I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 719

However, like a mountain and a cracking ground, violent storms and rain raging across the world, it is heartbreaking, but I can’t help but continue to watch. Suddenly, Uesugi turns his pen, and Uesugan writes a turn for the better, like a drop of clear water. All of the destruction was reduced to ashes, and the story of 11,000 words was frightening. At last, it rained and cleared, and it was shocked like a thunderbolt, giving the tragedy a glimmer of light, and finally the suspense unfolded, and finally the whole story returned to perfection. In the end, the birds and flowers fragrant, and happiness is overflowing.

Use the most tragic tragedy to complete the most beautiful story...

Nothing, it will be written as two extremes before and after the plot to support, so that even if the reader is bursting into tears, the final feeling is true "joy".

The plot is there, the joy is there, and even the critical connotation that reflects the social reality is present, which completely solves the problem of emotional connection...


Mitsui Kaito, Anderson, as well as the participating authors who followed or hated Uesugiyan were all stunned.

This kind of [contrast] writing method is not a writing method that writers rarely use, but the reason for the shock is that on such an important occasion, who would have the courage to take the risk of writing this way? Reward] As a solo show, playing with judges and rules.

Arrogant, arrogant... But, it's really beautiful.

Quite interesting, the characters are so vivid, no matter what kind of person they are, they will be firmly grasped by curiosity, sympathy and weakness by such a tight plot.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the dimly lit auditorium.


Ying Lili and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu both watched in amazement as the one stood up and directly smashed his mobile phone to Hongsaka Zhu Yin.

"Impossible, impossible... this bastard..."

Hongsaka Zhu Yin stared at Uesugiyan with grim eyes, and gritted his teeth and asked: "How long is the last book finished? How can the strength soar so quickly...really, it's really beyond mine..."

No matter how Uesugiyan uses resources to write, what remains unchanged is that the connotation of the second story is indeed improved, the writing style has indeed improved, and the quality of the writing has also been significantly improved to a higher level... It broke through in a short time!

How did this happen? How did the creator with such ridiculous ideas complete the transformation in such a short time?

So he did it. Her work was once destroyed by a weak animation company. When she fell, she realized the way to create the most perfect work. What is it, is it fake?

—— [Everything is for the work, so please give everything you have.

This sentence is the most commonly used spoken language by Hongsaka Zhuyin to everyone in the team during company meetings. This is not just a talk. After the meeting, she will perfect this concept and theory until the end of all work. Reflected in the work process.

Everything is dedicated to complete the commercial, artistic, most perfect and boldest work.

Clenching his fists tightly, Hongsaka Zhuyin did not feel that Uesugiyan is an invincible existence, but he seems to have something that can defeat her. At least...this game, and the two of them. Promise...

The judges are also discussing the results.

"In this way, the score should be: 7 points for writing; 8.5 points for story content and 8 points for completion. How about this?"

"Mr. Sato, you haven't read this author's first round of novels. Wait for you to review it again."

In the discussion by dozens of review teams, some of the judges did not notice the significance of the first and second articles. As a result, many people commented on two articles. The result of the combined effect of the two articles is completely similar to one plus one greater than one. Two general amazing effects.

The judges surnamed Sato encountered this kind of operation for the first time. They were silent for a long time, but there was no rule stating that the content of the previous article should not be the same as the works of the second and third rounds, because no one has ever dared to do this and undoubtedly can do it People, the writing foundation is really terrible.

"I always feel...this story has the same follow-up." Sato finally said.

Finally, at 11:30, in a tense atmosphere, the list of the top ten was finally announced in the announcement column.

"Now, announce the results of the second round."

The final result was announced on the radio.

In the top five in Zone A, Uesugiyan defended his title in Zone A with a score of 8.9 points.The performance in Zone B is also very complicated, with Aoko Tanaka in second place.When Amakusa Shino, who finished fifth, was exempted from the final round of qualifications when he was awarded a good result for writing a lot of exaggerated content.Suzu Hagi missed the final. The average score in Zone B was generally higher than that in Zone A. However, the only monster with a score higher than 9.5 was taken away by a girl named Toko Amano, which was even higher than the second place. Got 0.4 points.Among a hundred people, one international student waives automatically, with 0 points at the bottom...

"Ms. Uesugi won!!"

Ema Anhara was startled, and saw that the final result was changed from the 8th place to the 4th place. After [Uesugiyan], she immediately stood up and cheered with Miyamori Aoi and others. Eriri and Kasumigaoka Shiba also Without any scruples about Hongsaka Zhu Yin's emotions, she shouted with a joyful smile.Even the cat teacher who had been in the arms of Takashi Natsume jumped up and shouted, making Natsume Takashi and Multitrack Tou scared enough.Shiina Mashiro, who was sitting in a corner, showed a faint smile, lowered his head and continued to watch the final plot.

Boom, it seems to have clicked [Joy] this test subject again...

At 12 o'clock, the audience scattered.The failed players can only go back to the hotel to pack and leave, leaving only ten candidates who entered the finals to obtain the top ten official certificates.

Toko Amano, who is harmless to humans and animals, smiles, but except for Tanaka Aoko, everyone basically thinks this girl is really a little monster of Dongda.It's just that Aoko Tanaka isn't surprised, but he is curious about what made Toko Amano, who was serious in the first place, serious about it once?

"Good job... Mr. Uesugi."

When the ten people left one after another, in order to avoid the leakage of Li Yan's identity, Toko Amano smiled like an innocent little girl, and only quietly said a word to his younger brother when passing by.


Li Yan was stunned, a little bit dumbfounded in his heart. The serious senior sister was too terrible, and she couldn't see if she had any room for reservation this time. Probably with the senior sister's certificate, the crisis of abandonment should be passed.

"It's weird. I obviously took fifth place. Why did I suddenly disqualify me from entering the finals? Is the content I wrote strange?"

At the door, Amakusa Xiao looked sad and curiously asked the seniors and younger generations waiting at the door.

A group of Waseda students with ugly faces, plus the speechless Hagi Suzu do not know what to say, not just stepping on the line, it is almost becoming a workbook, and the understanding of Japanese perverted aesthetics is quite unique and attractive. This is [ Jiecun Reward] A chapter that must never be published.

Among the crowd, only Vice Minister Yoko Takeda, who had been following Amakusa Shino, yelled angrily: "Brief, you big fool!"

When everyone walked out of the building, Li Yan was the last person to walk into the hallway of the venue.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, Teacher Uesugiyan."

However, in the middle of the empty corridor, a figure walked out from the corner and blocked him.

It was Hongsaka Zhu Yin who was full of grievances.

This beautiful woman seemed to hate the feeling of losing until she appeared in front of Li Yan and stared at him.

"Miss Hongsaka." Li Yan looked at her and said.

"You are there, Uesugi-sensei."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Hongsaka Zhu Yin’s mouth. She opened her hands and said with a helpless expression: “I never thought that you, a writer of light novels, could really invade even the traditional literary field, so she laughed fiercely. A group of rigid Japanese writers, your character is really bad. But I appreciate you very much. The one who can successfully conquer the audience and readers is the winner. You have cleverly used various resources to achieve good results. However, this time I I came to you because I have something to ask."

The empty corridor was a bit chilly, and Hongsaka Zhu Yin's expression became serious at the end.

This man, who has never seen a miscalculation in ten years, found him after experiencing the long-lost sense of failure for the first time.

"What's the matter?" Li Yan looked at her and asked.

"You did exceed my knowledge of you. I will follow the agreement and apologize to Teacher Baimu and Xia Shizi. However, I am very surprised how you did it. It seems that you surpassed the previous works in such a short time. Your breakthrough method is more efficient than mine."

Hongban Zhuyin opened his eyes wide, revealing the extreme expression that was close to collapse, and asked: "Now, tell me, how did you do it to make your work conquer the readers in this way?"


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