...that's all."

Softly speaking, together with the raindrops outside, it looks so delicate, decisive, lonely and helpless...


Li Yan was silent. He seemed to hear something clearly, but he couldn't catch it. He looked at Sayuri Sawamura with a complicated expression.

"I did not hear it clearly……"

Li Yan felt it was too quiet, and asked embarrassedly again.

Sawamura Sayuri’s meaningful smile still didn’t dissipate, but she kept her full smile while she was silent. She covered her mouth with a fan and said, “Didn’t you hear clearly? I mean, work is so busy. Occasionally I have to take part in a show I like to relax. I will also see what kind of articles Uesugi will write for the first time."

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